Sentences with phrase «breach of faith»

Cuomo's comments drew swift condemnation from fracking supporters, including a statewide landowners coalition, which called the missed Nov. 29 deadline a «breach of faith by our government,» and the New York Post condemned what it deemed «Andrew's latest dither.»
He is the author of Breach of Faith: Hurricane Katrina and the Near Death of a Great American City and was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for his part in hurricane coverage by The Times - Picayune, the New Orleans daily.
A deal with Lowe's, Buffett says, «would have been a complete breach of faith in terms of what I promised them.
By contrast, firing an FBI Director who is investigating the White House, for reasons that are transparently political and self - protective, is an outrageous breach of faith with the American people and with the Bureau itself.
Stewart Jackson, who resigned as a ministerial aide last year over a possible EU referendum, told Radio 4's The World at One: «If they do do that... that would be such an egregious breach of faith that David Cameron would be needing to think about a minority Conservative government, a growth bill, putting forward marriage tax breaks, UK Bill of Rights — things we would want to do on our own.
He is the author of Breach of Faith: Hurricane Katrina and the Near Death of a Great American City.
That breach of faith would end the coalition government.»
We believe there has been a breach of faith here.
The coalition has written its own letter to Governor Cuomo, saying the latest obstacle is a «breach of faith» in government.
Liberal Democrats are likely to view the refusal to press on with the proposals in their current form as a breach of faith.
Thoughts of War «Let us suppose that two years from now Great Britain, estranged by our breach of faith (in the event it should not be rectified) on the canal tolls question, agreed to maintain an attitude of neutrality, while Germany, by the purchase of a base in the West Indies, challenged our Monroe Doctrine in its relation to the security of the Panama Canal.
For another take on what happens after natural disaster, read journalist Jed Horne's behind - the - book essay on Breach of Faith: Hurricane Katrina and the Near Death of a Great American City.
It's also a breach of faith, in 2007 all countries agreed to do this.»
Getting the story of climate change across to the public is an enormous challenge even in the best of circumstances, so dreaming up and reporting controversy where none exists is corrosive to the public intellect and a breach of faith on the part of a journalist.
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