Sentences with phrase «brachial plexus injuries during»

Brachial plexus injuries during birth are almost always associated with shoulder dystocia.
There is a school of thought that all brachial plexus injuries during birth are avoidable and are the product of either excessive traction on the baby's head by the obstetrician or the use of fundal pressure by labor and delivery nurses which further jams the shoulder into the pubic symphysis in combination with excessive traction.
Newborns often sustain brachial plexus injuries during long and difficult labors.
Brachial plexus injuries during birth are almost always associated with the occurrence of shoulder dystocia.
If your child suffered a brachial plexus injury during childbirth, you may be able to seek compensation.
If your child received a brachial plexus injury during birth and you believe it could have been avoided you should contact an attorney right away to investigate whether or not the doctor took all necessary precautions in the delivery in room and that the doctor was properly trained.

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Bad outcomes for babies are death and permanent brain damage or other disability such as a brachial plexus injury sustained during a difficult vaginal delivery.
The Mayo Clinic cites the following ways in which brachial plexus injuries most often occur during difficult childbirths:
It has been traditionally thought that most brachial plexus injuries result from stretching of the nerves of the brachial plexus during delivery.
Typically brachial plexus injuries result during delivery and when there is difficulty removing the baby's shoulder, which is called shoulder dystocia.
Other causes of spinal cord injuries during delivery include: excessive pressure or pulling of the baby's body, hyperextension of the head in abnormal birthing positions, brachial plexus - related injuries, or an overstretched spinal cord.
The more common types of injuries include cuts and bruises caused by pressure on the head during birth, facial paralysis, bone fractures, brachial plexus injury (nerve damage which results in paralysis of the arm) and cerebral palsy.
If, on the other hand, the fetus's macrosomia is found to have been caused by medical negligence during the mother's pregnancy, such negligence may be found to combine with the negligence of medical personnel assisting in her child's birth to cause a child's brachial plexus palsy or other birth injury.
Brachial plexus palsy injuries may also occur as a result of medical malpractice during the labor and delivery stages of a child's birth, even in the absence of medical negligence during a mother's pregnancy.
The physician may, thus, be found liable in a medical malpractice action for a brachial plexus palsy injury sustained by the child during the child's vaginal delivery.
Medical negligence or malpractice leading to a child's brachial plexus palsy birth injury may occur during the care of the mother during her pregnancy or during the labor and delivery stages of the birth of her child.
If your child sustained any type of brachial plexus palsy injury during childbirth and you suspect that your child's injury may have been caused by medical negligence, brachial plexus palsy attorney Jeff Killino will fight for the compensation to which you and your child are entitled.
The injury is caused when the bundle of nerves near the clavicle or shoulder, called the brachial plexus, are damaged during childbirth.
If your child has sustained a brachial plexus palsy birth injury and you believe that your child's injury may have been caused by medical malpractice or negligence during your pregnancy or the delivery of your child, you may be entitled to compensation for the damages your child has suffered as a result.
Errors during a C - Section can cause fetal lacerations, which may result in, among other things, facial injuries, cervical cord injuries, brachial plexus injuries, and fractures.
One of the most common causes of brachial plexus injuries is complications during the birthing process.
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