Sentences with phrase «breadbasket of»

Last time I checked, California is the breadbasket of our whole damn country, and yet we still do not see general outrage that nothing is being done to make it rain?
Even if «catastrophic» AGW is correct and we do warm another 3 C over the next century, if it stabilized the Earth in warm phase and prevented or delayed the Earth's transition into cold phase it would be worth it because the cold phase transition would kill billions of people, quite rapidly, as crops failed throughout the temperate breadbasket of the world.
Rubin says Canada should aim to be «the breadbasket of the world.»
Mals, Italy, has long been known as the breadbasket of the Tyrol.
U.S. Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney — «Our farms in the Hudson Valley are the breadbasket of the region and add tens of millions of dollars to the local economy.
The artist talks about her upbringing in the breadbasket of America, and how this taught her about t...
Tony travels to Emilia Romagna, the «breadbasket of Italy,» with acclaimed NYC chef Michael White.
We tour the ancient city of Rome before travelling through the olive groves, vineyards and almond trees of a region referred to as «the breadbasket of Italy» on a wonderful adventure exploring Puglia & Basilicata.
And, my new The Food Traveler's Guide to Emilia Romagna can help you plan the perfect trip through the breadbasket of Italy.
Marvel at the magnificent mountains of the Sierra Nevada before continuing through the vast fertile plains of the San Joaquin Valley, the «Breadbasket of California.»
The Santa Barbara Channel and it's Islands provides a breadbasket of seafood, with harvest strictly managed for environmental sustainability.
Did You Know: Kingston was dubbed the «breadbasket of the Revolution» thanks to local farmers who provided Washington and his troops with wheat and other food staples throughout the war.
Our bad habits exacerbated famines and followed us to the United States, where we turned some of the richest soil in the world into the Dust Bowl, and decimated the breadbasket of our country in just shy of 150 years.
«We didn't see the decline in the proportion of monarchs we expected in the breadbasket of the U.S. — the Midwestern states — due to the loss of milkweed, but that could be because monarch numbers dropped across North America,» said Flockhart.
This is the breadbasket of America — the region that supplies at least one fifth of the total annual U.S. agricultural harvest.
The US is also the «breadbasket of the world» and these agricultural products are purchased with US dollars.
The Prairies, once hailed as the breadbasket of the world, could find that description gain renewed currency in the years to come.
But after reviewing what is happening in the breadbaskets of the world and what is in the technology pipeline, we remain cautiously optimistic about the ability of world to feed itself to 2050...
The UK's Special Representative for Climate Change, Sir David King, warns us that with current climate policies we risk simultaneous collapses of basic crop production in the major breadbaskets of the Northern Hemisphere.

Not exact matches

This anticipated album from the boys taking from the Radiohead breadbasket sounds more like a band trying to reproduce the epic raucousness of Absolution than the band that actually created...
Even our present quantum theories are mechanistic in a sense (a dance of algorithms with unexpected surprises for breadbasket - common sense).
Switzerland lacks arable soil, while Canada is one of the world's breadbaskets.
Served with a dipping dish of extra virgin olive oil, the Rustics Collection also works well in a breadbasket.
The move north of the American breadbasket will likely continue and even accelerate in coming years, according to a new study
Scorching temperatures and scarce rainfall has left large swathes of the United States in drought, with the «breadbasket states», such as Iowa and Indiana, among the worst affected.
While some of the West suffers in drought, other parts of the U.S. breadbasket suffer from too many storm clouds
Using conventionally bred hybrid seeds, farmers in certain fertile areas of Ethiopia have witnessed their fields turn into a breadbasket that is rivaled in the sub-Saharan region of the continent only by South Africa.
The origins of over two - thirds of the grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, and other agricultural crops countries grow and consume can be traced to ancient breadbaskets in distant parts of the world, according to an exhaustive peer - reviewed report.
The study, published in Nature Climate Change, focused on the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso, an emerging global breadbasket that as of 2013 supplied 10 percent of the world's soybeans.
Many recent events - discoveries from sediment cores in New York, drought in Australia and the western United States, data from increasingly sophisticated computer models - lead to a conclusion that the weather driving many of the globe's great breadbaskets will become hotter, drier and more unpredictable.
With 3 million hectares of good alluvial land, half of which can be irrigated easily, Mali could become a breadbasket.
The fear is that these airborne and highly virulent strains could spread from known sites to some of the world's most important «breadbasket» regions, such as the Punjab in South Asia, where these strains have not yet been detected.
A multi-year study of Egypt's Nile Delta places the country's major breadbasket at serious risk.
The recent extreme drought of 2012 across America's breadbasket has brought the seriousness of a shortage of water to a crescendo as the Kansas Geological Survey reported that average water levels dropped nearly a third of the total decline since 1996... over a period of only two years!
SciDevNet — The initiative known as Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) is focusing on eight priority areas — self - sufficiency in rice, intensification of cassava, food security in the Sahel, transforming savannas as a breadbasket, restoring tree plantations, expanding horticulture, increasing wheat production and expanded fish farming.
For example, you can decide whether to eat out or stay in, but after you have eaten the first piece of bread from the restaurant breadbasket, your instincts take over and make you eat several pieces until you are satisfied.
At indulgent meals with lots of courses, I always skip the breadbasket.
Have you ever noticed how quickly guys will grab a piece of bread from the breadbasket that the waiter brings to the table at a restaurant?
Taken on its own terms, it works quite agreeably as a visceral blow to the breadbasket, with one of the most outrageous and apocalyptic final scenes in the entirety of the subgenre.
Neither has come through with the kind of car that hits America right in the breadbasket.
It continues to serve as something of a breadbasket for Cusco today.
Its fertile land mean that it was a major agricultural source for the Incas and it continues to serve as something of a breadbasket for Cusco today.
1970 An Exhibition of Black American Art from Times of Slavery to the Present, Muskingum College, New Concord, OH First Annual Black Arts Festival: Operation Breadbasket, 2413 Dowling Street, Chicago, IL
The prairies have long been Canada's breadbasket, but as the seasons get longer, it may well switch to more profitable corn crops, the mainstay of the manufactured food industry.
The consequences of climate change paint a bleak picture for the Southwest and much of America's breadbasket, the Great Plains.
If we could see ahead to 2111, when the temperature (anomaly) is 3º C instead of 0ºC and the CO2 concentration is approaching 600 ppm, when the ice caps are gone and Greenland is called whatever might be the Chinese word for breadbasket, we couldn't tell whether the climate change was natural or anthropogenic.
And continued emissions are predicted to render the midwest, our «breadbasket», a fairly arid brushland by the end of the century.
As the NOAA / NCDC climate record reveals, the breadbasket areas of American have been cooling for a longer period - 17 years.
The Punjab, a highly productive piece of agricultural real estate, is India's breadbasket.
Amazingly, over the shorter term, the global warming predictions for the U.S. breadbasket have been even worse, in fact, astoundingly atrocious - instead of warming, growing areas have cooled considerably.
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