Sentences with phrase «breaking of bread»

By breaking of bread, do you mean a meal, or communion?
Lots of seating options encourage the shoulder - to - shoulder breaking of bread with co-workers, making it another space for connection and collaboration.
A form of the church will emerge which may look and sound very different from previous forms — as different, say, as a late - fourth - century Eucharist in Alexandria from a first - century breaking of bread in Jerusalem.
And I urge conference leaders to trust that God can do more through the simple breaking of bread and drinking of wine than in all the light shows and stage productions and dynamic speakers in the world.
Remove a coloured sash from the white - colored dress and also the effect can result in a stylish breaking of the bread dress.
White - colored dresses can be used as any approaching religious celebrations — First Breaking of the bread, Confirmation, later - existence Baptism, or any other church presentations.
«They devoted themselves to the apostles» teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
They were the privileged ones who must keep alive the memory of Easter: in their preaching, in their baptizing and breaking of bread, and ultimately in the new Scriptures they wrote.
And they devoted themselves to the apostles» teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.
Everybody preaches about how he had been made known to them in the breaking of the bread, but nobody preaches about what happened after Jesus asked, «Have you anything here to eat?»
We read there that the early church continually devoted themselves to the apostle's teaching, to the breaking of bread and fellowship, and to prayer.
It's all of us, glory to God, a mismatched and gorgeous bride and something more besides, something holy in the living life together, the breaking of bread, pouring of wine, family, in the people of God gathered together then sent out.
One does not travel to the holy land to see Jesus: he is made known in the breaking of the bread and in this way makes all lands holy.
Moreover, now the communion elements represent not Christ's passion but «our creative powers,» which are transformed into expressions of Jesus Christ; now the breaking of the bread is not the point but the prelude to the point: «When we the committed loving people gather to let the pieces of Christ be reassembled in us» we have «our most powerful statement of wholism» (Thomas N. and Sharon N. Emswiler, Wholeness in Worship).
Both writers, no doubt, are looking back to the words and actions of Jesus at his last supper, and both certainly have also in mind the «breaking of bread» which was the center of the Christian fellowship as they knew it, and remained so.
The focus of this new relation is hinted at by John when he recounts how the risen Jesus gave bread to his disciples, and by Luke when he says that he was «recognized by them at the breaking of the bread
The breaking of bread mentioned in Acts (2:42, 46) does not seem to have been a formal rite.
The Gospel of John (chapter 13) tells of a supper «before the feast of the Passover,» but the breaking of bread and the passing of the cup are not even mentioned.
People who share the same commitments often share the same meals, and the breaking of bread together is a liturgical action, both expressing corporateness and re-creating it, whether the occasion be a peace march, a family meal, or a eucharist in an upper room or in a cathedral.
«Lord Jesus, stay with us, for evening is at hand and the day is past; be our companion in the way, kindle our hearts and awaken hope, that we may know you as you are revealed in scripture and the breaking of bread.
They spoke of the two travelers who are blind to the presence and person of Jesus until he sets their hearts burning and opens their eyes with the breaking of the bread.
He wishes us to see in the meal of the five thousand a prototype of the sacramental meal in which Jesus gave himself to his disciples, and which was perpetuated in the early church's rite of the breaking of bread.
«They continued stedfastly... in the breaking of bread and prayers» (Acts 2: 42, 46).
But it is worthwhile to recall that within the first generation it was possible for Paul not only to describe the «breaking of bread» at the fellowship meal of Christians as «sharing in the body of Christ,» 24 but to pass on from that to the idea that the church (the new Israel as it emerged in history) is itself the «body of Christ,» each member of which is «in Christ,» as Christ is «in him.»
Those who heard Peter's preaching were baptised, and — again in the words of Scripture — «they continued steadfastly in the teaching of the apostles and in the communion of the breaking of bread and in prayers... praising God and being in favour with all the people» (Acts 2:41 - 47).
But what does that have to do with not «assembling together for the «apostles doctrine, fellowship, breaking of bread and prayer?»
Acts tells us to devote ourselves «to the apostles» teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.»
The generosity of the two disciples is amply rewarded with the recognising of Christ in the breaking of the bread.
We press Jesus to stay with us in our hearts, and pray that we may always recognise him in the breaking of bread, the Holy Eucharist.
-- lives still; and it is possible still both to walk with him in the way and to know him in the breaking of bread.
The foretaste of the End, realized through the Holy Spirit, becomes most clearly visible in the early Christian celebration of the breaking of bread.
This is the presence of God, this is the holy moment, the cathedral, the great moment of surrender and selflessness happening not in the leper colony of India but for me in my own living room in Canada, the breaking of bread and daily manna of communion through a messy home with messy people, learning to love and take joy even when the toast is getting cold.
He is present, of course, to our faith, which is «the means whereby we receive the sacrament»; but this does not imply, as some have thought, that his presence is an imagined one or that it is simply a presence in a kind of mental attitude which the breaking of bread and the sharing of the cup awaken in us.
In our present context, we are not concerned with the details of New Testament study in respect to eucharistic origins; hence it will suffice to say that there can be no question that in some genuine sense the sacrament does have its origin in the actions of our Lord himself and that the primitive Christian community as it met for the «breaking of bread» believed that it was thus established by him for his «continual remembrance.»
In the breaking of bread we see and are seen.
He added: «Now is the time to prepare ourselves, with humble hope and concrete efforts, for that full recognition that will come about, by God's grace, when at last we will be able to join one another in the breaking of the bread.
For Christians, every Sunday is Easter Sunday, a time to gather together with song and prayer, to hear the Word proclaimed, and to recognize Christ in the breaking of the bread.
The teaching, the fellowship, the breaking of bread and the prayers.
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