Sentences with phrase «brainwashing people»

They're extremely dangerous and are known for kidnapping, torturing, and brainwashing people into believing their ideology.
As for as attempts at brainwashing people, that not really doing at good in terms of reducing CO2 emission.
I don't quite understand you people who think teaching about solar energy is on par with brainwashing people.
Indoctrination is a term used for brainwashing people with beliefs, like creationism or capitalism or socialism.
«This guy had a mysterious way of brainwashing people, and I just kind of clammed up about it for many years.
As long as there are evangelical churches brainwashing people of all ages — cradle to grave, if you will, hatred and bigotry will be alive and well.
Zip is the only brainwashed person here.
the biggest reason for contraceptives so that many brainwashed people writing in the blogs cant reproduce
But you can't really reason with the brainwashed people who insist on misunderstanding and really can not grasp anything like extended logic or clear reasoning.
For centuries the only way this religion of sword has been able to proliferate has been to brainwash people by getting them angry, and injecting sorrow, into their souls about the dead and martyrs, as well as creating hate towards an enemey, even a made - up one Without a funeral, mourning, and a physical shrine, muslims are lost!
The good thing is the longer it is up the more people will look up LDS and realize how brainwashed these people are... I'm surprised they are not worshiping a dog bone or something but then again no one is allowed in the Temple so who knows?
In the bible it never says men have many wives it says clearly one man and one woman becomes one flesh.The bible is speaking of men that had many wives not yourself having wives.Read the bible 1st and translate it properly and don't use it to brainwash people.
Skytag: «Religions brainwashed people, and people who have been brainwashed cling to what they've been conditioned to believe even when there is no reason to believe it.»
It was used as a primer, here in America, to teach communist agents how to brainwash people, and, in fact, how to subvert entire populations.
That anyone actually believes in fairy tales like heaven and hell shows how ignorant people still are in this day and age and also shows the capacity for religion to mass brainwash people.
Trying to brainwash people into believing your nonsense is true, how typical of the xtian.
If they are brainwashed people who happen to be unintelligent, not a chance, might as well go try to tear down a brick wall with your face.
Indoctrinated / brainwashed people are easily programmed.
It's pitiful how some Atheist act like they have the FULL proof to brainwash people with their views.
Just shows how brainwashed people have become, or just how biblical illiterate they have become.
And the fool accepts whatever ridiculous nonsense loud angry brainwashed people yell at him and order him to accept on pain of eternal suffering.
I do be Ievethat all religions are man made cults and that they are all brainwashed people believing in a God they will never see or hear.
But you can't get brainwashed people to face any truths or facts that clearly contradict the lies they have been indoctrinated to believe.
A brainwashed person simply doesn't snap their fingers and suddenly declare themselves atheists.
Seriously, somebody brainwashed these people when they were young.
It is a characteristic of brainwashed people to blindly deny anything that threatens their beliefs.
But I want you to know that we're not all in it to brainwash people and hurt people.
If he's really honest with himself, he'll focus on his family, instead of trying to raise money for his church (the number 1 focus of the church elders), and stop trying to brainwash people.
I'm going to assume YOU haven't read your own book either since you just spouted off a passage that thousands of other brainwashed people have also quoted regarding this topic.
So I guess all these brainwashed people bow to a deceitful lyar.
Let's see, because it's supers † itious nonsense and in the information age it is getting harder and harder to brainwash people?
If it's getting harder to brainwash people, then why was it so easy to brainwash so many people into voting for Obama?
The brainwashed people just want to hear nice things.
You mean that this may be causing some brainwashed people to go back to their brainwashing manuals.
these guys are well funded from places you won't even imagine, they have the latest weapons, the latest technology, and a lot of uneducated brainwashed people as soldiers who would do anything they are told for money, women, or drugs.
The established medical and media outlets want to brainwash people into believing that health insurance will protect your life.
Through countless conversations with people from all walks of life, Jerry observed that Hollywood has brainwashed people into what «being attractive» should look like.
do they brainwash people?
But it's soon clear that Lars isn't here to brainwash people, or even to rob the bank.
This powerpoint and worksheets provide a range of differentiated activities as well as video clips that explore how propaganda and indoctrination was used in the Holocaust to Brainwash people.
All the media spin out there that brainwashes people into thinking they need to be multi-millionaires if they want to retire early is just ridiculous.
The financial industry wants to brainwash people that market timing is wrong because they want more assets to manage.
They used chemicals agents to brainwash people into believing they are prophets / gods.
The poor district is plagued by The White Mask, a criminal who seemingly brainwashes people.
And the political problem is mostly to do with poorly educated and brainwashed people.
Sommer wrote: «Knowing the IPCC deception that was used to brainwash people into accepting all of this collateral damage only makes the frustration levels higher.»
Knowing the IPCC deception that was used to brainwash people into accepting all of this collateral damage only makes the frustration levels higher.
And really, has US News and World Report so brainwashed people that a school's reputation is only as good as a number?
She brainwashed people with the notion that Capitalism and altruism are incompatible.

Not exact matches

And they've managed to brainwash the great masses so effectively that the people are crying out for more.
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