Sentences with phrase «brain issues such»

There are even some studies coming out that link excessive sugar consumption with degenerative brain issues such as Alzheimer's disease.
In fact, childhood brain issues such as ADHD or autism spectrum disorders reflect lopsided growth of the hemispheres, with the left brain often dominating a weaker right brain.

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Most people completely disregard the warning signs that their bodies are desperately trying to give such as bloating, gas, bowel issues, skin irritations, brain fog, fatigue, headaches, weight gain, depression, mood swings, and even respiratory problems like coughing / asthma / nasal conditions.
Includes chapters highlighting functional food opportunities for specific health issues such as obesity, immunity, brain health, heart disease and the development of children.
Overheating, as mentioned, can lead to a number of serious issues, such as dehydration, coma, and even brain damage.
One such issue is that immature brain tissue may hemorrhage.
This is demonstrated in the studies reviewed in the special issue, which use computational models to examine brain processes, such as learning, emotion, dopamine signaling and information processing, and how processes interact in deficits underlying psychiatric disease.
• Sound processing in the brain can be a neurological marker for issues such as autism, dyslexia and learning delays.
«This raises several questions for us, such as why is there a difference in brain pattern and might it reflect differences in health issues for men and women, particularly in cardiovascular disease variations,» Macey said.
Understanding how and why we evolved such large brains is one of the most puzzling issues in the study of human evolution.
Co-hosted by veteran radio personality Bob Barrett and gastroenterologist Nina Sax, the broadcast covers a range of topics, frequently exploring mental health and neuroscience issues such as autism, addiction and the aging brain.
Concussions result from the brain slamming against the skull, usually causing short - term issues that some research suggests may evolve into long - term problems such as memory loss and depression when the brain is subjected to repeated trauma.
Such changes, Li and colleagues suggested while reviewing a number of related studies, are consistent with anatomical changes that can occur in the brain as a result of learning a second language, no matter the age of the learner, as they reported in a recent issue of Cortex.
Now scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have taken a first step toward designing such a treatment: They have identified a protein that stimulates regrowth of severed eye - brain connections in mice, according to a report in tomorrow's issue of Nature.
Developing such biomarkers to assess brain dysfunction will be a challenge, but in the same issue you draw attention to the excellent work of Abdul Hye and his colleagues who are developing a test to detect protein biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease in blood (p 5).
The key issue seems to be when the peripheral nervous system joins up with the cerebral cortex, the region of the brain responsible for higher thought processes such as memory, attention, thought, awareness and language.
Ultimately Mohammad emphasizes that addiction is not simply a behavioral issue; it is a chronic brain disease and must be recognized as such so we can find the best possible ways to help people.
Obama, he said, elevated the role of science and technology advisers throughout the executive branch, put in place plans to mitigate and prepare the United States for the impacts of climate change, set up health research initiatives to tackle such priorities as cancer and brain research, worked with international partners on scientific issues and used the White House as a platform from which to herald science and education, particularly for children.
The need for ongoing care for hearing - related issues was acknowledged in September 2014 when One Fund Boston, the charity created to accept and distribute donations to help those affected by the bombings, created the One Fund Center, which will serve patients who have had difficulties with tinnitus and other hearing - related problems; mental health issues, including post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety; and traumatic brain injury and its associated symptoms such as headache, cognitive symptoms and balance difficulties.
Other results showed my brain getting very active over the social policy questions — probably because I strongly object to mixing religion with such issues as abortion and homosexuality — and relatively quiet when I was asked about God's being angry or loving.
In this issue, journalist and former researcher Simon Makin takes a hard look at whether brain - training games — such as those offered by Lumosity — really can improve your thinking and stave off dementia.
Yet one - third of global health issues are related to neurological problems, such as depression, pain, and the diseases of the aging brain.
In a report in the Sept. 25 issue of Nature Communications, the scientists say mutations in one such autism - linked gene, dubbed NHE9, which is involved in transporting substances in and out of structures within the cell, causes communication problems among brain cells that likely contribute to autism.
The endeavor brings together neuroscientists with nanotechnology specialists and materials engineers to solve issues such as applying electrical stimulus to very small groups of neurons, which may make it possible to treat brain conditions with vastly improved precision.
Published in the March 2016 issue of American Journal of Pathology, this Georgetown study, the first of its kind, modeled repeated mild head trauma to investigate brain damage that occurs after such an injury.
In their study, which publishes April 18, 2018, in the online issue of Neurology ®, the researchers looked at the prevalence of Parkinson's among close to one - third of a million veterans, comparing its incidence in those who had experienced a traumatic brain injury — such as concussion — with those who had not.
Questions such as whether and when brain organoids might become sentient are «important,» Arlotta said, «and we need to discuss these issues as a community.
Stress has been implicated in chronic health issues such as autoimmunity, brain problems, adrenal fatigue, and gut issues.
Stress can increase just about every health issue such as brain, thyroid, immune, and weight problems.
You suffer from the various maladies that are exacerbated by poor sleep, such as weight issues, burnout, low libido, irregular menstrual cycles, fatigue, brain fog, depression, anxiety, panic, bipolar, or adult ADHD.
When overproduced, Candida breaks down the wall of the intestines and penetrates the bloodstream, releasing toxic byproducts into your body and causing a host of unpleasant symptoms such as brain fog, fatigue, digestive issues and pain.
Because it may be an alternative health solution for many chronic health concerns such as: autoimmune disease, autism, brain fog, cancer, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, food sensitivities, hormonal imbalances, infections, inflammatory issues, lyme disease, musculoskeletal issues, parasites, and vaccination disturbances (among others).
To add insult to injury, estrogen dominance can also manifest itself in a host of different physical, mental and emotional ailments such as anxiety, depression, fatigue, breast tenderness, headaches, digestive disorders, foggy brain, gallbladder issues, memory loss, irritability, night sweats and low libido.
Furthermore, addressing all the contributing factors (this looks different person to person) such as digestive issues, brain health, immune health, and hormone balance together with restoring energy on a cellular level is key to regaining your health and vitality.
Another issue is that mucus is essential for immunity at epithelial surfaces, and glycosylation is essential for the integrity of cellular junctions and tissue barriers such as the intestinal and blood - brain barriers.
The gut and the brain communicate and probiotic supplements, called psychobiotics, are now used successfully for mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.
We become deficient in specific vitamins, we can suffer from brain fog and other psychological issues, our skin isn't as lustrous, and we may end up with a host of inflammatory conditions such as arthritis or eczema.
Leaky gut triggers chronic inflammation in the gut, body, and brain, along with other health problems, such as food intolerances, pain, autoimmune disorders, skin issues, joint problems, and, of course, depression.
You've probably heard that depression and other mental health issues are based on a lack of brain chemicals such as serotonin and GABA.
The list of possible reactions is a varied as the triggers and includes a flare up of your Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, asthma, migraines, depression, fibromyalgia, fatigue, Gulf War syndrome, brain fog, memory loss, incontinence, neurological dysfunction, rashes, and such emotional issues as depression, anxiety, and lethargy.
Now, she is an author and researcher that advocates the power of real food in recovery from multiple sclerosis and a host of other conditions — including lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, auto - immune conditions, scleroderma, mental health concerns, neurological disorders, depression, anxiety, bipolar issues, Alzheimer's, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson's, and even primary care problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.
This triggers chronic inflammation in the gut, body, and brain, along with other health problems, such as food intolerances, pain, autoimmune disorders, skin issues, joint problems, depression, and, of course, brain fog.
Design a personalized treatment plan for conditions such as high blood pressure, PMS, menopause, fatigue, stress, pain and inflammation, brain fog and memory issues, elevated cholesterol, insomnia and sleep issues, imbalanced immune system, weight gain, skin issues, and anxiety and depression.
Lupus, IBD, psoriasis, and neurological such as Parkinson's and early memory loss / dementia, depression, anxiety, event PTSD (fighter pilots with narcolepsy), traumatic brain injury, as well as diabetes and obesity (to normalize blood sugars), and heart disease atherosclerosis which is now being looked at as possible autoimmune since it is a gut and inflammation issue.
Now I find a lot of people, they have a lot of dysfunction like let's say you're having memory issues, brain fog issues, mood issues — I find a lot of issues today area emanating from the gut and feeding back into the brain via inflammation, via dysbiotic bacteria, via infections, via the infection - like by - product such as lipo — lipopolysaccharide, LPS, or endotoxin, via food allergens getting into your bloodstream, via pesticides and junk in the environment, getting into your gut and into your bloodstream and affecting your brain.
The result of an imbalance in cortisol, otherwise termed Hypothalamic Pituitary Adrenal (HPA) Axis dysregulation is weight gain, fatigue and brain fog, inflammation and immune system activation, digestive issues, restlessness, impaired sleep, decreased cognitive function, and mental health conditions, such as anxiety and depression.
Now I do agree that some gut is — or some brain issues could potentially cause gut issues especially in the realm of trauma, you know, car accidents, head trauma, you know, bumping your head and such.
Some people get seasonal allergies, but others get other inflammatory disorders, such as joint pain, skin problems, digestive complaints autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, issues with brain function, fatigue, chronic pain, and more.
For instance, some people notice when they eat certain foods they get brain fog, a runny nose, aching joints, or other immune issues such as Hashimoto's hypothyroidism.
Leaky gut is recognized as a primary factor in causing chronic inflammation that not only can clog your arteries, but also inflame your joints, cause skin issues, inflame your brain with symptoms of brain fog, depression, or memory loss, or trigger autoimmunity such as Hashimoto's hypothyroidism.
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