Sentences with phrase «brain against neurodegeneration»

In addition, the anti-inflammatory effects of vinpocetine are also believed to be beneficial in protecting the brain against neurodegeneration.
Therefore, it protects the brain against neurodegeneration as well as reversing the damage done by heavy metals and harmful free radicals.

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Studies in mouse models of HD showed that creatine raises brain ATP levels and protects against neurodegeneration.
Knowing how ISRIB stabilizes elF2B may help Calico researchers and other collaborators tailor even more effective next - generation drugs against neurodegeneration and traumatic brain injury.
CR can lower the prevalence of age - related loss of function and multiple diseases, including tumors, cardiovascular disease, neurodegeneration, and protects against diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, sarcopenia, and neurodegeneration of certain brain regions in rhesus monkeys (31).
These protect the brain cells against oxidative damage, and reduce the risk of neurodegeneration and memory loss.
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