Sentences with phrase «brain anatomy»

Brain anatomy refers to the structure or physical makeup of the brain. It involves understanding the different parts of the brain and how they connect with each other to control our thoughts, emotions, actions, and senses. Full definition
The researchers also found differences in brain anatomy before the reading program started.
In most other measures of brain anatomy, the researchers found no significant differences.
By using MRI scans and focusing on brain anatomy, the researchers hope to find clues to better diagnose and treat depression and to identify individuals at higher risk for recurrent episodes.
Previous studies have also shown brain anatomy differences associated with income, but did not link those differences to academic achievement.
That brought home to them the importance of detailed brain anatomy for understanding brain function, a lesson that would prove invaluable later in their careers.
This study did not explore possible reasons for these differences in brain anatomy.
In terms of brain anatomy, the word refers to an almond - shaped mass of gray matter located inside each cerebral hemisphere.
Kable and his colleagues» use of different types of scans provides a far more detailed picture of the interplay between brain anatomy and risk than does earlier research, Levy says.
«Study links brain anatomy, academic achievement, and family income.»
Early evidence suggests that infections during pregnancy may alter brain anatomy by driving neuronal proliferation and lead to learning problems.
Chronic pain is known to cause brain anatomy changes and impairments, but yoga can be an important tool for preventing or even reversing the effects of chronic pain on the brain, according to a National Institutes of Health (NIH) official speaking at the American Pain Society's annual meeting.
But none of the human - specific enhancers previously had been shown to influence brain anatomy directly.
To learn about early penguin brain anatomy, Proffitt used X-ray CT - scanning to digitally capture fine features of the skull's anatomy, and then used computer modeling software to create a digital mold of the brain, called an endocast.
«Brain anatomy differs in people with 22q genetic risk for schizophrenia, autism: Deletions or duplications of DNA along 22nd chromosome hint at biological underpinnings of these disorders.»
(For brain anatomy junkies, they are the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, and anterior cingulate cortex in the front; in the back, they are the precuneus and posterior cingulate cortex.)
There are undeniable interactions between oxytocin and opioids, and the prairie vole's brain anatomy suggests a strong connection between dopamine and oxytocin.
Other attempts to draw a dividing line between creatures that feel and those that do not are rooted in comparative brain anatomy.
But what he thought was a discovery was actually a rediscovery — a snippet of brain anatomy lost to science for decades.
Additional studies would need to confirm whether the researchers» model is consistent with monarch butterfly brain anatomy, physiology and behavior.
«The next question is how does brain anatomy — and brain function — relate to psychiatric outcomes?
Marino took a teaching job at Emory University, becoming an expert in dolphin and whale brain anatomy along with a technique called encephalization: calculating the ratio of an animal's brain size to its body size and correlating that with its intelligence.
Magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, has become a powerful tool for evaluating brain anatomy, but a newer incarnation of the technology called fMRI (the f stands for functional) can probe even more deeply.
«In case you thought brain anatomy is a solved problem, take it from us — it isn't,» says Van Wedeen, a neuroscientist at Massachusetts General Hospital in Charlestown and a principal investigator for the Human Connectome Project (HCP), a US - government - funded global consortium that published the brain map.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill researchers and colleagues linked infant brain anatomy differences to autism diagnoses at age two.
In addition to learning basic brain anatomy and function, readers will learn how to
After a pictorial timeline of brain exploration and a quick journey through the brain itself, chapters cover brain anatomy, the senses, movement, emotions, language, memory, thinking, consciousness, development, disorders and more.
Learn about brain anatomy and look up information on the prefrontal cortex, cerebral cortex, and frontal lobe.
Dr. Arden achieved his primary goal: he did a great job of connecting brain anatomy / processes (as now understood through neuroscience) with therapeutic efficacy.
In brain anatomy terms, the declarative memory of Indiana Jones in the snake pit is laid down by the hippocampus, a long, curved ridge located next to the amygdala.
It is particularly hard to untangle factors such as childhood poverty, abuse and neglect, which also make their mark on brain anatomy and which correlate with more substance abuse, notes Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse and lead author of a superb 2016 review of cannabis research in JAMA Psychiatry.
Still, fully interpreting that picture — and explaining the links Kable has noted between brain anatomy and risk — is dicey.
«Brain anatomy changes may contribute to mood disorders and other affective and cognitive comorbidities of chronic pain.
In a follow - up study, the researchers hope to learn more about what types of educational programs might help to close the achievement gap, and if possible, investigate whether these interventions also influence brain anatomy.
However, after analyzing the endocast and comparing it to modern penguin brain anatomy, no such similarity was found, Proffitt said.
«If the differences in brain anatomy in dyslexia were seen in comparison with both control groups, it would have suggested that reduced gray matter reflects an underlying cause of the reading deficit.
Assessing the impact of brain anatomy on pain reduction, Bushnell said gray matter changes in the insula or internal structures of the cerebral cortex are most significant for pain tolerance.
Brain anatomy can change over time, and he suspected that chronic pain might make a physical imprint on the brain, almost like a scar.
For example, brain anatomy could be more closely monitored in those people where there is suspicion of an increased risk of developing a mental disorder (the children of parents with mental health problems, for example), so that the probability of developing a pathology that interferes with their normal development can be estimated.
The brain anatomy had more in common with skulls of modern relatives that both fly and dive such as petrels and loons, than modern penguins.
The same children whose reading scores improved also displayed changes in their brain anatomy.
There is compelling evidence that mind - body techniques, such as yoga and meditation, can counteract the brain anatomy affects of chronic pain.
Bushnell said there is compelling evidence from studies conducted at NIH / NCCIH and other sites that mind - body techniques, such as yoga and meditation, can counteract the brain anatomy affects of chronic pain.
The hope is that by studying both males and females, scientists will gain better insights into sex differences ranging from behavior to brain anatomy to drug metabolism.
Such a grid would provide a coordinate system to standardise studies linking abnormalities in brain anatomy to neurological and psychiatric disorders.
Initially, Dresler expected that memory champions might have notable differences in brain anatomy, the same way one might expect a world champion body builder to have unusually large muscles.
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