Sentences with phrase «branches of physics as»

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However, beyond what many of us were exposed to in high school, and as most are generally familiar, Physics actually branches out expansively, into numerous realms, many of which philosophers have played around with for ages.
He's widely regarded as the father of a whole branch of science: disordered - materials physics, which uses unstructured elements like cesium to achieve superconductivity.
Benoit Mandelbrot was a Polish - born mathematician and polymath, a Sterling Professor of Mathematical Sciences at Yale University and IBM Fellow Emeritus (Physics) who developed a new branch of mathematics known as «Fractal» geometry.
This is particularly true of creationists who effectively require every relevant branch of science supporting evolution (i.e. physics, chemistry, biology, geology, astronomy, etc) to be so flawed as to be worthless.
His current area of research is non-commutative geometry, a branch of mathematics which is likely to provide solutions in the mathematical treatment of «singularities» such as in the physics of the «Big Bang» beginning of the universe.
To that extent the formula more or less fits physics and biology, though to different degrees, but more than it does philosophy and other branches of inquiry which directly concern man as a whole, in his totality.
She had no intention at the time of branching out into other areas, such as experimental physics, or going on to earn a Ph.D. «It's mostly chance that I'm here,» she says.
What benefit is currently accruing to the scattered fields of botany, Mars exploration, quantum physics, and so on, by being thought of as mere branches of a greater, more boring whole?
The CA will frame the development of a graphene flagship that is aimed to serve as a sustainable incubator of new branches of ICTs applications, rooted on European scientific excellence and interdisciplinarity (merging physics and chemistry with engineering communities), and providing Europe a strategic instrument and infrastructure for innovation in ICT - related science and applications.
Nationally, it will coordinate basic research on theoretical physics in China and facilitate interaction between theory and experiment, as well as promote research in interdisciplinary areas among physics and other branches of science.
The tech has applications beyond destruction - we've already seen it used for AI (Forza and Titanfall), streaming (Sunset Overdrive and PSNow) and savegames... A few months back I read an article about a dev that was using the cloud to calculate wind physics as a means of having flora (trees / branches / foliage) that bent and swayed according to their height and position relative to each other and the edge of a virtual forest.
In truth climatology is best regarded as an advanced branch of physics — although there are certainly elements of chemistry to it.
In general, physics (upon which climate science is very largely based) has done as good, or better, of a job at tying underlying physical drivers to observed phenomena, as has any other branch of science, right up there with chemists and molecular biologists.
The problem of tracking rays layer by layer as gas molecules scattered or absorbed them was called «radiative transfer,» an elegant and difficult branch of theoretical physics.
Try as they might, even with all three branches of government under their control, conservative Republicans can't repeal the laws of chemistry and physics.
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