Sentences with phrase «brain control»

The preliminary proof - of - concept study shows that it is possible to use direct brain control to get a person's legs to walk again.
A species of sea slug squirts chemicals into its partner's head during mating, perhaps in a bid to take control of its brain
A new study by neuroscientists at the University of Chicago shows how amputees can learn to control a robotic arm through electrodes implanted in the brain
Functionally, your left brain controls movement more than your right brain.
Brain Control More than 30 years after Sterman's initial work with SMRs, scientists are exploring how neurofeedback might be used to treat a variety of ailments.
Knowing how our bodies and brains control appetite is allowing the creation of more satisfying diet meals — and could help people make better food choices
Summary: In a finding with implications to human speech acquisition, University of Chicago researchers have shown how a bird's brain controls singing and demonstrated for the first time that structures higher up in the brain directly control the more abstract information, while the component bits are managed by lower brain centers.
Scientists working for Professor Florian Holzapfel are researching ways in which brain controlled flight might work in the EU - funded project «Brainflight.»
Dr. Tyler - Kabara added that these findings «certainly support the value of adding proprioceptive feedback for brain controlled prosthetic devices.»
With any loss of higher brain control, the lower, reactive brain's involuntary outputs are in charge.
«With brain control, flying, in itself, could become easier.
Major (Scarlett Johansson) is a cyborg, with a memory - wiped human brain controlling a wholly artificial body, created by Hanka Robotics.
A clinical research publication led by Stanford University investigators has demonstrated that a brain - to - computer hookup can enable people with paralysis to type via direct brain control at the highest speeds and accuracy levels reported to date.
Moth brain controls robot Science fluttered closer this week to the flame of ultimate knowledge as researchers revealed they had wired a six - inch - tall wheeled robot to follow the gaze of a moth.
Such chemically induced brain control brings a virtual end to the evils of child abuse, wife battering, teen - age pregnancy, drug addiction, anxiety and depression, and even AIDS.
«Not only are we proving that high level brain control of a prosthetic arm is possible but we are generating new ways to learn about how the brain works.»
«Our research shows that radiosurgery in this patient cohort does reduce the incidence of local recurrence, although the findings for overall brain control, overall survival and time until whole brain radiation therapy limit our ability to conclude an obvious clinical benefit,» said Dr. Mahajan.
Ben has been told to practice brain control in his everyday life, too.
Albertin is interested in the way octopuses develop from single cells to fully - fledged hatchlings, and fellow study author Yan Wang, also of the University of Chicago, told The Post she'd be studying how the octopus brain controls complex behavior, especially in relation to mating and reproduction.
For the first time, the focus groups also sought opinions on neural engineering — an area of science that uses engineering and brain science to build devices to support brain control of prosthetic or robotic devices in humans.
An «Nvidia Drive FX 2» AI brain controls the main operation of the car, while extensive front and rear cameras, ultrasonic sensors and radar arrays feed it information.
Here, watch this video made with our newly - developed brain control technology:
This feedback is missing when using brain control.
New research into the causes of this baffling disorder is focusing on genes that control the development of the brain
The left brain controls all the muscles on the right - hand side of the body; and the right brain controls the left side.
Nerve cells in our brains control our circadian rhythms, which influences sleep - wake cycles, hormone release, emotions and energy levels.
The vast majority of the usage of our brains controls things that happen below the level of consciousness.
a better word would be conscienciness — when a person does something wrong they feel it or they don't — a part of the brain controls that stuff..
the brain controls everything, the soul is a creation to explain the claims of an afterlife.
In the first few weeks, the brain controls production and then after about 6 weeks, your hormones settle but leading up to that some women have some big fluctuations in production.
Neurotransmitters in a child's brain control the child's feelings by sending messages back and forth.
So when you make a request, she doesn't have the brain control or motivation to comply, unless you threaten.
As amusing and remarkable as this finding seemed, even more than a decade later, researchers are still no closer to understanding how neurons firing in certain brain areas leads to recognition of faces or, most important, how the brain controls specific behaviors in the human body.
According to his theory, the brain controlled our body's activities by pumping fluid from the ventricles through the nerves to other organs.
A research team led by Professor Julie Bakker at Liège University (Belgium) and Professor Ulrich Boehm at Saarland University (Germany) has made a major advancement in our understanding of how the brain controls sex.
The neuroscientists Stefan Schaffelhofer and Hansjörg Scherberger of the German Primate Center (DPZ) have studied how the brain controls the different grasping movements.
Now a gene that causes such disorders has been found, and it may help unravel a deeper mystery: how it is that the left side of our brain controls the right side of the body, and vice versa.
«Kisspeptin: Mouse study shows how the brain controls sex.»
The brain controls spinal locomotion center by sending command to the spinal locomotion center to start, stop and change waking speed.
«From vision to hand action: Neuroscientists decipher how our brain controls grasping movements.»
In order to program these interfaces properly, it is crucial to know how and where our brain controls the grasping movements.»
Given that the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body, this suggests that babbling is mainly a left - brain activity.
Many lefties have flipped lateralization, with the right side of the brain controlling speech and language instead of the left.
Handedness has long been a crude measure of hemispheric dominance, because each side of the brain controls the opposite side of the body.
Stanford University researchers studying how the brain controls movement in people with paralysis, related to their diagnosis of Lou Gehrig's disease, have found that groups of neurons work together, firing in complex rhythms to signal muscles about when and where to move.
Neuroscientists study this network to investigate general rules that determine how the brain controls behaviour.
The system mimics the «homunculus model of mind» — the idea that there's a small human inside our brains controlling our actions, viewing the images we see and understanding them for us.
«The behavior may return to normal, but the way the brain controls the behavior may change,» she said.
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