Sentences with phrase «brain imaging test»

Then they were given a PET scan — a type of brain imaging test — to measure different levels of protein in their brain.
In addition, because it tests for verbal memory, the SAC can not identify athletes who may suffer measurable impairment of neurocognitive function (primarily visual working memory) on neurocognitive tests, as well as altered activation in neurophysiologic function on sophisticated brain imaging tests (fMRI), resulting from repeated sub-concussive blows to the head.
Although scientists have long suspected that RHI caused brain damage, especially in boxers, a 2010 study of high school football players by researchers at Purdue University [1,13] was the first to identify a completely unexpected and previously unknown category of players who, though they displayed no clinically - observable signs of concussion, were found to have measurable impairment of neurocognitive function (primarily visual working memory) on computerized neurocognitive tests, as well as altered activation in neurophysiologic function on sophisticated brain imaging tests (fMRI).
The researchers then compared the results from the brain imaging tests for the serotonin transporter to those two memory tests, and found that the lower serotonin transporters correlated with lower scores.
These in turn depend on development of brain imaging tests or biomarkers that could be measured in the blood or other body fluids to allow a diagnosis of the disease in living people.
A report published in The Lancet Neurology evaluates for the first time how well different types of brain imaging tests work to detect Alzheimer's and predict how the disease will progress.

Not exact matches

Now this is still a theory that's being tested (the brain is a very complicated matter), but Frankland and Greene completed studies while monitoring the brain through a functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to understand brain activity.
The researchers then used brain imaging to measure the functionality of peoples» white matter and had them take a series of cognitive tests designed to measure how sharp they were.
Brain imaging adds another kind of data that can help test hypotheses and corroborate teens» own accounts of their behavior and emotions.
We may also order neuropsychological testing and / or brain imaging.
The test, Raven's Progressive Matrices, usually entails both visual and symbolic reasoning, although brain imaging of study subjects with autism showed they were able to score well using only the areas of their brains associated with visual processes.
For other patients, especially those identified through brain imaging and other tests as having MTLE, surgery is generally the sole treatment option.
In the future, they may use brain imaging to support clinical tests.
Merkler plans to study the connections between retinal infarction and stroke using brain magnetic resonance imaging tests to see what's happening.
Currently there is no tool seen as a gold standard for diagnosing concussions, and imaging tests like CT - scans and MRIs are ineffective in the absence of structural damage to the brain.
During thepast year and a half, Fine and MacLeod have put May through a batteryof physical and psychological tests, including functional magneticresonance imaging, or fMRI, which tracks blood flow in the brain.
Through brain imaging, Baycrest scientists have found evidence that the brain uses eye movements to help people recall vivid moments from the past, paving the way for the development of visual tests that could alert doctors earlier about those at risk for neurodegenerative illnesses.
A combination of a perceptual test and brain imaging has linked introspective ability to the amount of grey matter.
The result is that a large number of people whose brains appear normal on standard tests (X-ray, computed tomography, or magnetic resonance imaging) could actually have some form of injury whose course is not well understood.
Starting in 2010, Baraniuk and his colleagues at Georgetown's Center for Functional and Molecular Imaging put Kroot and 30 other sick veterans (plus 20 healthy subjects) through physical and cognitive tests and scanned their brains.
To test this, Schultz and Cole analyzed brain imaging data obtained by researchers at Washington University in St. Louis and the University of Minnesota as part of the Human Connectome Project.
These comprised not only «conventional» behavioral studies, but also the physical effects on the brains of test participants by measuring the Blood Oxygen Level - dependent (BOLD) response using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) scans.
Egner and Chiu tested this hypothesis by scanning the brains of participants, using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI, a noninvasive, indirect measure of brain activity) as they completed the tasks.
Because these functions are largely regulated in the frontal brain regions, a portable brain - imaging device (functional near infrared spectroscopy) was used to examine associated changes in the frontal brain function by placing biosensors on students» foreheads during testing.
Apart from carrying out memory and reasoning tests, the structure of stress - processing brain regions, especially the amygdala, was assessed using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
This hypothesis is supported by several observations so we decided to test it by scanning the brains of individuals of varying age with functional magnetic resonance imaging and analysing the data both with fApEn and SampEn.»
In future research, Medina wants to use the fMRI in UD's new Center for Biomedical and Brain Imaging as part of the testing.
The assessments, from exercise stress tests to brain magnetic resonance imaging tests, will probe the biological and clinical characteristics of the disease — for which there is not even a broadly agreed - upon definition.
In their study the researchers showed different characters to test persons and recorded via functional magnetic resonance imaging the brain activity which was set into motion by the process of seeing.
At roughly 100 minutes after each treatment, the team began testing brain activity in participants at rest with their eyes closed, first using a form of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) called arterial spin labeling to follow blood flow changes in the brain.
Forty - eight hours later, participants returned for a test to show how much they remembered while their brains were imaged via magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland, has confirmed that the agency's definition of clinical trials now includes imaging studies of normal brain function that do not test new treatments.
Case No. 18 states that a study in which a healthy volunteer undergoes MRI brain imaging while performing a working memory test is now a clinical trial because the effect being evaluated — brain function — is a health - related outcome.
To test this model, we used high - resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine brain activity in 14 healthy subjects while they performed an active «escape - pain» task within a two - dimensional maze.
Instead of only using a standard clinical interview to determine whether individuals met the criteria for a clinical diagnosis of bipolar disorder, the researchers combined the results from brain imaging, cognitive testing, and an array of temperament and behavior measures.
«It is a very bold theory,» says Arne Öhman, a psychologist at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden who uses brain imaging and behavior studies to test how humans respond to visual threats.
The researchers found that they experience brain and cognitive changes «on a minority of measures» in brain imaging and psychological tests.
Using this mouse - tracking software Freeman developed, the millimeters of movement of a test subject's mouse cursor can be linked with brain - imaging data to discover otherwise hidden impacts on specific brain processes.
Sadee contacted Alessandro Bertolino at the University of Bari in Italy, who was doing research that involved monitoring the brain activity of 117 volunteers with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during memory tests.
During this test, the subjects were scanned with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure their brain activity while carrying out the task.
This middle area of the brain had been difficult to test until recently through imaging techniques, Macey said.
The ambitious goal: to learn to identify early signs of trauma - induced brain damage from subtle changes in blood chemistry, brain imaging, and performance tests — changes that may show up decades before visible symptoms such as cognitive impairment, depression, and impulsive behavior.
Dr Dickie added: «Through a unique collaboration between the Universities of Glasgow and Edinburgh, which is funded by the Stroke Association in the UK, the next step is to test the brain health index approach in newly - developed brain scanners, such as the ultra-high resolution 7 Tesla scanner at the University of Glasgow's Imaging Centre of Excellence, and in larger groups of patients.
The state's athletic commission requires that fighters undergo a brain imaging scan and annual blood tests for viruses like hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV.
One strength of the study is the combination of this decision - making test with the brain imaging data, says Peter J. Havel, a professor of nutrition at the University of California, Davis, who was not involved with the study.
The testing schedule in New Zealand, limited at first, expanded as they added new techniques and technologies, such as DNA analysis, retinal imaging (which can help gauge the brain's vascular health), and scans of brain activity.
The researchers then performed the same test on a different set of volunteers, this time imaging their brains during the process, to look for differences in brain activity between the age groups.
The team, led by doctoral candidate Amber Ruigrok and Professors John Suckling and Simon Baron - Cohen in the Department of Psychiatry, performed a quantitative review of the brain imaging literature testing overall sex differences in total and regional brain volumes.
Brain scans using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and even genetic tests are turning up possible clues to our political origins and behaviors.
To test whether friendship, and more generally, social network proximity, is associated with increased similarity of real - time mental responding, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to scan subjects» brains during free viewing of naturalistic movies.
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