Sentences with word «bradycardia»

Acute signs and symptoms of uterine rupture are variable and may include fetal bradycardia, increased uterine contractions, vaginal bleeding, loss of fetal station, or new onset of intense uterine pain (27, 81, 124).
Emergent umbilical venous catheter (UVC) placement for persistent bradycardia in the delivery room is a rare occurrence that requires significant skill and involves space constraints.
However, in many cats DXM causes the heart rate to slow to a dangerously slow rate, a condition called bradycardia.
Some dogs with sick sinus syndrome have a more constant sinus bradycardia (too slow) because the sinus node has a low firing rate.
We attributed this to the long period with severe bradycardia (HR of 20 bpm) and potential vasoconstriction / reperfusion complications.
I know a thing or two about bradycardia.
Nine of 50 healthy term infants in one study experienced bradycardia during bottlefeeding.
Ediger v. Johnston et al. 2013 SCC 18 Medicine — Liability of practitioners — Negligence or fault — Causation Cassidy Ediger, now 15 years old, suffered from persistent bradycardia during her birth that caused severe and permanent brain damage, leaving her with spastic quadriplegia and cerebral palsy.
However, over-dosing or giving the drug for extended periods of time longer than one week has been shown to cause bradycardia (a slowing of the heartbeat) in some dogs, so it is not recommended for use in dogs with heart problems.
She had labored for those 18 hours without checking the baby's heart rate and by the time it was checked, the baby was having deep bradycardias (abnormally slow heart rate).
Spawn - baby was pink and squirming within a few minutes; they got him going again so quickly that he only had a single bradycardia event recorded during it.
Normal preemie bradycardia can sometimes self - resolve when the nervous system is triggered to chime in.
The whole bradycardia / dive reflex scares me.
My younger daughter had more than one bradycardia when she was just weeks old.
If the baby were in trouble during the labor, there would be wide variabilities noted in the fetal heart rate usually resulting in the prolonged bradycardia, which would cause the practitioner to ask the mother to leave the bath prior to the babies birth.»
«B,» while a lower heart rate than most newborns have, is not considered bradycardia.
Exercise intensity and depth alter bradycardia in deep - diving marine mammals.
Not all cardiac patients who have bradycardia qualify for leadless pacemakers.
Remarkably, live probiotic prevented the physiological signs of visceral pain (marked bradycardia) that was otherwise evident in the control group.
On a clinical presentation with the referring vet а bradycardia was noted and the patient referred to us for a Cardiology consult.
Concerned about the implications for cats given DMX, Martin - Flores secured a grant from the Cornell Feline Health Center to determine whether it's safe to use the antidote to try to alleviate DMX - induced bradycardia.
In adult cats, clinical signs associated with advanced or severe hypothyroidism include lethargy, dullness, nonpruritic seborrhea sicca, hypothermia, decreased appetite, and occasionally bradycardia.
This conclusion had been supported by the expert evidence as well as, «the very strong temporal link between the introduction of the forceps blade and the onset of profound and damaging bradycardia.
(The maximum recoverable against a municipality under Kansas law) against a County ambulance service for improperly intubating our client who suffered progressive bradycardia and hypoxia and eventually death.
Some of the conditions requiring a pacemaker are significant heart block (particularly if it causes fainting) and sick sinus syndrome (bradycardia tachycardia syndrome).
Sometimes, doctors that prescribe drugs used to control atrial fibrillation (a type of irregular heart beat) result in profound bradycardia, requiring a pacemaker.
Nurses should also be monitoring fetal distress signals at all times in order to detect abnormalities such as fetal bradycardia.
Simple stimulation, eating, inserting a feeding tube, and reflux can trigger a preemie into having an episode of bradycardia.
A decreased heart rate (called bradycardia) is a normal part of the mammalian dive response, along with other physiological changes to conserve oxygen.
Some dogs with SSS have a consistent, abnormally slow heartbeat (sinus bradycardia) as the result of a low firing rate from the sinus node.
There is some data in the human medicine literature concerning PMI in old people with preexisting severe bradycardia, who reported pain in the extremities post the procedure.
Then there are acute catastrophes like abruption, cord prolapse, HELLP, amniotic fluid embolism, pulmonary embolism, DVT, fetal bradycardia, post partum hemorrhage, and meconium aspiration.
Another study published in the «Pediatric Nursing» magazine found that when newborns received the Kangaroo mother care method, they slept more, were less agitated and exhibited fewer episodes of apnea and bradycardia.
He might develop a severe drop in heart rate (bradycardia) or lose consciousness and need to be resuscitated.
This lack of breathing results in falling oxygen saturation levels, which in turn results in a lowering of the heart rate (bradycardia.)
Multiples who are co-bedded seem to sleep better, gain weight better, have fewer episodes of apnea and bradycardia, and (as long as they're about the same size), keep each other warm.
Apnea monitors are used when a baby is sleeping and will alarm if a baby stops breathing or has a bradycardia.
In seven cases, meconium or bradycardia, or both, were noted several hours before fetal death.
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