Sentences with phrase «breached the confidentiality provision»

As a result, the Arbitrator concluded that the applicant had disclosed a term of the settlement and thus had breached the confidentiality provision.
The other possible outcome of the Wong decision is it may prompt employers to take a stronger position if they suspect a terminated employee has breached a confidentiality provision but they weren't sure whether to pursue it further.

Not exact matches

[11] Following the book's publication in May 2012, the Globe and Mail immediately applied to the Arbitrator for a determination that twenty - three phrases in the book breached the MOA's confidentiality provision.
«Another type of claim that may be carved out from the LOL are claims resulting from the breach of the agreement's confidentiality provisions, especially when one or both of the parties is giving the other party access to highly confidential information, the release of which would cause the party serious damage by compromising its competitive advantage.
These provisions do not however provide the customer or service provider with the ability to enforce the third party's compliance with the confidentiality obligations flowed down to it or a direct right of action against any third party for the third party's breach of such confidentiality obligations.
Some of these situations are likely to be covered by express provisions of the outsourcing agreement, e.g. outsourcing agreements normally provide that it is not a breach of the confidentiality obligations for a party to disclose confidential information to the extent required by applicable law.
Code s. 1798.82 (a)-RRB-, which empowers its Attorney General to investigate and pursue legal action against businesses in violation of its provisions, as well as requiring mandatory notifications to consumers, defines «breach of the security of the system» as «unauthorized acquisition of computerized data that compromises the security, confidentiality, or integrity of personal information maintained by the person or business.»
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