Sentences with phrase «branch of science»

Now a new branch of the science of aging has sprouted, from a part of the world that, oddly, was excluded before: nature.
The many branches of science represent hundreds of years of work by thousands of brilliant men and women who wanted to explain how the world works.
And as in most branches of science, the causal conclusion is supported by multiple lines of evidence, not just 1.
This is an important branch of science that is concerned with the study of life and living organisms.
There is an entire branch of science, called evolutionary developmental biology, that is discovering the mechanisms behind all of this.
Responding to valid criticisms leads to improvement in a properly functioning branch of the sciences.
As such, they let us experience a deeper and more passionate drive towards scientific discovery, creating new experts and even new branches of science along the way.
For 20 years they had worked together, turning the study of dolphin cognition into a legitimate branch of science.
This tends to lend a certain amount of credibility from my view point as no other branch of science appears to be able to!
But this ability in turn is founded on my having a fairly good understanding of multiple branches of science, mathematics, and the scientific method.
This is a professional who has to work in the field of system engineering, which is basically an interdisciplinary branch of science.
It is telling that such deficiencies are widespread in climate science compared to many other branches of science.
What we really want to see now is responses from different branches of science.
Although this is a relatively new branch of science, there are some factors that appear to be key in controlling how quickly you age.
There is nothing in the theory of evolution, nor in astronomy, or in geology, nor in paleontology, or any other branch of the sciences which contradicts Christianity, or any other type of theism (except Mormonism — we know scientifically that the Indian peoples of the Americas are not descended from the Jews — which is a key point of belief for them, much more central than there having been a literal Garden of Eden is for classical Christianity or Judaism).
It aims to conduct meetings and conferences of those interested in the various branches of science and education, to produce and distribute publications, to administer gifts and bequests as prescribed by the donors thereof, to provide support for research, to arrange awards for the accomplishment of scientific work, to cooperate with other organizations in the advancement of science and to engage in such other activities as shall have been authorized by the Council.
The church needs more priests like him, some for example who could head a new faculty dedicated to training scientists in theology and also overseeing the recruitment and scientific training of seminarians and clergy who have the aptitude and the wish to become experts in branches of science.
uk), founded in 1820, encourages and promotes the study of astronomy, solar - system science, geophysics and closely related branches of science.
Noah's myth has been disproven by many branches of science.
The level of discussion on this board is terrific, and it is striking how many arguments here can be seen as a world view clash between branches of science, as opposed to disagreements between scientists within a field.
With neuroscience promising to decipher the most intricate aspects of human nature, it is little wonder that it has come to be one of the most popularised branches of science.
Bionics is a brilliant synthesis of poles apart branches of science that explores the interplay between electronics, human psychology and robotics.
This is particularly true of creationists who effectively require every relevant branch of science supporting evolution (i.e. physics, chemistry, biology, geology, astronomy, etc) to be so flawed as to be worthless.
He's widely regarded as the father of a whole branch of science: disordered - materials physics, which uses unstructured elements like cesium to achieve superconductivity.
Intelligent Design, and it's root Creationism, is in NO WAY an accepted branch of Science!
Stating the fact that the universe is huge or one of the most subjective branches of science, biology, is 100 % correct in it's theories is a poor reason to deny that God exists.
Other branches of science became modern only more recently: chemistry in the early 19th century; biology in the mid-19th century, or perhaps the early 20th century.
We have reached the stage where one over-all organization can not effectively deal with the intensive and specialized interests of individual branches of science.
We look at what's happening in this nascent branch of science, and explore concerns over «biohacking.»
An emerging branch of science known as exometeorology is offering remarkable insights into the conditions found on some of the more extreme planets in the galaxy — including the weird and mind - boggingly massive weather patterns experienced on a hot Jupiter that's 385 light years from Earth.
Calculations using biomolecules inside cells, a.k.a. biocomputing, are a very promising and rapidly developing branch of science, according to the leading author of the study, Maxim Nikitin, a 2010 graduate of MIPT's Department of Biological and Medical Physics.
Colloidal and ionic chemistry are a literally branches of science unto themselves.
With neuroscience promising to decipher the most intricate aspects of human nature, it is little wonder that it has come to be one of the most popularized branches of science.
Ornithology is one of the oldest branches of science, and new information about birds is still being discovered.
BFJ Cricklewood (146)-- In many, if not all, branches of science there are some researchers who don't manage to put it togethr properly.
Despite the hysterical allegations of the denialati, climate science is one of the most open and competitive branches of science.
I'm headed to the Vatican to participate in a novel workshop at which economists, theologians and seasoned researchers from many branches of science convene under the auspices of the Pontifical Academies of Sciences and Social Sciences to consider a subject that transcends the realms of data and values: Sustainable Humanity, Sustainable Planet, Our Responsibility.
To say this is a murky and not very deeply understood branch of Science (as is Climatology) is an understatement.

Phrases with «branch of science»

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