Sentences with phrase «breakdown of all»

To take cognizance of new insights into human sexuality from the life sciences is not, as some critics suggest, to contribute to the breakdown of morality.
Me to... but... in the grand scheme of things, invading two Islamic countries in a mater of 18 months, completely destroying their way of life and system of government (s), and imposing, or attempting to impose democracy on them, and in the process, being directly and indirectly responsible for the complete breakdown of their fragile societies and the deaths of hundreds of thousands...
So when breakdown of a molecular process disturbs the functioning of an organism or of sentience and consciousness, he / she simply assumes also that molecular processes provide the full causal explanation for the successful achievements of organisms and minds.
The synod agreed that the evils responsible for the recent catastrophes were such things as pride in heart and body, a spiritual falling away, excessive profanity, breakdown of family life, and failure to observe the Sabbath.
Why the sudden breakdown of civility?
Comic Book Movie has a pretty thorough breakdown of the similarities between Inception and the comic, but you don't need a Vox explainer to parse this one yourself.
With the breakdown of creedal orthodoxy, Hegel and his followers developed a new form of Christology from above.
Whitehead was a mathematical physicist, and there can be little doubt that the breakdown of materialistic and substantialistic categories in physics played a large role in persuading him to look elsewhere for what is most real.
Family breakdown and poverty The breakdown of stable family life, and the consequent rise in single - parent families, usually run by the mother, is one of the greatest contributors to poverty.
This manifests itself, first and foremost, in an unparalleled breakdown of the family.
Feminism has been blamed for the breakdown of the nuclear family, day care, physical and sexual abuse, hurricanes, the downfall of «real manhood,» the decline of the Christian Church in western society, and spectacularly bad television.
``... a new culture is foreshadowed in the turbulence and spiritual confusion of [our] times... our certainty of imminent change is based... upon the worldwide breakdown of established social order and traditional culture;... nowhere more marked or more disastrous than within that civilisation... that goes by the name of Christendom.»
In the US, the poor have experienced a unique form of poverty: a breakdown of the family.
I will be eagerly awaiting Jeremy's breakdown of these points.
The breakdown of marriage most hurts the least well - off.
Her own assessment of the Cold War was to see the anticommunist crusade as an end in itself embedded in McCarthyism, which was an indicator of the growth of populist lawlessness and a breakdown of the federalist balance of powers.
In «Slouching Toward Bethlehem,» her famous critique of the Summer of Love, Didion observes the rootless youth of the Haight - Ashbury and attributes their plight to the breakdown of «the game we were playing,» which the preceding generation failed to pass on.
Equally eyebrow - raising is his linking of contraception to the breakdown of families, female impoverishment, trouble in the relationship between the sexes, and single motherhood.
It permits him to see the breakdown of authority in structural rather than moral terms: as the incoherence of a shared method rather than a failure of charity.
Start with Juiian Jaynes «The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind».
The overall breakdown of the nation's estimated 35.4 million Latinos is: 55 % Catholic, 22 % Protestant and 18 % unaffiliated.
When government then attempts to respond to the social problems caused by the breakdown of private intermediary institutions, its new programs invariably weaken traditional structures further and make matters in some important respects worse.
We are facing, then, the breakdown of a working consensus, and it is not difficult to imagine what it would take to complete the break.
Start a 30 - day free trial for a full breakdown of all of our proprietary Pulse economic indicators.
Looking for a breakdown of the costs?
Here's a breakdown of the products you'll receive.
The breakdown of the big winners in Facebook Inc.'s $ 22 billion acquisition emerged Wednesday in a regulatory filing.
Making Sense of Key Pinterest Metrics And Analytics Tools — Gabe Donnini over at Marketing Land has a really nice breakdown of some excellent tools for analyzing your Pinterest account (s).
One idea I've been considering during the climbs to toward the ATH is the the Wyckoff trading range schematic shown below: Figure 2: Wyckoff Trading Range (A great breakdown of schematic details are found here) Historically, as markets progress through time, they go through phases of accumulation (a phase where investors and traders begin to buy and accumulate assets) and distribution (a phase where traders and investors begin to sell off their accumulated assets).
A reasonable breakdown of total returns is as follows:
For a breakdown of a commodity ETF's components, consult the fund company's website.
(A spokesperson for Kushner called the breakdown of talks «mutual.»)
Here is a breakdown of some of the ways you can get financing for your business.
Please keep in mind they don't have as tight a definition of IPO as Prof. Ritter, but they have more information on proceeds raised, filing activity, pricing activity, and a breakdown of IPOs by sector.
For both a borrower and a lender, the breakdown of repayments into principal and interest are very important.
This treemap shows a more detailed breakdown of RGC Resources's finances.
GoldMoney research director Alasdair Macleod's study of the breakdown of the historic correlation of interest rates and the general price level, a correlation set forth by «Gibson's Paradox» in economics, a study called to your attention by GATA on Sunday --
Mike says «this whole revolution came out of a breakdown of trust.
Thucydides, in one of the most brilliant passages of his history of the war, described the breakdown of social order as follows:
Here's the demographic breakdown of respondents to our survey: Age: 79 % between 30 - 59 years old; 9 % between 20 - 29 years old; 12 % 60 and older.
These grades are assigned based on the breakdown of ingredients used, calorie count, in addition to a comprehensive list of healthier food alternatives.
The complete breakdown of funding between intermediaries, the closure of important segments of the capital markets and the loss of public confidence in major financial institutions were more severe than any previous event over a number of decades.
Though the agreement skirted many of the more intractable differences between the two parties, it did at least avert an early breakdown of talks, which would probably have increased the possibility of a «hard Brexit,» whereby the UK would leave the EU in early 2019 without any agreement in place.
In a shot across the bows for a number of companies, LGIM said it would vote against British companies where women did not represent at least a quarter of the board, and wanted a full breakdown of any gender pay gap and plans to close it.
I thought I would do a breakdown of the cost of MER on your portfolio's.
In the interest of transparency, below is a full breakdown of our new fee structure.
Home warranty plans provide useful insurance «coverage» against a breakdown of systems or appliances in your home.
We also show your credit scores from TransUnion and Equifax, along with a breakdown of factors that can impact your credit score.
The U.K.'s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) detailed a wide scale breakdown of management failures and risk controls and stated that JPMorgan's front office was actually «involved in the misconduct.»
S. dollar (EUR / USD) currency pair, a hawkish Fed hike could mean the breakdown of the 1.05 handle at the umpteenth time of asking.
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