Sentences with phrase «branches of government if»

Once appointed they can go rabid against the Executive and Legislative branches of government if the situation calls it.

Not exact matches

Under the law, if Cohn sells his Goldman stock to avoid a conflict of interest as a member of the Executive Branch, he will be able to indefinitely defer capital gains taxes on the sale, providing he invests the proceeds from the stock sales in government securities or an approved government securities mutual fund.
If Google, Apple and other U.S. tech companies get help from all branches of government to advance their collective prosperity, why are we insisting that Canadian entrepreneurs do it alone?
If there is a silver lining to be found in any of this, it just might be that the legislative branch of our government might be compelled to stop passing the buck to unelected members of the Fed and reassert its policy leadership role on behalf of Main Street rather than just Wall Street.
It's very difficult to manage inflation just by determining whether government liabilities take the form of cash or government bonds (which is what the Fed does) if you can't control the explosion of government liabilities itself (which only Congress and the executive branch can do).
Ponder, if you will what the USA would like if Topher and Theo Phileo were to gain power of all three branches of government.
It is tiresome but can you imagine what America would be like if a creationist theocracy ever gained power in all three branches of government.
If we reflect on a comparable concept, «separation of powers,» we might recall that it, too, is not found in the Constitution, that there never has been «absolute» separation between the three branches of government, and that the expansion and complexity of modern government has not rendered it impractical or obsolete.
And if you've ever appealed to the government branch of Employment Services or needed to talk to a social worker, you know the frustration of trying to receive help from a completely adversarial system.
If the branches of the federal government are truly coequal, if the President and Congress are not subordinated to the Court by the Constitution (except insofar as the Court might declare them to be), then the theme of «judicial restraint» that runs wistfully through your symposium is less an appeal for the impossible than a misconstrual of the probleIf the branches of the federal government are truly coequal, if the President and Congress are not subordinated to the Court by the Constitution (except insofar as the Court might declare them to be), then the theme of «judicial restraint» that runs wistfully through your symposium is less an appeal for the impossible than a misconstrual of the probleif the President and Congress are not subordinated to the Court by the Constitution (except insofar as the Court might declare them to be), then the theme of «judicial restraint» that runs wistfully through your symposium is less an appeal for the impossible than a misconstrual of the problem.
The government resigned, Havel was acclaimed interim president, and in a matter of days, if not hours, the great ugly wall that had separated Christian Europe into two branches (as the pope put it) came pounding down, hammer blow by hammer blow.
But even if this principle is valid, should the judicial branch of our governments be empowered to determine whether individuals deserve to die?
The entire point of the Constitution was to balance the government and place checks on each branch's power so that even if a demagogue were to be elected president, the damage they could do would be limited and narrow in scope.
Cuomo took issue with Trump after an appearance in Poughkeepsie, and told reporters that «if the President did some reading he'd find out the federal government actually made that move, which is the branch of government he's in.»
The County Executive insisted that if there was going to be a review of the financial disclosure process, it must be looked at evenhandedly by reviewing both branches of government, not just the Executive's in a political fashion.
«And the Legislature is a separate branch of government which must be dealt with if one is to get anything accomplished.»
Syracuse - area state Sen. John DeFrancisco says if history tells us anything, it's that upstate New York doesn't fare well when downstate Democrats control all branches of government in New York state.
«Each co-equal branch of government is there to appropriately check the other branch if it runs amok.
If I am president, and leave the Court without a working minimum to function (see Panda's answer), then I can operate without that branch of government, but it's not like I get unfettered power to do as I wish, even with a cooperative Congress.
But, we must work together to deliver them for the people of New York, and that would be much easier if he would commit to working with the Legislature as an equal branch of government.
If doing what you've been doing and expecting different results is a definition of insanity, well, then, these legislators are just crazy about the jobs they've been doing as the so - called «co-equal» branch of county government.
Judicial review is the power of the Court to examine federal legislation, federal executive, and all state branches of government, to decide their constitutionality, and to strike them down if found unconstitutional.
One such law noted that when congress requested scientific information «prepared by government researchers and scientists shall be transmitted uncensored to congress and without delay,» but the president's signing statement read «the President can tell researchers to withhold any information from congress if he decides its disclosure could impair foreign relations, national security, or the workings of the executive branch
For example, if a content standard calls for students to learn about the three branches of government, then questions such as «When does a government overstep its authority?»
Currently, if you are affiliated with a number of military or government branches, make a small donation to the National Military Family Association or the Voices for America's Troops, or volunteer for the Red Cross, then you're eligible to join.
Adding to what others have said, if the mortgage for the new house is backed by the federal government (e.g., through FHA or is to be sold to Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac) you would be violating 18 USC § 1001, which makes making intentionally false statements to any agent or branch of the federal government a crime punishable by up to 5 years» imprisonment.
«The Constitution imposes too many restrictions on government interference for Mr. Sachs, and we'd be better served if we moved toward a «French - style» constitution that consolidated the executive and legislative branches and empowered experts to help us manage the «complexity of our economy.»»
If I understand Justice Ginsburg correctly, she wrote a legal opinion at least in significant part to push a different branch of government to enact a law closer to her personal policy preferences.
In a speech to the B.C. branch of the Canadian Bar Association last November, he warned that B.C.'s justice system is «threatened, if not in peril,» due to chronic underfunding from the government.
«It is a co-equal branch of the federal government with the power to act as a body in response to defendant's alleged foreign emoluments clause violations, if it chooses to do so.»
If we have any hope of changing the dynamic in this country, we have to start with basic legal education — an education about what it means to have a constitutional democracy, that is based on three separate, but independent, equal branches of government
If the political branch of government does not see an emergency, why should the judicial branch undertake emergency relief to resolve what essentially is a political question?
If that process is improperly interfered with, so is the judicial branch of government.
It should also be noted that a judge can not recuse himself if there is no other judge capable of hearing the case is available (the classic example is the case deals with an issue regarding pay of the judicial branch of government.
If the concept is good enough for the two other branches of Florida government, why not the judiciary?
If you think that the collection agency you are dealing with is not complying with the rules as stated in the Fair Trading Act you can make a complaint to the Consumer Services Branch of Alberta Government Services.
However, the government decided to deny funding to all of the participants other than the police, the criminal justice branch and a limited number of affected families, making it difficult if not impossible for community groups to participate.
[23] From time to time the ABA reasserts that the authority to regulate lawyers, if not the legal services market as a whole, not only lies with state supreme courts or the judicial branch of government, but also that it should lie there.
«But even if that possibility, or some would argue that probability, will occur, that's why we have the judicial branch [of the federal government],» he says.
Among her other writings were Privy Council, Cabinet, and Ministry in Britain and Canada: A Story of Confusion, Attitudes in the Philadelphia Convention towards the British System of Government, Constitutional law — citing Canada's Constitution — problems and proposed solutions; If the queen were to abdicate: procedure under Canada's constitution; Ontario's courts, 1867 - 1987: conflicts and confusion; Parliament, the Executive and the Governor - General; Parliamentary privilege in Canada; Robert's Rules of Order: editions, reprints, and competitors; The Canada Act 1982 — some facts and comments; The Judiciary in Canada: the Third Branch of Government, and Defining Constitution of the Province — The Crux of the Manitoba Language Controversy.
If they work in government agencies or public accounting firms, these assistants may be asked to travel frequently to assist accountants in auditing businesses or branches of a company.
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