Sentences with phrase «brain time»

What could you do with that extra brain time?
I worry about her sweet little brain every time this happens.
His badly dubbed world reveals timing mechanisms in the brain
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)- used to document changes in the brain's structure over a period of time and allows the physician to study the connections between different areas of the brain
I know I said it before... BUT THAT CAKE IS AMAZING!!!! Me wanty:p I've total baby brain this time around, never have before, but I'm awful at the minute!!
«If the universe has a finite lifespan, that will deny Boltzman brains the time they need to outnumber us»
I'm glad for that, because it balances out the damage done to my precious brain every time I see footage from Dante's Inferno.
State how our deepening understanding of neuroscience can enable us, even in times of great stress, to tap into five natural capacities of the brain
It's more likely the burning self - doubt that creeps into your brain every time you square up the club.
Evidently, if you give your brain time to relax, ideas will come later.»
The word «actually» serves as a spoken pause, giving the presenter's brain time to catch up and decide how to resolve the conflict in his or her mind between the question asked and reality.
Go ahead and dive into great books and quality online content — but then give your brain time to unwind and process.
Menial tasks give our brains time to indirectly think about our writing and work out the kinks.
Suddenly the words «anxiety juice» lit up my brain every time I started my second cup.
Acute Phase: In the initial period after your child sustains a concussion and is still experiencing post-concussion symptoms (which in youth is often longer than one week), it is very important that he not only get as much sleep as possible and limit physical exertion in activities of daily living, but limit scholastic and other cognitive activities (such as reading, studying and visual processing) to allow the brain time to heal and restore its biochemical balance.
Non-structured playtime for children functions much like sleep does for adults, giving their brains the time and space they need to move short - term memory to long - term learning.
More generally, dopamine is released in the brain each time we are rewarded; this happens whenever we participate in an activity we associate with excitement.
In 2005 neuroscientist Rodrigo Quian Quiroga published a paper identifying single neurons that would light up in an individual's brain every time that person saw a particular celebrity — Jennifer Aniston and Michael Jordan were two examples.
The team thinks that reproducibility — the replication of similar neural patterns in the brain each time it becomes conscious of the same sensory input — gives us clues as to what consciousness is.
After suffering a traumatic brain injury, patients are often placed in a coma to give the brain time to heal and allow dangerous swelling to dissipate.
Researchers injected the modified virus into the brains of mice and waited for four weeks — giving cells inside the rodents» brains time to produce antibodies from the introduced code.
The brain can bounce back after a single head hit, but multiple hits in quick succession don't give the brain time to recover, a new study suggests.
This helps you slow down for better digestion and gives your brain time to realize your stomach is full.
«But there are certainly limits,» she says, «and we often see improvement only after months of complete abstinence and giving the brain time to heal.»
Allow your body and brain the time they need to begin communicating again.
Chew well to aid digestion and give your brain time to register you're full before you overeat.
You need to give your body and brain time to adjust to its new eating pattern, and this can take anywhere between 2 to 3 weeks.
By eating 300 carbs between noon & 4 pm we provide the body with the energy it needs to not just fuel the brain times when we reduce carbs in the day but we also restore the body energy supply & allow the hormones to stay balance needed to burn fat.
Chewing your food allows you to eat slower and give your brain time to process.
Eating small pieces gives your brain time to recognize that you're full, AND it's more fun.
Going on vacation is a nice idea to give our brain some time to relax and then start over again.
Your wonderful explanation of how you tone down «the shimmery» is going to resonate in my brain every time I do a Chicos walk through in the future.
When writing is embedded throughout the curriculum, it promotes the brain's attentive focus to classwork and homework, boosts long - term memory, illuminates patterns, gives the brain time for reflection, and when well - guided, is a source of conceptual development and stimulus of the brain's highest cognition.
It's counter-intuitive, but you can often be more productive by taking breaks from the writing, giving your brain time to incubate ideas and topics.
Dread crowds into my brain every time I hear the words promotion or marketing.
If your Forex trading is not going the way you want it to and you feel overwhelmed by the amount of market data bombarding your brain every time you sit down to analyze the markets, you probably need to readjust your trading strategy so that your primary focus is on the daily charts.
He loves his owners, he is amazingly loyal, and he wants to make them happy, but his nose overrides his brain every time.
Eiji Aonuma has Zelda on the brain ALL the time!
Allow your brain time to rest before the exam.
This will give your brain time to cognate in the background and can help to promote insight and creativity leading you to get more done and produce better quality work.
I have always valued a proper midday recess, believing that we aren't able to operate at full capacity for the remainder of the day unless we allow our brain some time to recharge.
-- to give their brain time to catch up to their lips.
I get to pick her brain ALL the time, and I get her hand me downs!

Phrases with «brain time»

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