Sentences with phrase «breaks open the web»

Cooking the starch in warm water breaks open the web, and the chains line up so that they form a gel, like gravy, for example.

Not exact matches

Be sure to look at the «how to open» videos on the web — otherwise you might break the case.
Finally, young architects Gruppo A12 (Udo Noll, Peter Scupelli and Marco Bonelli) present Parole, an interactive and continuously mutating web - site as an experiment in breaking open the controlled systems of traditional archiving, thus moving outwards from the exhibition space through the web.
In my opinion, the only way in which the Guide could truly break through is by itself going open - access and making a digital version free to all on the web.
The Harvard Law School Library is to be lauded for this initiative, another in a series of projects from their Library Innovation Lab, including The Nuremberg Project to digitize their collections of source materials on the Nuremberg Trials; the H2O project to build a platform to create, share and remix open course materials (casebooks); and the service to address the problem of link - rot and help journals, scholars, courts and others create web citation links that will never break.
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