Sentences with phrase «bread and butter issues»

Bigoted and biased I am in favor of you staking a claim on rarely addressed bread and butter issues with such passion and common sense.
The most commonly reported kinds of situations involved bread and butter issues with far - reaching impacts: problems with employment, money (finances, government benefits, and debts), insurance, and housing.
As I wrote to him this morning, so much to say and so little time to say it if I want to get a few paintings done before I have to go back to my day job as an underpaid adjunct (Davis mentions the role of practical bread and butter issues and economic inequities for women as in some sense replacing Linda Nochlin's historical focus on women artists» earlier lack of access to academic training.)
The president of the Milwaukee Teachers» Education Association describes paths and pitfalls in moving beyond bread and butter issues to social justice unionism.
In 2007, 52 percent of teachers said their union should «stick to bread and butter issues» rather than focusing on reform; today, just 42 percent of teachers feel that way.
«That commitment should not just be around bread and butter issues, but also on professional issues and social justice.
Jonathan Ashworth said focussing on the «bread and butter issues» that affect ordinary people's lives while trying to win back Tory voters is the only route to victory in 2020.
Former Cabinet minister Hazel Blears said the new leader needed to understand «bread and butter issues».
The Conservatives will want to appear focused on the bread and butter issues facing the nation.
Why bring on a candidate where all of those crucial bread and butter issues will be obscured by his provacative comments about Latinos and immigrants?
Appealing to the north of England, working class voters and ethnic minorities with an aspirational agenda was at the heart of this launch, with a focus on «bread and butter issues such as the cost of living,» as well as ensuring environmental problems aren't merely seen as a concern of the left.
In a time when so many elected officials have forgotten the bread and butter issues that matter to building the middle class — Andrew Cuomo has stood tall for trades men and women throughout New York.»
He needs to focus on bread and butter issues like jobs and mortgages and public services and, above all, to develop a clear route map to growth, and stop fixating on the agenda of a liberal clique around him and barmy policies such as Lords reform and gay marriage, which people either don't like or don't care about.
Mr. Blay, who had been in Parliament with President Mahama for years fumed «he speaks carelessly and that is not putting food on the table of the suffering Ghanaians, who are concerned about their bread and butter issues
«His speaks carelessly and that is not putting food on the table of the suffering Ghanaians who are concerned about the their bread and butter issues
With an obvious exhibition of adept knowledge on the issues relating to the arts, she explained that the reference above should inform us that art is not remote to the bread and butter issues confronting us, and that, the study, funding and creation of artworks should be accorded a lot more attention.
«We are concerned about bread and butter issues, and how to improve the lives of Ghanaians.
In terms of his own approach to government Cameron seems to have decided that while the «big vision» stuff is fine in theory, in practise he's going to concentrate on more bread and butter issues.
Any successful politician would be right to ignore it and focus on bread and butter issues.
The prime minister also noted that it was «bread and butter issues», such as water rates, that had dominated the election campaign on the doorstep, adding this said much about the «modern face» of Northern Ireland.
Reflecting on Northern Ireland this week, the prime minister Tony Blair remarked that it was a sign of progress how the election in the province had been fought on «bread and butter issues».
She did talk about the need to return to «bread and butter issues,» and was overly cautious not to criticize the outgoing mayor, vaguely responding that she only wanted to do better on some issues.

Not exact matches

Remind them to include beverage (water's great or skim milk in appropriate packaging), protein (meat or peanut butter, if allergies aren't an issue) on whole grain bread), yogurt (cross a dairy requirement off the list) and fresh fruit or vegetable
The Conservative leader will speak on the strength of the union, in a move away from the Tories» normal strategy of campaigning on «bread and butter» issues.
Accusations that she's a) obsessed with independence, and b) not getting on with the day job have cut through to voters and like the shrewd politician she is, Sturgeon delivered an address that could hardly be criticised for ignoring bread - and - butter issues.
The first two columns are the indicators which best cover a state's ability to deliver on bread and butter economic issues; the Poverty and Economic Performance category includes variables such as unemployment, GDP growth, inflation, and government debt, while the Provision of Public Services category includes infrastructure, energy reliability, education, and policing.
Despite Gov. Andrew Cuomo not ruling out supporting Republicans this year, Democratic Senate Campaign Committee Chairman Mike Gianaris remains upbeat, telling Liz last night on the show that Cuomo will ultimately settle with the minority conference given their agreement on bread - and - butter party issues such as women's» health and increasing the state's minimum wage.
By focusing Labour's local and European elections campaign on the «bread and butter» issues of housing stock shortage, rising housing prices, zero - hour contracts and a widespread sense of general economic insecurity, Miliband is trying to diffuse the electoral challenge posed by UKIP.
Republican Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan was disappointed the speech didn't focus enough on bread - and - butter issues.
Only it has appeared to be harder for Cuomo to strike agreements with the Legislature, especially members of his own party who don't trust him to back bread - and - butter issues in negotiations.
In a quick rebuttal however, the communications director of the Peoples National Convention (PNC), Henry Asante said the ruling party must concentrate on the bread - and - butter issues confronting Ghanaians than on trivialities.
«If you are going to be a Democrat and you believe in bread - and - butter Democratic issues like funding public schools, you should do that and not keep — you've got to fund the schools better and not keep siphoning off money for vouchers and charters,» Nixon said.
The left - leaning Working Families Party, which has long championed bread - and - butter labor issues, has shifted focus and is now pressuring New York lawmakers to tackle global warming and support a campaign...
According to Fordham University Professor Zephyr Teachout — whose journey from Vermont to Brooklyn, and primary challenge of Gov. Andrew Cuomo, seems like a mirror - image of Mr. Sanders» early career — Mr. Sanders succeeded by leveling his attention on bread - and - butter issues: expanding access to dental care in the countryside, helping people cope with credit card debt, increasing benefits for military veterans.
Maloney and Ball are also frequently collaborators in their overlapping districts when it comes to bread - and - butter constituent issues.
Meier talks about his identification with Boehlert, his popularity in the district and the bread - and - butter issues he feels are most important to his constituents.
But voters care little for such things — it's the «bread and butter» issues of the economy and the NHS that matter, not political and constitutional reform.
Unlike Sen. Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, no Republican visited a public housing complex, and there was little discussion of making housing more affordable or bolstering infrastructure, bread - and - butter issues for an urban Democratic electorate.
Like Gibson, Faso found electoral success by running as a moderate pragmatist with a firm grip on bread - and - butter issues — like the cost of home heating oil and price supports for dairy farmers — that matter to Hudson Valley residents, regardless of their ideology.
The left - leaning Working Families Party, which has long championed bread - and - butter labor issues, has shifted focus and is now pressuring New York lawmakers to tackle global warming and support a campaign against Big Oil, The Post has learned.
«It's bread and butter types of issues that I'm hearing as I begin talking with people.»
In his statement, Flanagan did not mention the minimum wage, but instead chose to focus on Republican bread - and - butter issues like delivering a sixth timely budget that he said controls spending and offers tax relief and higher levels of school funding.
Union leaders were told they could only address bread - and - butter issues and then were criticized for caring only about their own selfish concerns rather than student achievement or larger policy issues.
These issues were so fraught that little attention was paid to the Title I program, long the bread and butter of ESEA.
The unions» sins of commission have largely to do with bread - and - butter issues of salary and job protections.
First, unions need to widen their discourse beyond bread - and - butter issues like compensation and work environment.
After several years in which teachers» unions have been hammered on the issue of tenure, have lost collective bargaining rights in some states and have seen their evaluations increasingly tied to student scores, they have begun, with some success, to reassert themselves using a bread - and - butter issue: the annual tests given to elementary and middle school students in every state.
The airwaves in key battleground states are likely to be awash in campaign advertising that may, at times, stray from bread - and - butter issues.
I also find the statistical issues fascinating — in fact, I became interested in Steve's work (long before climateaudit) largely because for many years PCA was my bread and butter — i.e. I know something about it.
If so, then one of the bread - and - butter issues in which trial judges get no shortage of experience is the admissibility of expert testimony.
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