Sentences with phrase «brain states»

A scientific account of human values is one that measures the outcome of world states with the outcome of brain states.
Emotional experiences can induce physiological and internal brain states that persist for long periods of time after the emotional events have ended, according to new research.
One of the contributing health risks to developing this altered brain state seems to be high blood pressure.
The study found that brain states while fasting were different for male and female rats.
When we engage our students from the onset, we reduce negative behaviors while creating experiences that are emotion - packed, drive curiosity, and deliver brain states of anticipation and intrigue.
If students are in a negative brain state, we must regulate behaviors before any learning will occur.
What can we do to create calm and safe brain states within ourselves and within the students who walk in with an activated fear response?
The quantities of certain chemicals with known roles in insect learning (octopamine), aversive conditioning (dopamine) and aggression (serotonin) were all reduced by the procedure, suggesting that as with their mammalian counterparts, duress in bees causes sustained, system - wide changes in brain state — a possible analogue of mood.
Previous research has shown that eye movements in response to visual stimuli can serve as a biomarker for brain states such as fatigue or high mental concentration.
For example, the amygdala is activated by arousal and positive emotions as well, so the key to interpreting such scans is careful experimental design that allows comparison between brain states.
Whole - cell patch clamp electrophysiology, or whole - cell recording (WCR), is the gold - standard technique for studying the behaviour of brain cells called neurons under different brain states such as stress or learning.
Lee Gerdes is the founder and CEO of Brain State Technologies ®, an advanced neuro - technology, an expert in neuroplasticity, the ability for the brain to change itself, and author of Limitless You: The Infinite Possibilities of a Balanced Brain.
«It's really quite appalling that we don't have better techniques to evaluate cognitive and brain states on these individuals,» says Joy Hirsch, a professor of neuroscience and psychology at Columbia University, who wasn't involved in the study.
Evidence of a highly organized and connected brain state during the animal's death throes is surprising and fascinating, he says.
Watch Dr. Daniel J. Siegel discuss the differences between a reactive state and a receptive state, or a Yes Brain state, in this video.
Strange brain states like anarchic hand syndrome and waking dreams can reveal a lot about how we construct reality, say Clare Wilson and Liz Else
Strange brain states like anarchic hand syndrome and waking dreams can reveal a lot about how we construct reality
«People with psychotic - like experiences spend less time in healthy brain states
Kayt Sukel's feature on the differences between male and female brains states: «Men still outnumber women in mathematics, engineering and...
Using a molecular method likely to become widely adopted by the field, researchers supported by the National Institutes of Health have discovered brain circuitry essential for alertness, or vigilance — and for brain states more generally.
Inappropriate language: This calls for a discussion when both student and teacher are in a calm brain state.
She explicitly connects agitated brain states (including distraction and inability to focus) and the (decreased) ability to deal well with conflict:
In an article that Ralph Adolphs and I recently wrote, we put forth the view that emotions are a type of internal brain state with certain general properties that can exist independently of subjective, conscious feelings, which can only be studied in humans,» Anderson says.
If the same brain states could result from genetic instruction («instinct») as from involuntary action, instinctive actions would likewise be conscious.
And even materialistic philosophers say that however much mental states may depend upon brain states, what makes something the belief, say, that the cat is on the mat is not the brain's satisfying a certain physical specification, but the belief's arising from our seeing the cat and its resulting in our stepping carefully round the mat.
Still, various normal brain states do sound different, says Chafe, who is also a composer and improvisational musician.
Those experiencing PLEs spent less time in a more «typical» reoccurring brain state involving cognitive networks.
Previous studies of PLEs have found alterations in specific brain networks, but the findings reveal that it is not just about damaged connections — the amount of time spent in uncommon brain states may contribute to psychosis..
Brown believes that this approach could easily be extended to control other brain states, including general anesthesia, because each level of brain activity has its own distinctive EEG signature.
It seemed the volunteers had a much larger range of potential brain states that were available to them, which may be the biophysical counterpart of «mind expansion» reported by users of psychedelic drugs.
All people in a vegetative state were assumed to be unconscious, until Adrian Owen asked them to imagine playing tennis and scanned their brains
And surely Φ was low during the frenzy of seizures, or the deep waves of unconscious sleep, because the repertoire of distinguishable brain states was bound to shrink.
Researchers say that with its combination of active and passive brain states, the mouse's reliance on «whisking» to navigate and interpret its environment makes it an «ideal model» to study nerve cell activity during these changing brain processing modes.
The team is also working on transmitting brain states — for example, sending signals from an alert person to a sleepy one, or from a focused student to one who has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD.
Large - scale datasets that evaluate the efficacy of macro - vs microstimulation, stimulation region and hemisphere, precise timing of stimulation relative to endogenous brain states, and more, will be required to establish the clinical relevance of stimulation for cognitive enhancement.
For the first time, Multi-MAP makes it possible to see which neurons are activated in a behaving animal during a particular brain state — and subsequently molecularly analyze just those neurons to identify the subtypes and circuits involved.
«Gaining familiarity with the molecular players in a behavior — as this new tool promises — may someday lead to clinical interventions targeting dysfunctional brain states
Some studies show it helps during excitable brain states, which could allow people to function better with elevated levels of other stimulants.
On a high carb diet, you might need to fast to attain an enlightened brain state.
Prediction is an effective brain state which increases the brain's dopamine levels that are responsible for pleasure - and goal - seeking behaviors.
For children with emotional disturbances, we can generally trace a developmental history where attachment and connection to an emotionally healthy caregiver has been broken in early development or a significant traumatic event has created a survival brain state that has continued throughout his or her early life.
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