Sentences with phrase «brain training games»

Several commercial enterprises have claimed you can get cognitive benefits from brain training games intended to enhance working memory.
While staying mentally active as we age has been reported to be beneficial for our brains, the effects of specific brain training games is not clear cut.
• 9 language translation options • Impress your friends by finishing first • Great brain training game • Play at your own pace.
Studies have shown that gains from brain training games are mostly placebo effect - induced.
Brain training games don't actually train your brain, study says
The latter also sees a slew of full game downloads with four full games, including the new Brain Training game from Nintendo.
We're launching PS Vita's all - new social brain training game, Smart As, on October 30th in North America.
In their book on moral panics around video games — Moral Combat — Markey and Ferguson dedicate a chapter to debunking some of the proposed positive effects of video games, like the widely exaggerated benefits of brain training games.
Although brain training games may not work (2 October, p 28), some types of structured cognitive training, usually but not...
People won't get a new Brain Training because they want more fun little games, they will get a new Brain Training game if they find some new ways to improve their thinking.
Smart As... is a puzzle infused brain training game developed exclusively for the Vita by Climax Group as Sony's equivalent attempt at a Brain Age type game.
Training Supplements — A selection of favourite exercises from previous Brain Training games, which complement the Devilish Training by also focusing on working memory and concentration
Of course, we know that the skills learned in Brain Training games probably don't actually transfer to real life, and Nintendo refrains from making any such promises, but the notion is still undeniably popular.
Mind Games 2 may be a fairly simple offering compared to other brain training games, but this one feels like the real deal; your brain will feel the burn.
Fitbit's own brain training game helps you hone your mental sharpness.
Brain Training games gained popularity with the Nintendo DS and «Brain Age», and have remained popular for two simple reasons — they work, and they're fun!
Pixeljunk Monsters Ultimate HD is a classic tower defence game and Smart As is a social brain training game that make players use their Vita in ways they never imagined.
Apps like Lumosity also have tons of brain training games you can take advantage of.
In other words, these brain training games do help you improve — but only at playing that game.
Brain training games won't make you smarter — but a dose of blue light or an electrical shock just might
«In fact, the benefits of brief bouts of exercise might provide a better and more tractable way to influence information processing — versus, say, brain training games or meditation — and in a way that's not tied to a particular task,» Giesbrecht concluded.
Lastly, Square Enix will have their brain training game out for testing called Mensa Academy.
American Mensa Academy is a brain training game that will give player's minds the ultimate cerebral workout.
While this is essentially a brain training game there is a level of polish that pleasantly surprised me.
The phenomenal success of the Brain Training games, the plethora of Sudoku titles and the mind - bendingly... [Read full story]
All those hours spent on your DS crunching numbers and memorising words on a brain training game, may well have amounted to nothing if a recent report is to be believed.
BBC consumer affairs programme, Watchdog, has claimed that Nintendo's Brain Training game can't recognise Northern English accents.
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