Sentences with phrase «brainwash when»

And board is ready to celebrate another successful brainwashing when season tickets get renewed to watch more mediocrity for high prices.
Shorttempered Dino brainwashes When did geo and bart start dating ruttings internalises inboard.

Not exact matches

Tony Stark / Iron Man's parents met a cruel fate when Bucky Barnes a.k.a. the Winter Soldier, brainwashed by Hydra, brutally murdered them.
The Dowdles both said they learned about the Waco Siege when it was in the news, particularly that Koresh and the Branch Davidians were crazy and brainwashed.
INDOCTRINATION of children when they are small is the perfect way for Religion to brainwash.
It appears to me that they have been brainwashed to think that «prayers» have been «banned» when they actually haven't... and have been fooled into thinking that using illegal encroachment against the First Amendment is a way to counter this false idea and give them a «victory» for «Jesus» or something equally insane.
No need to be brainwashed to not beliving when there is zero evidence for a god, unless you can provide some?
When in fact that it was the Us government pressure of revoking their tax exempt status, Yea they are extremely brainwashed!!!!!
Just because a lot of people are brainwashed at a young age to believe there are gods, but are told when they run out of teeth to trade that the Tooth Fairy doesn't exist, doesn't mean gods are more likely to exist.
* Laughs * I always told everyone to «f»n shut up» when it comes to religion and they learnt that you can't brainwash me.
Contrary to much popular opinion, you don't have to leave your brain at the door (or be brainwashed) when it comes to having faith.
However I'd like to add another reason, that of an epihany at the age of 10 when all the talk among adults and the news and us kids was the new concept called «brainwashing» which the Chinese Communists were using on American POWs in the Korean War.
Skytag: «Religions brainwashed people, and people who have been brainwashed cling to what they've been conditioned to believe even when there is no reason to believe it.»
When you have nothing to say of value, remember your brainwashing.
Yup, same arguments, different day, it's shows how brainwashed the christians are, but when fighting for civil rights it always takes time.
but when your family is all brainwashed already, most I think, choose not to admit it and go to church to fit in!
How can the common person expect to resist the brainwashing that occurs during childhood when even our most intelligent and open minded scientists still have a 5 % failure rate at throwing off the shackles.
I was angry at society for brainwashing me into thinking that I had to follow their rules when I really didn't.
When was the last time you were able to convince a fully brainwashed individual that they were brainwashed?
When we grow to our fullest potential, I expect simple reasoning power to see past the lies, but brainwashing is brainwashing.
Even when our children are so intelligent, we keep brainwashing them since their births.
I have to say that my mind didn't automatically got to «brainwash» when I saw «repeat».
The significance of this basis is generally missed because of the brainwashing we receive from the national state institutions, and because of the slowness of the development (until the last few decades when the pace of development accelerated rapidly).
If you study BASIC BIOLOGY, and BASIC PHYSICS, and go into the works of Darwin and Newton and Einstein with «preconceived notions» (which you got from bible brainwashing) then you «may come out as confused as when you went in.»
As a kid, the question crossed my mind momentarily, but didn't resurface until college, when I started to worry that maybe I'd been brainwashed... about everything.
Thank you and agree with you about all but not about me talking to extremes since no words would change the brainwash they went through by their imams to prepare then fighting the Russians from Afganistan... It is only responsible for adjusting that mentality is their same programers imams otherwise it would be like talking to a brick wall or tackling a camal... The main thing is that you are to take a good care of Muslims in the state and never let them grow fears from you or become jobless since such acts would assist the penetration of extremism in to their mentality... check which branches of Islam you have and mosques they operate and then read more which of all branches are the most extremes that are to be handled with care, but what I am saying not all branches of Islam be accused of extremes when only a branch or two doing all the mess.
You wrap yourself in delusions and when you seek to brainwash others you are deliberately trying to ensnare them in your dangerous cult.
I read Ayn Rand years a ago when neighbors of mine contacted me, devastated by their children being brainwashed by some philosophy students at the local staterun university.
When brainwashed, gullible, religious people ask their god to bless their food, what do they think their god will do?
Seriously, somebody brainwashed these people when they were young.
Believe what you want but when you teach (brainwash) children into thinking irrationally, then eventually they become adults that think irrationally.
especially when you consider they believe it is all a sham, brainwashing, fairy tales, sky daddy, myth, silly, stupid, no evidence of it, only deluded believe, etc..
It is a sad state of affairs when someone hates themselves so much and is brainwashed by religious nonsense that they are able to believe their own lies.
Yes, doing right can make people very rude, and angry, obviously, especially today, when you've been seriously brainwashed by the media, so sad.
(Hint: when people tell you that you will be tortured forever if you don't believe a certain magic story — that's the essence of brainwashing... ask former Muslims, Christians, Mormons, and other cult members if you want to find out more.)
These doomsdayers should all be sterilized so they can't reproduce.The brainwashing starts at an early age, passed down from generation to generation.It is programed into childrens psych and nurtured throught childhood.If the Bible is correct - noone will know the day or hour this will happen, It also says you can not add or take out of the scripture as well.It is totally laughable when you hear these nuts running around going against what their own textbook says.This (should) be a huge lesson for these zealots to keep their mouth shut, and stop trying to shove their doctorine down peoples throats - It's why most normal sane people laugh and think what a bunch of BS.
Now, honestly... Why would you call Atheists (those who rely on thorough scientific studies) brainwashed, when it is the religious people that believe in 2,000 year old camp fire stories told by Middle Eastern Sheep Herders that should be called brainwashed?
When someone believes in a cult and are wasting their time wouldn't you try to show them the way out and stop the brainwashing.
«When we can start taxing religion and prevent children from being dragged into this brainwashing»... you mean when «we» can start dictating people what to do, what is good and what is When we can start taxing religion and prevent children from being dragged into this brainwashing»... you mean when «we» can start dictating people what to do, what is good and what is when «we» can start dictating people what to do, what is good and what is bad?
When we can start taxing religion and prevent children from being dragged into this brainwashing there just might be some hope for this our species, on this our ever worsening situation on this planet.
I will be even more thankful when it is illegal to take children into a church for brainwashing.
Right, it's best to brainwash them early instead of giving them the chance to decide on such an important life decision when they are adults.
Let me know, when and where is this happening, then I will believe your words, as of now, they are only words coming from a person who has been brainwashed.
I can't believe that the leaders of this church is trying to be GOD when the BIBLE says otherwise and pretty sure they takes out some of the scripture out of context just to convince or brainwash those other people that listen to the radio.
Why should I respect Wegner because of what he did in the past?Yes agree but now is now so please someone explain to me why I need to defend him when he treats us like brainwashed idiots.
and most of the fan base has been brainwashed to go along with all that rubbish, or how do you explain such article advocating for a player who has been less than average at best to get a starting berth right at the business end of the season when we need all our best players playing... wow, just wow!!!
When the players come out and say things are bad like Per did, you can not be brainwashed enough to believe Wenger anymore, well at least I don't.
Younger fans have no way of remembering when that basic fight was expected from all players, CONSTANTLY, since they have only ever known (and some been brainwashed by) Wenger.
Signing of Laca was political one to silence the fans just like signing of ozil was.Arsenal board and Wenger are not sincere want to strengthern the team to compete with the best but they only signing for political reasons when they are under pressure to sign big names.They only sign one top player every season to look like they meant business but if left without being pressurized they will never ever signing quality players.they will do just like when the last time when they signed only PETER CECH brainwashed fans that he had quality Squad already..
Its hard to realize this stuff when ur embroiled in it but I think the people that do nt are just brainwashed and too used to what they see.
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