Sentences with phrase «bouts of hiccups»

The good news is that your baby's bouts of hiccups will diminish by the time she turns 1.
Others believe that pacing your baby during feedings with frequent burps and breaks can help ward off these bouts of hiccups.
It's not uncommon for your baby to have multiple bouts of hiccups each day, sometimes lasting even up to 10 minutes.
Also, talk to a doctor if your baby's hiccups are disturbing their sleep or if bouts of hiccups continue to happen often after your child's first birthday.
In fact, many babies can sleep through a bout of hiccups without being disturbed, and hiccups rarely interfere with or have any effect on a baby's breathing.
While it may be frustrating to watch your baby go through a bout of hiccups — especially when she is trying to sleep — most of the causes are not serious.
It's not always clear what causes a given bout of hiccups in infants.
When your baby starts to hiccup on their own, try allowing them to suck on a pacifier, as this will help relax the diaphragm and may help stop the bout of hiccups.
«A baby should be seen by a pediatrician if the length of the bout of hiccups is more than 20 minutes,» says Dr. Tuli.
Learn what causes hiccups, what steps you can take to reduce them and how to prevent baby hiccups in the future: Baby Hiccup Causes There are several things that may set off a bout of hiccups in your baby, according to Dr. Ashanti Woods, an attending pediatrician at Mercy Medical Center.
Regardless of whether you've already burped him after his feed, your little one might have swallowed air during a bout of hiccups or crying.
I resorted to this after trying everything else for a severe bout of hiccuping.

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To be sure, these are all hypotheticals for now, and the bond market has overcome multiple bouts of nausea in the past six years, from 2013's «taper tantrum» to October 2014's «flash crash» and other hiccups before and after.
When you're not pregnant, you might get hiccups after long bouts of crying, hysterical laughter, or inhaling food too quickly.
Babies are capable of suffering from a bout of indigestion, acid reflux, and hiccups while in the womb, too.
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