Sentences with word «braincase»

Progressive rounding of braincases appeared only in the sample of ancient H. sapiens.
Dated to more than 100,000 years old, the crania have a unique blend of features: the internal ear structure and back - of - skull depression seen only in Neanderthals, which have never been found east of Siberia; a low and broad shape consistent with earlier East Asian hominins; and an enlarged braincase similar to other late archaic and modern humans.
Neubauer considers it unlikely that the gradual evolution of smaller faces with the same general skull shape altered braincase shapes.
In general, though, the faces of H. sapiens got smaller over time, a skull change that Zollikofer contends critically influenced the evolution of rounded braincases described in the new report.
OH13 is a partial skull, with braincase, palate and both upper and lower teeth.
Some anatomical studies indicated that T. rex could not run quickly, while an examination of the creature's braincase showed it had an outsize olfactory system.
Jebel Irhoud braincases more closely resemble those of earlier species, including H. erectus.
The mouse - size creature's relatively large braincase and short snout clearly mark it as a primate, says Hu, who made the discovery in collaboration with Xijun Ni and colleagues at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing.
In doing so, numerous measuring points in a dense array were located on the virtual representation of Manot and on several hundreds of other braincases to capture differences and similarities.
An analysis of the new fossils, and of those found at the site in the 1960s, confirms that the hominins had a primitive, elongated braincase.
D4500 / D2600 combines a small braincase (546 cubic centimeters) with a large prognathic face and exhibits close morphological affinities with the earliest known Homo fossils from Africa.
One nearly complete skull unearthed at Dali in Shaanxi province and dated to 250,000 years ago, has a bigger braincase, a shorter face and a lower cheekbone than most H. heidelbergensis specimens3, suggesting that the species was more advanced.
Nor do people with Down syndrome share LB1's other distinctive features, such as her projecting midface and thick braincase walls.
The study casts doubt on a 2014 paper by Falk that was based on casts of the inside of fossil braincases, called endocasts, which preserve impressions of these surface features.
The traditional methods of anthropology permit to draw only a coarse picture with regard to classification if it comes to a partial braincase which features mainly smooth curvatures.
He says there are at least 30 complete braincases known from H. erectus.
Until recently, if a team of researchers found an intact braincase, they were limited in what they could learn unless they cut the fossil open.
Further studies of casts of the inner braincase, which show impressions from surface features of the brain, may help clarify N. alesi's position in ape evolution, Nengo says.
Beautifully preserved for about 1.8 million years, the Dmanisi fossil known as Skull 5 (left) has a small, primitive braincase — less than half the volume of our own.
The researchers» skull samples showed Neandertal features present in the face and teeth, but not elsewhere; the nearby braincase, for example, still showed features associated with more primitive hominins.
Today, even upper - latitude, «wolfish» varieties like huskies have shorter, wider snouts, and shorter braincases, than wolves — traits typical of domestication syndrome.
The short snout and wide braincase of a canid skull (top) found in Belgium's Goyet Cave, in comparison with two ancient wolves found in nearby caves (middle, bottom), led scientists to claim the Goyet bones are from a 36,000 - year - old dog.
«Had Skull 5 been found as an isolated braincase and an isolated face, these parts may have been attributed to distinct species,» says Christoph Zollikofer, a University of Zürich anthropologist and author on the paper published in October.
Still, a lack of fossilized brains means scientists have to rely on braincase data.
From the Middle Pleistocene eastern Eurasians, the fossils had a low, broad braincase rounding onto the inferior skull, while there were two features from western Eurasian Neanderthals: a detailed rear arrangement and semicircular canal configuration.
The fossil of «Allkauren koi» included a superbly preserved and uncrushed braincase that sheds light on the origins of the neuroanatomy of this animal and its close relatives.
Hollows inside a skull of Nothosaurus, including the interior braincase, provided better insight into the early adaptations associated with the secondarily aquatic lifestyle and ecology of this animal.
Moreover, unlike modern humans with low brain sizes, these skulls are very robust, with flattened braincases and large brow ridges.
The inside surface of Jebel Irhoud braincases, which were long and low, has a distinctive shape that perhaps represents an early evolutionary step toward later humans» rounded skullcaps, suggests paleoanthropologist Chris Stringer.
Its large braincase and apelike jaw and teeth were exactly what these scientists expected to find from a «missing link.»
While the researchers do not yet know how he and the other Neanderthals died, they can compare other braincases with that of the remains of this young fellow.
An analysis of the new fossils, and of those found at the site in the 1960s, confirms that these hominins had a primitive, elongated braincase.
Furthermore, while the skull has several unique features, it also has a small braincase that is most similar in size to other early hominin species that lived between four million and two million years ago.
But it also resembles H. sapiens, with its smaller teeth and bigger braincase.
The researchers took high - resolution CT scans of the skulls to map the imprint of braincases and then used a computer program to reconstruct the contours of the actual brains.
In this scenario, high, rounded braincases, chins, small teeth and faces, and other hallmarks of human anatomy eventually appeared as an integrated package 200,000 to 100,000 years ago.
Their braincase (shown below in blue) also seemed to fall somewhere between what one might expect in an ancient human ancestor and a modern human, albeit slightly more similar to those of our archaic ancestors.
CT scans, used to produce these reconstructions, reveal a modern - looking face (left) but a braincase similar to older, now extinct Homo species (right).
«Also, the fact that the bones of the braincase aren't fully fused means that this particular fossil is that of an individual that is not fully grown yet.
The most spectacular finding was made on an elevated shelf within a small chamber of the cave: a very well preserved «calotte,» hence the upper part of a braincase.
The shape of the brain case was the first to change: the new skull has a braincase shaped like a typical H. erectus despite its small size.
In some cases, they only eat the brain, and we've found that swabbing along the edges of the braincase gives us the best results for extracting DNA,» Wheat said.
A. sediba had long, apelike arms; a braincase one - third the size of a modern human's; and a modern - looking pelvis that suggests it was a better upright walker than previous australopithecines.
When paleoanthropologist Lee Berger unearthed a fossil near Johannesburg, South Africa, it seemed to be a jumble of parts: a braincase similar in size to that of an Australopithecus africanus, a Homo erectus pelvis, and the arms of a Miocene ape.
He hit pay dirt: His team found a bone bed containing at least three Teleocrater individuals, including a braincase and jawbone.
Our braincase is massive.
To create a virtual version of the hobbit brain, Falk's colleague, engineer Kirk Smith, of the Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology in St. Louis, used three - dimensional CAT scans that Morwood's team had taken of its fossilized skull and braincase.
In its skull, the snout and the braincase are loosely connected.
After sorting through hundreds of bones excavated by paleontologists Suresh Srivastava and Ashok Sahni during a 1983 expedition in the Narmada River valley in western India, Sereno and Wilson realized they were looking at the braincase, parts of a hip, a vertebra, and a tailbone of a distant cousin of Tyrannosaurus rex.
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