Sentences with phrase «brains out of rest»

That will keep the brains out of rest state.

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The child's brains are then vacuumed out, the skull collapses, and the rest of the newly made corpse is removed.
Hasker's third proposition is that for the problem of divine non-intervention to be a real problem, «we must be able to identify specific kinds of cases in which God morally ought to intervene but does not» Many critics of (traditional) theism probably already have a more or less vague list of such cases, which might include genocidal events, such as the Nazi holocaust and the Rwandan massacre; wars; large - scale natural disasters; conditions of chronic poverty, in which millions of children die from starvation or are permanently stunted because of inadequate protein; the sexual molestation of children, which often leaves them psychologically scarred for the rest of their lives; death preceded by long, painful illnesses, such as cancer or AIDS, or by mind - destroying conditions, such as Alzheimer's disease; and the kinds of events described by Dostoyevski, such as the soldier using his pistol to get a mother's baby to giggle with delight and then blowing its brains out.
You can zoom in to view areas in detail or back out to get a bigger picture of a region's connection to the rest of the brain.
To find out, they scanned the «resting» brains of volunteers as they waited to be told what the experiment entailed.
In a recent study published in Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, López - Caneda and colleagues set out to see if the resting brains of binge - drinking college students showed any differences compared with those of their non-bingeing counterparts.
Apart from having to spend that night sleeping with a strategically placed ice pack — something that caused the rest of us to make fun of him from the summer of 1968 until the middle of last week — Sidney displayed a level of unbridled agony I had seen before only in the closing reel of Fiend Without a Face when the monster is trying to suck Kim Parker's brain and spinal column out through the back of her neck.
«The brain at rest» is actually a hive of activity and what it's doing is trying to sort out information that comes in; I mean this is another, another thing that made Marcus Raichle curious about this, is we know, for instance, that six million bits of data go flowing in through your optic nerve from the environment around you, and then only 10,000 of those bits actually get to the brain's visual processing area and only a few hundred of those are involved in consciousness, and you know, the conscious processing associated with that visual activity.
For the last decade, neuroscientists have been using the non-invasive brain - mapping technique functional called magnetic resonance imaging or fMRI to examine activity patterns in human and animal brains in the resting state in order to figure out how different parts of the brain are connected and to identify the changes that occur in neurological and psychiatric diseases.
One of the most difficult things for a brain surgeon is figuring out exactly where a brain tumor starts and stops because brain tumor tissue can be hard to distinguish from the rest of the brain.
Treatment for damage to peripheral nerves, which extend from the brain and spinal cord out to the rest of the body, is often challenging.
Most of the diet - logging tools above will allow you to calculate your baseline calorie needs, but you can also use the free calculators at to find out exactly how many calories your body burns at rest to maintain basic life needs such as kidney, lung, brain and heart function.
Deep sleep plays an important role in memory, and research shows that missing out on rest can contribute to a build up of beta - amyloid protein in the brain, associated with the development of Alzheimer's disease.
When I have done extended fasts I felt de-toxing from the brain too A good quality rebounder designed to move lymphatic fluids is also good for helping the lymph system move buildup of toxins out of the brain — and the rest of the body too.
Even if we occasionally eat healthy it has no effect on us biochemically because our brain is not wired to release the necessary amino acids to instruct our body to properly handle the new vitamins and minerals we are consuming and they are just flushed out with the rest of the waste.
I also check out the whole body on a chiropractic side when I'm seeing patients chiropractically and we'll address where certain joints aren't moving properly, because the brain communicates primarily to the rest of the body via movement and the rest of the body communicates through the brain via movement.
Low levels of adrenal cortisol can result in the following: hypoglycemia, fatigue, muscle aches, low blood sugar, sugar or salt craving, shakiness relieved with eating, moodiness, food sensitivities, allergies, recurrent infections, dizzy when standing, low blood pressure, decrease ability to handle stress, decreased cognitive ability or «brain fog», swollen ankles that are worse at night, hypoglycemia under stress, a need to lie down or rest after psychological or emotional stress, muscular weakness, difficulty getting out of bed, wiped out with exercise and / or inability to tolerate thyroid replacement.
To get out of this cycle we need to change the breathing pattern to promote parasympathetic activation (rest - and - digest mode), and reassure the brain that all is well and healing is underway.
VIOLENCE / GORE 6 - A seated man's legs stick out beyond a dividing wall in a bathroom that hides the toilet and the rest of the man (we see pools of blood around the man's shoes and blood splatter across most of the wall and extending into the area where the toilet would be, on the sink in front of the man, on the floor beneath the vanity, and on the floor beyond the pools of blood); sirens sound off - screen, another man in the house tells a sheriff's deputy that he brought two pizzas for the dead homeowner, the owner did not like anchovies, and so the owner brought out a gun and blew his own brains (we hear that the dead man had just been evicted from his house).
SMB is a 2D platformer like Mega Man on steroids: part of the game is figuring out how to avoid the plethora of pitfalls, while the rest is making your hands actually do what your brain figures out.
Achor notes that, «Scientists estimate that we remember only one of every 100 pieces of information we receive; the rest gets filtered out, dumped into the brain's spam file.»
To avoid being labeled «entitled» along with the rest of the 20 - something workers out there, show gratitude for each project you're assigned to and view it as an opportunity to demonstrate your skills and stretch new brain muscles.
Four couples dropped out of therapy and therefore did not complete the post EFT scan, two couples were dropped for missing data, and one other was dropped whose overall threat - related brain activation in a variety of regions was an extreme a statistical outlier (e.g., greater than three standard deviations below the average of the rest of the sample).
The brain has shown that love is built on top of circuits that balance out the rest of our emotions.
«Your Majesty, just look at this expansive grassland; there's enough grass growing here wild to smoke your brains out for the rest of your meat - grinding life.
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