Sentences with phrase «breadwinner earns»

While designed to weed out vacant investment properties or «satellite families» — those who dwell in the province while the breadwinner earns their income and pays their taxes elsewhere — the immediate response has been that the tax is most painful for out - of - province vacation home owners, who now face thousands in additional property taxes per year.
The classic example is to compare a one - income family where the sole breadwinner earns $ 100,000 a year and is taxed accordingly, versus a family where both spouses earn a more modest $ 50,000 a year and are taxed relatively less.
Coco earned a field - best 13 nominations from this morning from the 45th Annie Awards with The Breadwinner earning 10.

Not exact matches

The bulk of these breadwinner moms — 8.3 million — are either unmarried or are married and living apart from their spouse.19 The remaining 4.9 million, who are married and living with their spouse, earn more than their husbands.
Sen shows that income earned in the market by a male breadwinner is often not evenly distributed within the household, due to cultural as well as legal factors that discriminate against women.
Despite the fact that women are earning big bucks nowadays, most of us still want and expect men to be the breadwinners.
And if a divorcee lives a cushy life, well, it's obviously because she's living off her former hubby's hard - earned pay, even if she's been the sole breadwinner or an equal economic partner or maybe got a fat inheritance from her newly deceased beloved Aunt Betsy.
Last year's animated class wasn't extremely strong, but even if it had been one of the best groups of recent memory, The Breadwinner would still have earned its place among the nominees.
Children from such families are doubly disadvantaged compared to children from two - parent families: they have only one breadwinner and that breadwinner — the mother — typically earns less than the primary breadwinner in a two - parent family (who is typically the father).
Her organization found that in many states, teachers who are the main breadwinners in their families earn so little they qualify for public assistance.
Roman, on the other hand, was the main breadwinner and earned a six - figure salary.
The wealthy know that while it may seem natural for the main breadwinner to do the investing, if the investments are made (and taxed) in the name of the lower - earning spouse, the returns are taxed at a lower rate.
He was the major breadwinner and I was earning money doing side jobs like sewing, eBay, virtual assistant work and blogging, but we didn't have enough to cover all the bills.
But if one of you is the breadwinner and the other earns much less income, it doesn't make sense from a tax perspective.
For example, Amani is the breadwinner, earning $ 100,000 per year.
The parties were married for more than twenty - five years and husband was the primary breadwinner, earning as much as $ 850,000 per year.
In a perfect situation, you, the breadwinner of the family, are earning for the family and everyone lives out of that income that you generate.
It is of utmost importance that the income - earning capacity of the primary breadwinner be fully protected, if possible, through the purchase of the required amount of life insurance.
If the breadwinner suffers a long - term disability which prevents him / her from earning an income, Disability Income insurance will take care of it.
Term Insurance is based on the concept of replacement of income earned by the breadwinner upon his death.
If the breadwinner of a family passes away, most spouses who remain and other remaining family members can often earn enough money to provide for the family without sacrificing their currently lifestyle, if the mortgage is paid off.
If an unfortunate event occurs to the breadwinner of the family or an earning member of the family, then apart from an emotional loss there would also be financial distress.
You might want to begin by asking yourself what would happen if a primary breadwinner passed away, or was otherwise unable to earn an income.
If a person is a sole breadwinner of a family, an earning member and has dependents, he / she should have adequate life cover, which is possible through Term plans as they are affordable (for most of us).
However, being the breadwinner (i.e., earning more than a spouse) was associated with men being more likely to cheat; the opposite was true for women — they were less likely to cheat when they made more money than their husbands.
But this risk does not exceed that of male breadwinner marriages until the woman earns more than 80 percent of the couple's income.
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