Sentences with phrase «breakdown of the family unit»

Not the war in Iraq, nor terrorism, but the breakdown of the family unit and how - and if - people can cope with it.
Our Family Law Group writes the BC Family Lawyer Blog, which discusses family law issues, dispels related myths and common misconceptions, and provides a better understanding of the processes and laws relating to the expansion or breakdown of a family unit.
In addition to assisting with matters pertaining to the breakdown of a family unit, our Family Law team is also available to assist with adoption applications and the preparation of agreements in anticipation of marriage or cohabitation.

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The Conservative party are to launch a «personal morality campaign'to stop the breakdown of traditional family units.
In contrast to La Sentinelle looking back to Rivette, the strange scenario of the film means that it can also be read as an anticipatory text: a film that prefigures a recently prevalent strain of French filmmaking in which a surreal incident provides the catalyst for an examination of the breakdown of the bourgeois family unit.
Let's face it — the breakdown of the American family unit and its effects on the education of our children has fallen squarely upon the shoulders of educators.
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