Sentences with phrase «brain as an organ»

But they are both treating the brain as an organ that is the target of disease.
While many think of their brain as the organ in charge, your gut actually sends far more information to your brain than your brain sends to your gut... To put this into more concrete terms, you've probably experienced the visceral sensation of butterflies in your stomach when you're nervous, or had an upset stomach when you were very angry or stressed.
I am going to confine myself to what I think is in issue, and that is Dr. Malcolm's qualifications as a neuropsychological and whether they permit him to provide the ready - made inference through opinion on whether there has been physical harm or damage to the brain as an organ of the body, and in my view, they do not.

Not exact matches

As we age, the brain — like any other organ — begins to work less efficiently, so signs of decline start to surface.
As we age, the brain — like any other organ — begins to work less efficiently, so normal signs of decline begin to surface.
That's because the brain is involved, and — as an astoundingly complex network of 100 billion cells and their 100 trillion connections — the organ does not easily loose its secrets.
For example, how is that a sea lion, once they enter the water, that it's heart rate drops, blood vessels constrict, and lungs begins to collapse, whereby blood flows as usual to the heart and brain, but less reaches non-vital organs for swimming, and are now able to draw on oxygen in the muscles and blood?
[o] ther body organs such as the heart also generate elecflical potentials that spread through the body and summate with the potentials from the brain.
However, it is possible to have «brain death» as defined here, whilst human cells themselves still are alive, and organs continue to function.
Your brain is the only organ that changes as a direct result of and in response to, the connections made.
The entities directly below the level of a person, the immediate constituents of a person, are the organs such as the brain and heart, and other large scale body parts, such as the arms and hands.
I would like to repeat, the brain is just like any other organ and just as capable of failing as a human heart, a kidney or a lung.
It is worth noting that as recently as 1988 the AMA's Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs had concluded that it was not permissible to remove organs for transplantation from anencephalic infants while they were still alive, even though it is harder to maintain organs in suitable condition if one waits until the infant has sustained whole brain death.
At that time the technology of transplant surgery was beginning to make progress, and some people suspected that the desire to establish in law a concept of brain death was motivated only by the wish to obtain organs for transplant before those organs had deteriorated (as they will rapidly when heart and lung activity fail).
The building block electronic and protonic actual occasions are, in the case of human beings, swept into vastly more complex, Chinese box - like sets of containing societies within which there are social levels that can be identified with cells, others which answer to Aristotle's levels of tissues and organs, and which finally are presided over by what Whitehead refers to as the regnant nexus, a social thread of complex temporal inheritance which, Whitehead suggests, wanders from part to part of the brain, is the seat of conscious direction of the organism as a whole, and answers to what in Plato and Aristotle is called the soul.
One important complication here is that other body organs such as the heart also generate electrical potentials that spread through the body and summate with the potentials from the brain.
Perhaps nothing is more impressive, when read at length in the context of some definite medical case, than the intimate relation discovered between the psychological and the physical in man himself, and the detailed tracing of the organisation and operations of every organ of the body to the brain as their centre and control tower for stimuli both incoming and outgoing.
A visual experience, for instance, lends itself to description as a complex semiotic process involving transmissions and integrations of signs, or bits of information, to a central organ, the brain, and more localized processes of selection, sorting, and evaluation (i.e., gradations as to relevance of various types of information) that sometimes issue in tentative (and often only vague) interpretations.
He answers that one may conceive the mental world behind the veil in as individualistic a form as one pleases, without any detriment to the general scheme by which the brain is represented as a transmissive organ.
«To acquire a just idea of the operations from which thought results, we must consider the brain as a particular organ specially destined to produce it; just as the stomach and intestines are destined to operate digestion, the liver to filter bile, the parotid and maxillary glands to prepare the salivary juices.
The brain which had evolved largely as an organ of survival becomes used in ways that serve far more than bodily needs.
In Matter and Memory, mind (conceived primarily as memory) is contrasted with body (brain, nervous system, motor and perceptual organs).
The candida actually binds with the mercury in the body, and when that candida dies off it causes the mercury to redistribute into organs and tissues (such as the brain).
When you eat organ meats from animals, such as liver or heart or brains, you get anywhere from 10 - 100 times the nutrients than you get from muscle meats such as chicken breast or steak.
You probably think of your brain as this intricate and complex organ and your gut as, well, a poop shoot.
While I was fortunate enough to have carried them to 37 weeks and they were both fully developed as far as brain, breathing and other organs were concerned, my son was alarmingly small and quickly sent to the NICU to gain weight.
As a baby grows in the womb, the majority of the time in that «safe» place is spent developing the vital organs - the heart, brain, lungs, and nervous system.
The brain is a psychosocial organ, and babies brains grow as their mothers interact with them in loving and gentle ways.
The average triplet is born two months premature, significantly raising the risk of disabilities such as cerebral palsy and of lifelong damage to the infant's lungs, eyes, brain and other organs.
As the weeks quickly go by, your baby will continue to grow at an accelerated rate while many of their vital organs begin to function on an autonomous level, including but not limited to, their liver, intestines, brain, and kidneys.
CPR consists of mouth - to - mouth respiration and chest compression which allows oxygenated blood to circulate to vital organs such as the brain and heart.
You are doing an amazing thing, making a food for your baby that has all the vitamins, minerals, fats and antibodies that baby needs to grown his / her brain, organs and muscles exactly as nature intended.
As it circulates, the toxin can attack the kidneys, invade the brain, and — in the most extreme cases — bring on multiple organ failure and death.
Obesity can tax the brain as well as other organs.
Thomas Willis, a 17th - century British physician whom Zimmer casts as the Galileo of modern anatomy, showed that the brain, then considered a marginal organ, was the seat of consciousness.
Tumors that originate in other organs of the body and spread to the brain are known as metastatic brain tumors.
It has been particularly difficult to measure changes in electrical functions of cells grown within Organ Chips that are normally electrically active, such as neuronal cells in the brain or beating heart cells, both during their differentiation and in response to drugs.
A new understanding of the blood - brain barrier as a living, mutable organ may revolutionize the treatment of diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's
It is indeed ironic, as Fields describes, that we have long ignored the glial functions of thought processes, thinking of them as merely support for the nervous system, in a manner similar to the ancient Greeks thinking the brain was simply an organ for cooling the blood.
These bleeds were mainly gastroenterological, and not in critical organs such as the brain nor fatal.
Clancy notes that it is impossible to analyse mitochondria in a live human from organs such as the heart and brain and that weak mitochondria would be particularly problematic in these organs.
Future studies will focus on using these nanobowls to deliver anle138b to the brain, as well as other diseased tissues and organs affected by toxic amyloid - beta ion channels.
As tumors grow and develop, they shed micro-metastases, clusters of a few cells that take up residence in far - flung organs such as the brain, liver and bonAs tumors grow and develop, they shed micro-metastases, clusters of a few cells that take up residence in far - flung organs such as the brain, liver and bonas the brain, liver and bone.
The out - of - place organs extended information - transmitting nerve fibers known as axons into the animal's brain.
The brain is the body's hardest - working organ, consuming as much as 25 percent of our overall energy.
Yet Illes and Wassermann are enthusiastic about my investigation, seeing it as an opportunity for a nonscientist to describe what, if anything, MRIs and other emerging brain - reading technologies can tell us about the three pounds of mushy tissue between our ears, home organ to that mysterious realm called the «mind.»
Our body's master clock — a collection of about 50,000 neurons in the brain's suprachiasmatic nucleus — responds to external cues, such as light, and coordinates the cellular clocks in our organs and muscles.
7 SENSUAL WINDOWS ON THE WORLD The brain's pervasive, exhaustive mapping of the body covers not only what we usually regard as the body proper — the musculoskeletal system, the internal organs, the internal milieu — but also the body's spying outposts — the smell and taste mucosae, the tactile elements of the skin, the ears, the eyes.
When engineered to glow green and injected into mice, these studies revealed glowing cells in unexpected organs such as the brain, heart and liver.
Neurons responsible for producing key neurotransmitters — among them acetylcholine, noradrenaline and 5 - hydroxytryptophan — begin to fail, traces of the plaques and tangles that infest the brains of Alzheimer's patients begin to form, and the organ as a whole shrinks.
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