Sentences with phrase «breast cancer cell lines»

Ab7291 staining alpha tubulin in human breast cancer cell line by ICC / IF (Immunocytochemistry / Immunofluorescence).
When Possemato suppressed PHGDH protein production in breast cancer cell lines with elevated levels of it, the cells stopped proliferating.
Quantitative proteomics study of breast cancer cell lines isolated from a single patient: discovery of TIMM17A as a marker for breast cancer.
In the laboratory, Dr. Opyrchal and colleagues used breast cancer cell lines to determine the extent to which chromosomal instability and resistance to chemotherapy — characteristics of inflammatory breast cancer — are linked to the CD44 + / CD24 - / Low stem - like phenotype.
Inhibition of estrogen receptor positive and negative breast cancer cell lines with a growth hormone - releasing hormone antagonist.
Here, we show that a non-adherent, stem - like, and metastatic CSC - enriched subpopulation could be isolated by exposing human metastatic breast cancer cell lines to cycles of chronic hypoxia followed by reoxygenation.
To directly evaluate the relationship between ABL family kinases and metastasis, we analyzed ABL1 and ABL2 protein abundance in MDA - MB - 231 — derived breast cancer cell lines with different organ metastasis tropisms (19).
We purchased MDA - MB - 231 (MB231) and MCF7 breast cancer cell lines from American Type Culture Collection.
To assess the ability of F3 - IgG to inhibit the proliferation of HER2 - overexpressing breast carcinoma cells, we measured the proliferation of BT474, MCF7 / HER2 and MCF7 breast cancer cell lines in the presence of trastuzumab, F3 - IgG, or an isotype - matched control antibody.
The omega - 3 metabolites also reduced the ability to move in the triple - negative breast cancer cell lines by 20 to 60 %.
(b) Quantitative comparison of E-cad - / CD44 + / CD24 - cell population and E-cad - / CD44 + / CD24 + cell population in cycling hypoxia - selected subpopulations (MDA - MB 231 F3 and BCM2 F3) and their parental breast cancer cell lines.
Both reviewers consider that since the functional studies were only tested in 2 basal and 2 luminal breast cancer cell lines, the sample set was too small, and testing additional cell lines for their dependency on MELK should further strengthen the authors conclusions.
The researchers have isolated the sesquiterpene lactone damsin from the plant and studied its effect on cancer stem cells in three different breast cancer cell lines.
One study examined the cytotoxic effects of different types of clove extract on breast cancer cell lines, including water - based, alcohol - based and essential oil extracts.
The functional data provided from a limited series of breast cancer cell lines does not allow generalizable conclusions to be drawn.
We have found that in the noninvasive breast cancer cell lines, P - TEFb released from the 7SK snRNP is mainly redistributed to the SEC.
AAV2 mediated cell killing of multiple breast cancer cell lines representing both low and high grades of cancer and targeted the cancer cells independent of hormone or growth factor classification.
It can efficiently introduce DNA into a cell to be incorporated into its genetic make - up, i.e. induce high gene expression level, especially in both human and mouse breast cancer cell lines, and mouse breast cancer model.
Overexpression of ZMYND11 in an osteosarcoma cell line and a triple - negative breast cancer cell line inhibited tumor growth.
In this new study, described Feb. 21 in Cell Reports, Semenza and his colleagues conducted gene expression analysis of multiple human breast cancer cell lines grown in the laboratory after exposure to chemotherapy drugs, like carboplatin, which stops tumor growth by damaging cancer cell DNA.
Using cutting - edge techniques enabled by next - generation sequencing, the authors generated complete methylome maps at single nucleotide resolution in a low - passage breast cancer cell line and normal breast tissue (primary human mammary epithelial cells).
Breast Cancer Cell Line Classification and Its Relevance with Breast Tumor Subtyping Xiaofeng Dai, Hongye Cheng, Zhonghu Bai, Jia Li Journal of Cancer 2017; 8:3131 - 3141
The human breast cancer cell line SKBR3 was purchased from the Duke University Cell Culture Facility and was maintained in McCoy's 5A medium (Life Technologies) supplemented with 10 % FBS (Life Technologies) and antibiotics.
Breast cancer cell lines contain functional cancer stem cells with metastatic capacity and a distinct molecular signature.
Importantly, each supernatant labeled MCF7 cells between one and two logs less than either of the HER2 - overexpressing breast cancer cell lines.
Consistent with the demonstration that LARP7 is necessary for the integrity of the 7SK snRNA (He et al., 2008), the reduced LARP7 expression in invasive breast cancer cell lines was accompanied by a decrease in 7SK snRNA (Figure 1D).
Notably, in mice bearing breast cancer cell line - derived tumors, administration of OTSSP167 significantly impaired the growth of basal breast tumors, or even caused tumor regression; by contrast, the growth of luminal tumors were largely unaffected by the treatment (Figure 7E, 7F).
(D) Western blotting (WB) analysis of the levels of LARP7, phospho - Ser2 (pSer2), total Pol II, CyclinT1, CDK9, and HEXIM1 in various breast cancer cell lines (upper panels) and Northern blotting (NB) analysis of 7SK snRNA levels (lower panels).
In our study, we found that exposing metastatic breast cancer cell lines to hypoxia and reoxygenation cycles induces a unique subpopulation that is highly metastatic and exhibits stem - like and EMT phenotypes.
Using breast cancer cell lines and genomic data from patient samples, molecular biologist Min Feng and her colleagues at the GIS adopted an integrated approach to search for genes whose deregulation may help explain the high metastatic potential of TNBC cells.
Using a qRT - PCR - based method, we found dramatic decreases of epithelial miRNAs (miR200c and miR205) in the F3 subpopulations compared with the parental breast cancer cell lines (Figure 6e).
We also agree that the sample set used in the study was small, and we have expanded it to include 6 basal and 5 luminal breast cancer cell lines.
Loss of ABL1 and ABL2 in the lung metastatic 4175 breast cancer cell line did not significantly reduce metastasis (fig.
LARP7 was expressed at relatively high levels in the untransformed mammary epithelial cell lines (MCF10A and EpH4) and noninvasive breast cancer cell lines (MCF7, BT474, T74D, and ZR75B), but was markedly reduced in all four invasive and metastatic cancer lines examined (MDA - MB - 468, BT549, MDA - MB - 231, and MDA - MB - 435; Figure 1D).
Cultures of the human triple negative breast cancer cell line, HCC1806, were maintained in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 10 % FBS.
These results provide the validity to the newly developed hypoxia / reoxygenation culture system for examining the regulation of CSCs in breast cancer cell lines by niche factors in the tumor microenvironment and developing differential targeting strategies to eradicate breast CSCs.
The effect of a novel antagonist of growth hormone releasing hormone on cell proliferation and on the key cell signaling pathways in nine different breast cancer cell lines.
Two metastatic human breast cancer cell lines (MDA - MB 231 and BCM2) were used to optimize the conditions of hypoxia and reoxygenation cycles.
With help from researchers at Duke University, they showed that the gene has a unique pattern of methylation in breast cancer cell lines that might one day help doctors spot the disease.
The researchers observed the effect of the synthetically produced molecule, JK - 31, on the growth and proliferation of a model human breast cancer cell line and found that it effectively blocked the protein cyclin - dependent kinase 1 (CDK1), which plays a key part in the process of the division of cancer cells, and therefore inhibited the proliferation of the cells.
To see whether cancer stem cell renewal involves a chain of events similar to that used by embryonic stem cells, and whether the process was affected by oxygen levels, Semenza and graduate student Chuanzhao Zhang focused their studies on two human breast cancer cell lines that responded to low oxygen by ramping up production of the protein ALKBH5, which removes methyl groups from mRNAs.
Banik cautions that neither of the contrast agents has yet been tested on animals injected with breast cancer cell lines, which he calls an important step to take.
Ana Soto, professor of cellular biology at Tufts University School of Medicine, and her colleagues were studying the effects of estrogen on a breast cancer cell line.
«Both the natural and the synthetic substances inhibit the growth and spread of cancer stem cells in breast cancer cell lines.
He is researching the functions and properties of human sulfotransferase (EST) enzymes in human breast cancer cell lines.

Phrases with «breast cancer cell lines»

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