Sentences with phrase «brain in one's head»

Think of it like little brains throughout the body talking to our bigger brain in our head.
Best of all, you write like your readers have a functioning brain in their heads.
If they have something called brain in there head then they will understand
We use those obvious questions as stepping - stones toward what we hope is a much more nuanced view of the modern neuroscientific understanding of how the three or so pounds of brain in your head can give rise to the complexities of the human experience.
This seem oddly obvious, but the monkey brain in our heads that takes off running most every day, is what syphons our energy and therefore, our precious time.
«Wedding Crashers» may be the most optimistic Hollywood comedy of the year, because it restores at least some dim hope that directors, writers and actors with actual brains in their heads can somehow triumph over unimaginative studio execs.
Just because humans have big brains in their heads and have figured out how to get to the moon doesn't mean other creatures aren't smart in their own ways — and they should be valued as such.
Because you sold above $ 4k if you have a brain in your head.
He actually has a brain in his head that he actually uses.
Just how do you get up in the morning and dress yourself with having only half a brain in your head?
I have at least half a brain in my head, and know it's a load of c.r.a.p.
He MUST sign a defensive midfielder also if he still has a brain in his head and he MUST replace Vermaleen.
Wenger saying how he wouldn't have signed Welbeck if he stayed at home should of been a clear indicator to anyone with a brain in their head.
IMO, a mother should have a doctor and nurses who are willing to treat her as someone with a brain in her head and not just a pair of birthing hips, and listen to her concerns and opinions.
«They don't have a brain in their heads,» he told gas station owners in upstate Rochester.
Now if more of the juries of our peers acted like they had at least half a brain in their heads, we could rid Bronx streets of all shades of criminality, regardless of color, ethnic group, religious affiliation, charitable association, education or diseducation, political power or disenfranchised, bank account of seven figures or unemployed public asistance recipient.
It can work both independently of and in conjunction with the brain in your head and, although you are not conscious of your gut «thinking», the ENS helps you sense environmental threats, and then influences your response.
When it comes to your moods, decisions and behaviour, the brain in your head is not the only one doing the thinking
«You have brains in your head.
And you thought the brain in your head was doing the work?
Of course it makes sense: the brain in your head and the brain in your belly are connected!
Favorite Motivational Quote:» You have brains in your head.
Hidden in your digestive system are millions of nerve cells that communicate with the brain in your head.
As you can imagine, for a modern woman with a brain in her head this is.
I babble... You must wonder if I've a brain in MY head
In fact, the acting all round — Jon Bernthal (Netflix's Daredevil), Jean Smart (FX's Fargo) and Anna Kendrick (Pitch Perfect) in particular — manages to fool the audience, at least in the first third, into thinking that the film has a brain in its head.
But it's going to be impossible to raise $ 830,000 through ineptly performed odd jobs, even if Moe is «startin'to get half a brain in my head
It seems he is the only one who might have half a brain in his head and maybe the only one who would be able to figure out the murder mystery.
Of course the trend with remakes of old - school science fiction is to leave well enough alone and spend most of the budget upping the ante on the special effects, so it's with a little bit of relief that I say Scott Derrickson's remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still actually has half a brain in its head.
To that end, the K — 5 school's website quotes an influential educator as saying, «You have brains in your head.
All states, provinces, countries need strict laws like this and others to help protect the innocent because far too many human beings do not have a brain in the head!
«You have brains in your head.
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«You have brains in your head.
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