Sentences with phrase «brain wave patterns»

Love is a a biological reaction, complete with chemical interactions and can be measured in brain wave patterns.
The model states that it is not just cellular activity that determines brain wave patterns — the way a conscious occasion comes into being also affects the pattern.
They found that infants who were breastfed by depressed mothers still had normal brain wave patterns.
Changes in the severity of symptoms were compared in objective tests of ability to concentrate and underlying brain wave patterns.
The first investigations studied brain wave patterns in the late 1950s.
CATCHING Z»S While sleeping, this Australian dragon (Pogona vitticeps) shows brain wave patterns similar to those of slumbering birds and mammals.
«Other studies have looked at brain wave patterns as we process and recall memories, but our study is one of the first to look at key differences between younger and older adults» brain waves as they make and recall new memories.»
«You can think of it like brain imaging, or EEG, where electrodes attached to your head can record brain wave patterns,» Wu said.
Research conducted by Matthew Wilson and Kenway Louie of MIT proved that during sleep, dogs brains go through similar brain wave patterns as humans (see reference below).
Patients with fibromyalgia frequently have sleep problems: Their deep sleep brain wave patterns are often disrupted by brain waves that correspond to wakefulness.
I actually found an audio recording that induces brain wave patterns for focus and that has been the most helpful.
Now, in the next stage of labor, brain wave patterns slow down even more and mother has access deep into Theta (the subconscious).
For instance, suppose that experiment after experiment showed that brain wave patterns deviate most from patterns of neural activity when people are making what look like free choices.
The straightforward experimental implication is that the correlation between brain wave patterns and neural impulse patterns should be lower when a person is engaged in creative thought than when engaged in routine activity like adding numbers.14
When the third trimester hits, large - scale linking up of neurons commences, and regular brain wave patterns become measurable.
The study, led by the Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest Health Sciences, found that younger and older adults show very different brain wave patterns when performing the same memory task.
Sleep spindles — a type of brain wave pattern known to occur in the earliest stages of non-REM sleep — are associated with memory consolidation.
Using electroencephalography (EEG), the researchers then measured subjects» brain wave patterns while they were resting with their eyes closed.
But he and other neuroscientists say the study may be fatally flawed because it uses technology that can not reliably distinguish one type of brain wave pattern from
Previously, users had to fully concentrate on one of three commands — turn left, turn right, or do nothing — creating specific brain wave patterns detected by an electrode - studded cap.
Sleep tests included monitoring brain wave patterns, eye movements, heart rhythm, muscle activity, airflow at the nose and mouth, chest movements, and snoring.
In the slower theta brain wave pattern, the brain makes lots of relaxing endorphins that really do — as you will see (or rather, feel) when you try it for yourself...
These give rise to alpha brain wave patterns, a pre-sleep state flowing down to the theta pattern of memory, dreams and deep meditation and, finally, to delta wave patterns of dreamless sleep and the collective unconscious.
According to scientists at Indiana State University they sleep with one eye open, and brain wave patterns confirm that this one - eye - open - one - eye - shut phenomenon means that one hemisphere of the brain is asleep while the other is awake.
The cause is unknown, but the EEG brain wave pattern resembles that of a wild animal.
It's often used as a diagnostic tool, since strange brain wave patterns can hint at neurological problems.
This implies that in the absence of conscious occasions, say when a person is unconscious, the correlation between neural impulse patterns and brain wave patterns should be higher than when the person is conscious.
Therefore, the brain wave pattern reflecting a novel idea should deviate from concurrent neural impulse patterns.
According to the theory, the form of relatedness that characterizes unified, purposive functioning in human beings and lower animals should be manifested in their brain waves — perhaps in some kind of harmony that appears in the brain wave pattern.
Researchers looked at the brain wave patterns of babies as a measure of depression.
Brain wave patterns have begun to slow down and change from Beta (ordinary reality) to Alpha (the bridge into the subconscious) in the Embarkation phase.
Although more studies are still needed to determine whether the function of these brain wave patterns is the same across species, the results suggest that these REM and slow - wave, sleeplike patterns could date all the way back to the common ancestor of reptiles, birds, and mammals, Laurent says.
In the new study the researchers used electroencephalography (EEG) to record the brain wave patterns of 18 healthy, full - term infants exposed to painful and painless stimuli.
For would - be telepaths, neurobiologists are working on ways to read one person's brain wave patterns and transmit them into another person's head.
Reach for the hand of a loved one in pain and not only will your breathing and heart rate synchronize with theirs, your brain wave patterns will couple up too, according to a study published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).
Brain wave patterns show that babies recognize «pseudowords» they heard in the womb.
While driving, their eye movements and brain wave patterns were recorded.
Also, during sleep the brain wave patterns of dogs are similar that of people, and go through the same stages of electrical activity observed in humans, all of which is consistent with the idea that dogs are dreaming.
No problem: «Research has shown that even a 15 - minute seated massage at work can change your brain wave pattern to increase alertness, improve focus, and boost performance on quantitative tasks,» says Marilyn Kier, a member of the American Massage Therapy Association and founder of Wellness At Work in Northfield, Illinois.
Also, diversifying the activities you engage in will help sharpen your brain wave patterns.
It rhythmically shifts in temperature, metabolic rate, respiratory function, brain wave patterns, endorphin production, hormone and enzyme production, and energy output.
I read up on the origins of this type of mind altering technology — how studies at the Menninger Clinic back in the 1970s determined the brain wave patterns of deep meditation, and how a researcher at Mt. Sinai Medical Center in New York discovered a property of the brain that allowed these same brain wave patterns to be induced using sound...
Researchers have found that during sleep, the brain wave patterns of dogs are comparable to that of humans, pointing to the high likelihood of doggy dreams.
When they walked through the busy urban areas, their brain wave patterns consistently showed that they were more aroused and frustrated than when they walked through the parkland, where brain - wave readings became more meditative, notes the New York Times.
The scanner provides real time information of brain wave patterns to assess and detect mental function...
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