Sentences with phrase «boundary of space»

You have to create boundaries of space and then you have to create boundaries of time.
On the centennial anniversary of the Futurist Manifesto, Never Late than Better contends with the questionable boundaries of space, time, and reality.
As with Grosse's previous work, such as her 2003 installation in Toronto's Pearson International Airport, the painting transgresses the architectural boundaries of the space, moving over multiple surfaces and onto adjoining walls in a strong diagonal direction.
Barry's intentionally un-categorizable projects are driven both by his desire to push beyond the perceived boundaries of space, materials, and art itself, and by his interest in creating meaningful experiences for those who encounter his work.
As private enterprise continues to push the boundaries of space exploration, investors should remember that while interest in entrepreneurial space has been ramping up, commercial space technologies are reaching an inflection point.
Even simple logic dictates there must be something rather than nothing at the boundaries of space and time.
But within the boundaries of that space, I struggled with my femme presentation.
Each of these investigations, whether they involve launching nanosatellites, working with the Girl Scouts and Charlie Brown or anything in between, will help push the boundaries of space exploration and help create a better world here on Earth.
But within the boundaries of that space, I struggled with my femme presentation.
Of course I'm talking about Deadpool 2, which came out on Friday, in which Brolin, who still has one movie left as Thanos, moonlights as Cable, a similarly burly character who can also traverse the boundaries of space - time.
It is essential to set - up space completely dedicated to work and honor the boundary of that space.
Two mirrors facing each other defined the boundaries of the space and the floor was blanketed with crumpled newspapers.
The latter sought to develop a new music for the machine age and conceptualized his music as moving beyond the boundaries of space, while Sun Ra aspired to transcend the realm of the earthly with his experimental jazz.
Accardi's groundbreaking exploration of the physicality of materials and the boundaries of space in her seminal sicofoil works — enamel painted on transparent plastic wrapped around stretcher bars — played a vital role in the Italian Post-War avant - garde.
The exhibition will focus on paintings made in the 1950s and 1960s by Accardi and Fontana who both played a vital role in the Post-War avant - garde in Italy and whose groundbreaking exploration of the physicality of materials and the boundaries of space redefined traditional painting and sculpture.
Sensing Spaces presents the work of seven internationally renowned architectural firms that are pushing the boundaries of space and design.
Gormley's site - specific installation will ambitiously push and test the boundaries of these spaces.
The energy content of such an atmosphere would be skewed towards the top with the molecules at the boundary of space containing both a full load of kinetic energy AND a similar amount of potential energy whereas those at the bottom would have kinetic energy only.
At the surface it carries 100 % kinetic energy and at the boundary of space it is almost 100 % potential energy.
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