Sentences with phrase «boy network»

The good old boys network kicked in to protect their own.
I'm sure his attitude sells well in the good ol' boys network, but that crap does not fly anywhere else in the market.
What that's done is preserved an old - boy network as it relates to investing in private companies.
There is a tremendous old - boy network here, so exclusive that even many of the boys don't belong.
There's no old - boy network between you and your readers.
She will never run, because the good old boy network has told her not too.
«The good old boys network of career political parasites has awakened the sleeping giant of Middle America who have had enough of Washington's elitist rule.
Plus the pervading attitude towards animals is still a good ole boys network of fellows that grew up with hunting dogs, or even dogs considered house pets but they are / were never allowed in the house.
When he realizes he has been set up to be the scapegoat in a case of fraud and embezzlement, he goes to the only lawyer who isn't part of the good old boy network in town — Amanda.
I'm sure glad I don't live in New York, where I am things like this isn't allowed, the good ole boy network doesn't allow such things.
Niederhoffer is also a Harvard alumnus, but more than the old - boy network got Desaulniers his job.
He can not buy up the shares from anyone else as Kroenkw has made the place a fortress against Usmanov the old boys network which is full effect at the club has united against Usmanov down to several factors, 1) they don't want to sell as that brings to an end their continued source of revenue as opposed to a one off payment hoiwver large it may be.
Running a club with over 70 playing members and a large hundreds - strong Old Boys network means partnership with OURLFC is a remarkable opportunity.
We had no mandate for a specific ethnic and gender composition, which is obvious from the results: The list is dispiritingly white and dispiritingly male — the old - boy network lives.
In Finland, «old boys networks provide fertile ground for corruption to grow» and it is argued that revolving doors that take politicians and business people into each other's spheres needs to be addressed.
«Voters are watching closely and are no longer going to let the old boy network run Gardiner unimpeded.»
But Hollywood's old - boy network never fully accepted Hughes, and in time his passion for flying began to reclaim his attentions as he began designing new planes, setting air speed records, flying around the world, and risking his life testing aircraft.
Tappan's expertise in boys» development and education, as well as media cultural analysis, was a perfect fit, as was his work with the Maine Boys Network, an outreach organization committed to the positive emotional and academic growth of young men.
Earlier this year The Guardian, bastion of the Old Boys Network started their own self - published book of the month competition.
While you should never become a shrinking violet, throwing your weight around will rarely score you points with a new crowd, whether or not a good old boy network truly exists.
In the future, the next generation will be able to recognize and support small scale tech entrepreneurship and to see the innovation beyond the flashy marketing and good old boy networks with a hidden agenda.
Enrico Schaefer at The Greatest American Lawyer ponders whether there are tremendous interests in preserving the «old way» of doing things within the legal profession — that «OLD WAY» being to preserve the good ol' boys network primarily designed to keep citizens and prospective clients and clients in completely in the dark concerning legal services.
Right off the bat the reality and pervasiveness of the Old Boy Network automatically discount people of color and all people from high density, low - income neighborhoods.
Attack helicopters get into the act and so do satellites and an old boy network of intelligence agents.
«There's been a little bit of an ole boys network in terms of how it operates,» the President said.
and just curious... do this so called good ole boy network... Do they stop christian extremist acts from happening to, from groups like the k - k - k, etc....?
History comes alive in director Steven Spielberg's thrilling drama, as Washington Post editor Ben Bradlee (Tom Hanks) plays catch - up on the Pentagon Papers story while his publisher, Kay Graham (Meryl Streep), battles the old - boy network as she wrestles with the potential financial and legal costs of printing the story.
However, we're in the midst of a positive, trickle - up trend: Improved corporate governance has helped upset this good ol' boy network in the 21st century, and shareholder activism, transparency and regulation have become stronger forces.
It may come as a surprise to non-scientists, but science itself is about as «old boy network» as it comes.
Women who infiltrate the old boys network must often weigh a set of questions that would never occur to their male counterparts: How do I respond to that suggestive remark?
One thing that is becoming increasingly obvious, though, is that the good - old - boy network, for all its convenience, isn't actually good for business.
According to Sona Wang, quoted in a Crain's Chicago Business article and general partner of Inroads Capital Partners, an Evanston venture capital firm that specializes in backing women and minorities, the venture capital business «clearly relies heavily on the old - boy network
In conclusion, «they bring more objectivity to a process that has, in the past, been dominated by «old boy networks
How much longer will the British public tolerate domination by the «Old Boys Network»?
Cynics will consider these results evidence of, at best, an old - boy network or, at worst, insider trading.
This is another example of an all boys network cracking down on women.
People who say that charities are great and wonderful are just repeating the propaganda of the upper 1 %, they only perpetuate it because they can get a tax write off for their donation and the charities are all run by the old boys network / cronyism / nepotism.
Major older schools, however, were still often hiring their own alumni, and old - boy networks could informally ensure some sympathy to religious traditions.
Soldiers who resist are forever black - balled by the evangelical officer's old - boy network.
The reasoning behind the second half of the option is pretty straightforward: «In case you forgot, you had better get the go - ahead from the old boy network» (and as for who the old boys are, look them up under «peer review» or on the list of those who have published on the subject) Naysaying here is not just a matter of going to your own board of deacons; you want to make sure somebody else's board has already approved the idea.
The old - boy network of California racing wanted nothing to do with Marje Everett.
The old boys network is too comfortable where they are at to sell to Usmanov for anything other than a ludicrously over priced amount.
Minutes before the Budget I spoke to a Tory backbencher telling me about the problem her party had with the «old boys network» image problem.
It won't be easy and Cuomo will have to guard against the old - boy network that helped to produce him, but he has the skills, the background and, if his campaign platform is to be believed, the desire and fortitude to reform an oppressive government that is willfully suffocating the state's economy.»
Public financing of campaigns also would help, since most women don't have access to the good ol' boy networks that primarily fund political campaigns.
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