Sentences with phrase «brag file»

Similar to the sales aids you may use in a Pharmaceutical Sales or Medical Sales call, your achievement file (also known as a Brag file) should be a tool that helps to sell yourself and maximise your impact in an interview.
When it is time to revise your resume for your next job search, you should reach into your brag file for the right achievements to impress recruiters and hiring managers.
Having a record of all your achievements in one place with documents in support, sometimes unflatteringly called a brag file, is a useful resource to have and simply putting a folder like this together can remind you of what you have achieved.
This means starting and maintaining a «brag file» of sorts with performance reviews, testimonials and client feedback, along with measurable business impacts they have delivered throughout the course of their career.
If you haven't been keeping a «brag file,» now is the time to start.
As a professional resume writer and career coach, I find that brag files help me to understand a client's strengths and what new opportunities might be available based on those past achievements.

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According to court records filed in June, Veliu bragged his cousin is Alex Rudaj, who's «widely recognized as the leader of Albanian organized crime in New York.»
Want - to - be e-book owners will want to pay close attention to the file formats and digital rights management (DRM) supported by each reader and consider the breadth of online bookstores the e-book reader is bragging about before buying.
She didn't like that her coworker bragged about how many times she had filed bankruptcy, and she didn't want to damage her credit score any further.
Remember Donald Trump bragging about how many times his companies filed for bankruptcy and saying it was a smart thing to do?
I highly recommend executives keep what I call a «brag book», spreadsheet or some type of readily accessible file containing all the details of their career achievements.
Use the scanned documents to create a single file of your complete brag book.
When the new manager bragged to head office about how he had closed out those problem files via my efforts, he was warned to not ever bring me back on staff again.
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