Sentences with phrase «bounded set»

This was the only existing legally - binding set of specific emissions reductions targets.
Like any professional who must work within bounds set by professional ethics, the clergyperson must determine the limits of his or her confidentiality obligations.
Users can develop and edit content regardless of length, set their own suggested price within bounds set by retailers, and publish via BookBrewer in the Borders» eBook store.
Yesterday I wrote a long article about Bounded Sets and Centered Sets.
I have been writing about most churches operate under bounded sets, and how the written and unwritten rules of such churches keep out those who believe and behave differently.
Most of what you would call bounded set churches do not impose as sharp of a boundary as depicted in the illustration.
Included in the book are appendices listing (a) the names of persons consulted by Mr. Golden and the dates of the conversations and (b) the names and locations of libraries that are repositories for complete bound sets of Mr. Golden's memoranda.
I could have said, — I don't think X, any object that I determine as «x», does not exist in this cookie jar, or to make it simpler, bounded set A. — Open cookie jar, does X exist?
In the past few posts, I have discussed Bounded Sets vs. Centered Sets, and have stated that I believe that one of the best approaches for churches in our culture and society is a Centered Set approach, where there is no «us vs. them» mentality, or trying to decide who is «in» and who is «out.»
Yes, doctrine is still involved, but bounded sets restrict fellowship and entry only to those who agree.
Most existing bounded set groups would be unable to transition to center set groups, in our opinion.
Twenty years later, all British parties seem to compete within the ideological and political bounds set by New Labour (and arguably by Thatcherism).
Juan Muñoz's Double Bind set false floors into the hall to mine areas of theatricality and illusionism with unsettling effect.
Every time the oceans get warm enough to melt polar ice it always snows enough to increase Albedo to prevent additional warming above the upper bound set by this wonderful polar ice cycle that bounds the temperature of earth.
Prime to go — a complete bound set of Ontario Reports.
You begin with an initial level of spending and then, depending on how much your nest egg's value increases or decreases, adjust withdrawals up or down within bounds you set, say, reducing the current year's withdrawal by no more than 2.5 % from the previous year's withdrawal and increasing it by no more than 5 %.
Many churches operate under bounded sets to keep out those who are different.
Bounded set churches can be just as welcoming of outsiders; people can feel isolated in centered set churches.
Inside the bounds set by such a belief (and there may be many), the rules of evidence and logic apply.
Bounded sets and centered sets are forms of organization that make a difference in how we view and interact with other people.
Underneath the chart is a brief video which you might also find helpful, and following that is a quote from C. S. Lewis which, although he doesn't speak of bounded sets or centered sets, seems to address the concept.
God is Uncategorized Bible & Theology Topics: bounded sets, centered sets, CS Lewis, Discipleship, Theology of the Church
By way of contrast, much of the best work on soteriology — biblical and systematic — has remained within the bounds set by Reformation Protestantism.
Most churches are Bounded Sets, where there is a set of guidelines and rules (doctrinal, behavioral, political, etc) and everybody who agrees with those guidelines are allowed «in» and those who do not, are kept outside until they conform.
So in this sense, I suppose, there is a bounded set, but it is a spiritually bounded set, and nearly impossible to discern with our physical eyes, limited knowledge, and biased reason.
Bounded Sets and Centered Sets I ran into the same idea in The Shaping of Things to Come by Frost and Hirsch in which they talked about Bounded Sets and Centered Sets.
It is not a bounded set.
A Bounded Set is like a fence which separates tame horses from the wild ones.
It's the job of the legislative branch, in either the states or the national government, to enact laws within the bounds set by the Constitution.
Two main ways that society and nature are organized are bounded sets and centered sets.
Most churches are bounded sets, but should become centered sets.
The perfect illustration of a bounded set is when Mr. Bean Goes to Church, and tries to follow along with the rules, but fails miserably.
Both of these still fall into the bounded set category.
The centered set approach, as opposed to the bounded set idea, works for us.
God is Uncategorized Bible & Theology Topics: bounded sets, centered sets, church, Close Your Church for Good, Discipleship, pastor
If it helps, you can think of a bounded set as a Western style horse corral.
A bounded set is where we create a boundary, a theological border, a doctrinal fence, and separate those who are inside the fence from those who are out.
So if we use 1 Corinthians 5 to justify a bounded set approach for who we can have company with, the only person who will be «inside» the circle is the self - righteous person who thinks they are sinless.
If a horse corral helped picture the bounded set, a water hole in the African grasslands might be a good picture of a centered set.
If I operated it under a Bounded Set paradigm, I would block you and your comments for your rude and demeaning behavior which does not reflect Jesus whatsoever.
The UK government, keen to secure agreement on a binding set of terms, is likely to make a concession here - confident that the bigger picture looks good (and that young voters are notoriously poor at actually bothering to vote).
I prefer the technical term «stable climate regime», as that implies variability within a bounded set of variables.
Adapted from the novel by Chris Fuhrman, there's some funny dialogue and interesting insights delivered during the course of the film, and had the tone stayed within the bounds set during the opening scenes, this would have been an enjoyable slice of life film with humor and heart.
His films are cut from the same artistic cloth, often containing recurring faces and themes, but they are connected more by mood than a binding set of stylistic principles.
And they have a real facility for action: from that first water - bound set - piece, the choreography is consistently strong, with a crunchy, weighty (if sometimes arguably too violent, for a film ultimately aimed at kids) quality to the hand - to - hand combat.
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