Sentences with phrase «brand extension rather»

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However, the contemporary offices are not restricted to the traditional definition of workspaces, rather they have become an extension of brand ethos, work culture and the principle for which a company, an establishment or a unit stands for.
Reading the book through my prism of someone who publishes print magazines and all forms of e-media, and who is always exploring potential new - media business models related to them, I made a note of that «brand extension» strategy of the book's fictitious magazine, Millennium, and how the book's author, the late Stieg Larsson, through protagonist Mikael Blomkvist, outlined (with a 2004 understanding) what today, he would have likely transformed into a Kindle ebook rather than PDF.
One reason why a smaller agency may be the right fit for certain clients is its potential to act like an extension of the client's brand rather than a third party completely.
Rather than disturb an established customer base, retailers such as The Home Depot and OfficeMax have undertaken brand extensions and are placing new formats into new markets.
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