Sentences with phrase «box of cookies»

But instead of the one cookie, you had the entire box of cookies, plus half a bag of potato chips?
They have beautiful gift boxes of cookies that are great for special occasions.
My daughter went to 16 site sales to sell her 500 boxes of cookies which was about 80 hrs.
If you want to test a full box of cookies, you will add a sample of one unit into the tester.
Otherwise they are one pricey box of cookies, so I rarely buy them.
Going for a walk gives you a way to click pause on your thoughts and you can reconsider your actions before you do something you regret, like eat an entire box of cookies.
«Girl Scout sells more than 300 boxes of cookies at San Diego marijuana dispensary,» read the headline on the KGTV / Channel 10 website.
I half - expected to be greeted with a zillion bags of jalapeño potato chips and a few boxes of cookies for good measure.
In the past, I would hoard away the last few boxes of cookies in the freezer to slowly eat the remainder of the year.
As an old Girl Scout, Girl Scout leader and licensed Girl Scout Camper / trainer, I have always supported the Girl Scouts by being involved, and buying lots and lots of boxes of cookies.
My little Girl Scouts wanted to donate boxes of cookies to put in each «snack bag» (for free & reduced lunchers) going home from school but due to nutritional standards, they would not allow it.
While sweets, comfort foods and refined carbs (like white bread) all have a place in the 80/20 diet, experts don't recommend wolfing down an entire box of cookies as a 20 percent «snack.»
A binge involves a large amount of food, for example, several boxes of cookies, a loaf of bread, a half gallon of ice cream, and a bucket of fried chicken, eaten in a short and well - defined time period.
I'm working on 22 boxes of cookies for gifting to my husband's coworkers, and I've got a freezerful.
Governing magazine suggests that the federal government look to the Golden State for a blueprint on drug policy — although other states might not like the idea of Girl Scouts selling cookies outside a dispensary (although the little entrepreneur sold 312 boxes of cookies in six hours).
So what happens is you simply eat the whole box of cookies, or slurp down 20 oz of that soda.
But instead of the one cookie, you had the entire box of cookies,...
While members have to sell 500 boxes of cookies to sit on the committee, the boardroom meeting is not just about their personal sales: The participating scouts are asked to collaborate and come up with ways to help the organization as a whole.
From February to April each year, the more than one million girl scouts in the U.S. sell about 200 million boxes of cookies, managing nearly every aspect of the $ 800 million business.
A total of 194 million boxes of cookies were sold last year — down 1 million boxes from 2014 — with 2.5 million boxes purchased digitally, amounting to $ 10 million.
Who better to go to for fun and helpful sales advice than the Scouts» top cookie seller, Katie Francis, a 13 - year - old sales wunderkind whose feat of selling 22,200 boxes of cookies this year beat her own world record?
«Francis» mother stores up to 10,000 boxes of cookies in her garage at a time during the two - month cookie - selling season,» for instance.
When a girl hands you a box of these cookies — each one in the shape of our iconic trefoil — she's building important people skills.
She was so impressed she bought another box of cookies.
Wouldn't you be less likely to screw over your landlord and more likely to follow the lease if you received a hand - written note along with a box of cookies for Christmas?
More than 1 million Girl Scouts sell about 200 million boxes of cookies each cookie selling season, generating about $ 800 million.
Do you remember those boxes of cookie dough bites from the movie theater?
One out of every four boxes of cookies sold by the girls is Thin Mints.
Once again I wish I were rich, and I would send each and everyone of you gluten free gals and guys a box of these cookies.
Next, I came home to two boxes of cookies on the SAME day (win!)
I loved your box of cookies too!
Josh and Jayme realized quickly that spending $ 7.00 on a box of cookies and tossing them in the trash after one bite wasn't the way to go.
Just a box of cookie dough mix, a box of brownie mix, and 2 packets of oreos (double stuffed if you're feeling cheeky).
As I was buying approx. 40 boxes of cookies this year, I finally asked my local GS troup why the apparent discrepancy in cookie names.
Emotional eating gets a bad rep. People talk about diving into a box of cookies when you're feeling sad like it's on par with stealing a kids bicycle or kicking a puppy.
** wink wink ** I spent some time responding to all of your smile - inducing comments from the past two posts, and wish I could give you all a box of cookies (and a latte).
This recipe came at the perfect time, today I was SO tempted to but a box of cookies at the supermarket.
If you could sell a box of cookies to any celebrity, who would it be?
She's shattered the world record of Girl Scout Cookie sales, moving over 20,000 boxes of cookies (21,477 to be exact) to beat out the previous record of 18,000.
You could have this mentality of, you've just put yourself through this huge feat, now you can eat 14 boxes of cookies.
The young boy across the street brought Marion and I over a a box of cookies.
Our oldest daughter has a very ambitious goal of 1000 boxes of cookies.
I let my daughter have dessert if she eats her dinner, but I don't give her a box of cookies.
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