Sentences with phrase «brain mass as»

Research shows that adults who eat the most tuna and other fish rich in DHA have healthier brain mass as they age, compared to those who eat the least amount of fish.

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Now this search data is very interesting — while our brains may immediately go to «I will sell mechanical keyboards as office supplies, and enable mass purchasing of them by IT departments», our search data actually tells us a different story:
Brain - washing and mind control for the masses — all based on agendas as well as mythological and medieval b.s.
Did it started off as a mass of white ball, then it slowly started developing nerves, retina, a cornea, and essentially a complex apparatus for capturing light and transmitting it via nerve cells to the brain?
As a mass medium, newspapers must be seen as a factory system of daily predictable output that involves brains, hands, paper, ink, steel and wheelAs a mass medium, newspapers must be seen as a factory system of daily predictable output that involves brains, hands, paper, ink, steel and wheelas a factory system of daily predictable output that involves brains, hands, paper, ink, steel and wheels.
«Borofice, no doubt, is alone in this illusion that critical mass of our party leadership and members are leaving which could best be described as a product of a demented brain informed by his desperate ambition to govern the state at all costs
In the fMRI research, the reaction to fear - inducing stimuli shows up in the amygdala, an almond - size mass beneath the temporal lobe also known as the brain's fear center.
As they report in this week's issue of PNAS, brain mass accounts for the vast majority (94 %) of the variance in walking time between species.
Over decades, the researchers have documented correlations between the ability to delay gratification and life outcomes as diverse as SAT scores, body - mass index, the frequency of drug abuse, and measurable differences in brain functioning, which are visible thanks to modern functional MRI techniques.
In support of that claim, one widely cited study found that the ratio of brain volume to body mass — commonly referred to as the encephalization quotient, or EQ — was the same for Cro - Magnons as it is for us.
It is particularly difficult to control because it does not grow as a round, well - circumscribed mass — instead, because astrocytes» main job is to travel among the neurons, it is able to send out fingerlike projections throughout the brain, essentially creating tiny, multiple «highways» that spread malignant cells with extreme efficiency.
I think one of the assumptions in artificial intelligence has always been that, you know, the brain as this kind of digital computer and the mind is a software program and you can just extract that software program from this flesh - and - blood, three - pound mass in our skulls and put it in a laptop or some kind of silicon - based machine; and that's a tremendous assumption, it might be that you can say, maybe, the mind is software but it might be a software that can only run in this particular stuff within which it evolved.
Health improvement (allowing to post - pone / escape the diseases and thus live, healthier / disease - free longer, but not above human MLSP of around 122 years; thus these therapies do not affect epigenetic aging whatsoever, they are degenerative aging problems not regular healthy aging problem (except OncoSENS - only when you Already Have Cancer - which cancer increases epigenetic aging, but cancer removal thus does not change anything / makes no difference about what happens in the other cells / about what happens in the normal epigenetic «aging» course in Normal non-cancerous healthy cells) Although there is not such thing as «healthy aging» all aging in «unhealthy» (as seen from elders who are «healthy enough» who show much damage), it's just «tolerable / liveable» enough (in terms of damage accumulating) that it does not affect their quality of life (enough yet), that is «healthy aging»: ApoptoSENS - Clearing Senescent Cells (this will have great impact to reduce diseases, the largest one, since it's all inflammation fueled by the inflammation secretory phenotype (SASP) of these senescent cells) AmyloSENS - Dissolving the Plaques (this will allow humans to evade Alzheimer's, Parkinsons and general brain degenerescence, allowing quite a boost; making people much more easily reach the big 100 - since the brain is causal to how long we live; keeping brain amyloid - free and keeping our memories / neuron sharp / means longer LongTerm Potentiation - means longer brain function means longer heavy brain mass (gray matter / white matter retention seen in «sharp - witted» Centenarians who show are younger brain for their age), and both are correlated to MLSP).
Some deviations from this pattern might be expected among lorisids, which have a notably long gestation length, slowly developing brains (low neonatal brain mass relative to adult brain mass [11]-RRB-, as well as other heterochronic differences compared to most strepsirrhines [47], [48].
It's well - known as the hormone for sex drive and libido, but it is a key player in muscle formation, bone mass, fat distribution, and brain health.
Dr. Boston is a sports medicine specialist who understands that balancing hormones for both men and women is important for maintaining lean muscle mass, as well as avoiding symptoms of fatigue, brain fog, and weight gain around the trunk.
For lean body mass preservation and training recovery I typically recommend no more than 16 hours daily as liver glycogen that fuels our brain depletes and will start liberating amino acids from muscle tissue to convert to glucose in the liver.
Putting fat as the first enemy leads to a huge number of issues and puts aside the benefits of healthy fats and their role in brain function and sustaining muscle mass.
This may result in the body utilizing less fat and breaking down more lean body mass (such as protein) to convert into fuel for the brain.
But whereas I found a film like Spider - man: Homecoming to be more successful at balancing all its elements, it did not sear itself into the brain — both my own as well as the collective throbbing mass of pop culture — the way that Ragnarok did.
A necessity, given, as Boyd Holbrook's snide cyborg merc puts it, his brain «is classified as a weapon of mass destruction now».
Ericsson says the brain's physical adaptability is comparable to the increased muscle mass created by intense exercise such as swimming, weightlifting, or gymnastics.
Noting that Spencer compared the role of Parliament to that of the «cerebral masses in a vertebrate animal,» Huxley applauded Spencer for the biological analogy, but criticized his conclusion that just as the brain «averages the interests of life, physical, intellectual, moral, social,» the appropriate sphere of government is to average the interests of various classes in society, not to do anything to improve or alter their relations.
And with the need for more velocity comes the need for more ephemerality: Each appearance by the celebrity on the smartphone screen must manage to be both instantly attention - grabbing and instantly forgettable, so as not to overtax the brain of the viewer while at the same time building up the «mental availability» that is crucial to selling brands, especially in highly fragmented, mass - market product categories like fragrances, mobile apps, and clothing where the Kardashians do especially well.
These lesions occur most frequently in older dogs and preferably occur in the white matter of the brain as single or multi-focal masses.
Therefore, if the animal has a very large mass, it is preferable to surgically remove as much of it as possible first, thus decompressing the brain and enabling the animal to survive the course of radiation.
The pumping function of the heart becomes less efficient; the liver and kidneys decrease in weight and their ability to filter toxins decreases; the thyroid and adrenal glands may decrease or increase the amount of hormone that they produce; there is a decrease in joint cartilage and muscle mass; dental disease is more common in older patients; and even the nervous system is affected as there is a decrease in blood flow to the brain and a decrease in brain function.
Powered by what its developers touted as a «Ghoul Engine,» the game let you watch brains ooze from a dead man's skull, blood spurt from dismembered bodies, or bodies transform into bloody masses of unrecognizable pulp after being shot again and again.
Destroy the Brain is exactly the type of game you want to wake up to on a Monday morning - a quick and clever arena - style shooter that sees you removing parts from the spinning mass in an attempt to get as close as possible to the brain and destroBrain is exactly the type of game you want to wake up to on a Monday morning - a quick and clever arena - style shooter that sees you removing parts from the spinning mass in an attempt to get as close as possible to the brain and destrobrain and destroy it.
The final outcome was the human brain, which demands twice as much energy by mass as the brains of other primates.
This medicine can bring about harmful side effects such as gastrointestinal bleeding, kidney bleeding, brain hemorrhaging and more, and there is always a potential for a mass tort claim.
The course will explore a selection of celebrated mass tort lawsuits, such as those involving the Buffalo Creek disaster, the Woburn leukemia case, Agent Orange, the Exxon Valdez oil spill, the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the concussion / brain injury cases against the NFL and other sports, cigarette smoking, the Dalkon Shield, Bendectin, MTBE, and asbestos.
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