Sentences with phrase «brain damage caused by»

Though considered to be responsible for a small percentage of CP cases, brain damage caused by a deprivation of oxygen during labor and delivery may also lead to an infant's CP.
Brain damage caused by the negligent handling of an infant following childbirth (such as dropping or failing to timely resuscitate the infant) may also be found to have caused a child's CP.
He has defended cases involving a natural gas fire at a compression station, catastrophic injuries caused by a broken leaf spring from a tractor - trailer, and brain damage caused by a wayward trailer that detached from its towing vehicle.
$ 15 Million Jury Verdict for Brain Damage Caused by the Negligent Administration of Clotting Agent
A person who has suffered an injury or accident can have brain damage caused by some of the following:
This study even found that consuming mangiferin could reverse brain damage caused by inflammation; rats experienced significantly reduced damage to cognition and less inflammatory chemicals roaming around the brain.
Hypoxia reverses brain damage caused by mitochondrial dysfunction, HHMI team finds.
Moreover, recent data also show that in response to brain damage caused by aging, amyloid deposition, demyelination, and other insults, microglial cells activate several genes, including APOE, in order to more efficiently scavenge and clear tissue debris that are very rich in cholesterol due to the natural composition of the brain, which is mostly made of fats.
In the fight against brain damage caused by stroke, researchers have turned to an unlikely source of inspiration: hibernating ground squirrels.
«Compound shown to reduce brain damage caused by anesthesia in early study.»
70 Stroke Injury Shows New Way to Kick the Habit The brain damage caused by certain strokes may eliminate an addiction to nicotine...
The brain damage caused by certain strokes may have a surprise benefit: It can eliminate an addiction to nicotine.
Long - term brain damage caused by stroke could be reduced by saving cells called pericytes that control blood flow in capillaries, reports a new study led by scientists from UCL (University College London).
There are a few doctors now theorizing that the rise in autism is due to brain damage caused by early cord clamping.

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We know from cases of brain damage and the effects of psychoactive drugs, that our experiences are caused by physical chemistry acting on our physical neurons in our brains.
Depression, love, niceness, politeness, aggression, basic drives, abstract thinking, judgment, patience, considered behavior, instincts, memories, language construction and comprehension, and every emotion, have turned out to have biochemical causes, not spiritual ones, and can all be radically affected by brain damage and brain surgery.
While extremely bad jaundice can cause brain damage, how many of you (who don't work in NICU, where you see the worst cases every day) have ever met a mom or baby who was brain - damaged by jaundice?
* Update: A 2012 study in the journal Neurology by researchers at the Cleveland Clinic (2) also found no link between intentional heading and acute brain damage (e.g. concussion), but said that it was at least theoretically possible that it could represent a form of repetitive subthreshold mild brain injury over time and could be the cause of chronic traumatic encephalopathy.
After all, if we're causing our babies brain damage by allowing them to cry, even for a short period, wouldn't almost every parent in the world alter their approach to prevent it?
For a time, researchers theorized that attention disorders were caused by minor head injuries or damage to the brain.
Although scientists have long suspected that RHI caused brain damage, especially in boxers, a 2010 study of high school football players by researchers at Purdue University [1,13] was the first to identify a completely unexpected and previously unknown category of players who, though they displayed no clinically - observable signs of concussion, were found to have measurable impairment of neurocognitive function (primarily visual working memory) on computerized neurocognitive tests, as well as altered activation in neurophysiologic function on sophisticated brain imaging tests (fMRI).
This practice is used by doctors to detect complications like low oxygen and heart issues that can cause brain damage, seizures and even death in babies.
The condition can have many effects on sufferers including children born with abnormal facial features and lifelong learning and behavioural problems, caused by damage to the developing brain and central nervous system.
Baby center, you should name a specific research on the fact of febrile seisures are not necessarily caused by fever and that is not damaging the brain.
However, one third of cases are triggered by damage to the brain from causes such as head injury, stroke, tumours or infection.
Aphasia is a communication disorder caused by damage to parts of the brain that control language, according to the American Speech - Language - Hearing Association.
These symptoms, whether mild or more severe, are generally caused by damaged brain cells.
«Waterlogged brain region helps scientists gauge damage caused by Parkinson's disease: Research could aid drug development for the condition.»
Brains of people who died from various diseases caused by tangled tau had more dead and damaged cells if the people carried APOE4.
17 Epilepsy can be hereditary or caused by brain damage, infectious disease, or tumors.
They believe the detrimental effects are caused by tiny pollution particles that enter the brain through the nose, lungs and gastrointestinal tract, and these particles damage all barriers and travel everywhere in the body through the circulatory system.
She previously showed that when blood leaks into the brain, fibrinogen causes inflammation by acting in brain immune cells, which can lead to brain damage.
Overall, the research found that the most common type of condition that contributed to brain injuries was damage caused by lack of oxygen to the brain, called hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy; this is seen mainly in full term babies.
In a study led by Duke Health and published in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, scientists demonstrate in rats that a short duration of the drug donepezil can reverse both structural and genetic damage that bouts of alcohol use causes in neurons, or nerve cells, in the young brain.
What these illnesses have in common is that they're caused by abnormal proteins that accumulate in or between brain cells to form plaques, producing damage that causes mental decline and early death.
These include seizures or fits, bleeding within the brain, stroke just before or at birth, infections like meningitis, and damage caused by oxygen deprivation.
Energy Secretary Steven Chu warned today that proposed cuts to energy research as part of a spending plan by House of Representatives Republicans for the rest of 2011 could cause a scientific brain drain that would damage U.S. science for years to come.
In most cases, CTE is thought to be caused by repeated blows to the head, which damage brain tissue and lead to a buildup of an abnormal protein called tau, according to the CTE Center.
A significant proportion of people with brain damage that has been caused by a stroke or accident suffer from disrupted executive functions: for them, actions that consist of several steps and require planning are difficult.
Whooping cough, or pertussis, is usually caused by Bordetella pertussis; it primarily strikes children, causing frightening bouts of coughing, shortness of breath, and sometimes brain damage or even death.
The mice that received the CAP treatment had smaller brain lesions, suggesting that it did reduce the damage caused by brain trauma.
When the doctors examined her, they diagnosed her with epilepsy as well, caused by a small patch of damaged brain tissue.
«Zika virus may cause microcephaly by hijacking human immune molecule: Fetal brain model provides first clues on how Zika virus blunts brain development; blocking mechanism reduces cell damage
Alien hand seems to be caused by damage to a small area at the front of the brain, suggesting that this region has a role in motor control.
These problems are caused by a type of white blood cells called T cells that, after becoming activated, find their way into the brain and attack the protective covering — myelin — of neurons in the brain and spinal cord, causing inflammation and damage to the central nervous system.
The damage is often caused by constriction of the arteries supplying blood, and hence oxygen and glucose, to the brain.
It had previously been thought that giving the drug to people with signs of early damage in the brain caused by a stroke would increase the chances of them suffering a bleed on the brain — which can be fatal.
The other half were treated with induced hypothermia to try to protect the brain from further damage caused by swelling.
Wilkinson and a small cadre of scientists are studying whether traumatic brain injury (TBI) caused by battlefield explosions can damage soldiers» pituitary glands in ways that cause lasting health problems.
Cerebral palsy is a pediatric neurodevelopmental disorder caused by damage to the brain, generally before birth.
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