Sentences with phrase «box of matches»

If you like pretty photos than you should definitely follow Jenny's Instagram page where she posts beautifully styled pictures, she can make even a simple box of matches look breathtaking.
The oldest surviving animated film is an advertisement for Bryant & May matches from 1899 asking the audience to donate one guinea so that the company can give a free box of matches to every British soldier fighting in the Boer War!
Lost, he stumbles into a Denny's Restaurant and gets a special box of matches.
«In the context of this case it is super-difficult because in relation to the provision of goods, facilities and services you are talking about a prohibition on discrimination on transactions which may range from a box of matches up to a long - term contract.
But it's also scary to not have them, because what if your toddler somehow gets hold of that box of matches you were using to try to have a romantic candlelit dinner and starts a fire in his diaper pail?
But would this mean the bomber would somehow have to get a box of matches through security?
Surely only the most hardened of smokers could face going into a shop to ask for a box of matches and a packet of Painful Death?
Cover a box of matches with chalk contact paper, and write celebratory messages with a white chalk marker.
After the first glass of vodka you can accept just about anything of life even your own mysteriousness you think it is nice that a box of matches is purple and brown and is called La Petite and comes from Sweden for they are words that you know and that is all you know words not their feelings or what they mean and you write because you know them not because you understand them because you don't you are stupid and lazy and will never be great but you do what you know because what else is there?
Robbie Collin, The Telegraph: ««London Has Fallen's» screenplay is credited to four people, though I'd gently suggest that when your hero's dialogue becomes indistinguishable from a Britain First Facebook thread, it's time to abandon further script polishes and turn to a box of matches and a flame - charred oil drum.»
That is, the plot can be fitted on a box of matches with room to spare: in the future a car race is held in which the point isn't necessarily to be first at the finishing line, but to kill as many pedestrians as possible along the way.
Box of Matches.
If one doesn't find out in time what will set off these explosions, the box of matches dampens, and not a single match will ever be lighted.
Each of us is born with a box of matches inside us but we can't strike them all by ourselves; we need oxygen and a candle to help.
In front of him lies a pack of smokes and a box of matches.
You would think setting a house on fire would be easy: all it takes is a box of matches and some time.
Me adding my own to the mix would be about as effective as flicking a box of matches into an active volcano.
One is of the fastidious C.F.A. Voysey; the other — now rather familiar and famous — is of Edwin Lutyens, in which the great man holds one of his special small tob - acco pipes while on the table in front, on top of a drawing, is a box of matches with several half - burnt, in addition to a well - sharpened pencil.
Indeed, Gomes's constructions are in a lively dialogue with objects such as Clark's Matchbox Structures (1964), where a basic geometric unit, in this case a box of matches, becomes the organizing principle of the work.
Could I lend you my box of matches?
I wouldn't be looking to buy a box of matches from him, let alone a computer model.
Just enter the dimensions of something and compare it to other common objects such as a deck of cards, a box of matches, a bottle of wine, etc, so you can see just how big it really is.
Try cookie cutters, antique tart molds, boxes of matches, or piles of candles.
Much better than a box of matches!
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