Sentences with phrase «breast cancer stem cells»

Scientists have shown that an inflammatory process within the breast itself promotes growth of breast cancer stem cells.
It has been shown to target breast cancer stem cells, while leaving alone the good stem cells.
Breast cancer stem cells exist in two different states and each state plays a role in how cancer spreads, according to an international collaboration of researchers.
Broccoli Versus Breast Cancer Stem Cells documents the most important study of the lot, though, exploring the role phytonutrients in certain greens play in a new theory of cancer biology, cancer stem cells, which explains why breast cancer can relapse 25 years after you thought it went away.
In 2010, researchers from the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center published a study in the journal Clinical Cancer Research showing that sulforaphane had the ability to kill breast cancer stem cells in mice and in lab cultures, and it also prevented the growth of new tumor cells.
The sulforaphane in the broccoli sprouts, that kills breast cancer stem cells.
Sulforaphane, a dietary component of broccoli and broccoli sprouts, appears to inhibit breast cancer stem cells.
In the March 22 online issue of Cancer Research, scientists explained how they injected triple negative breast cancer stem cells from patients into mice.
Hypoxic effect on breast cancer stem cells in different cell types.
A new paper published online in the journal Cancer Research, «CCR5 governs DNA damage and breast cancer stem cell expansion,» describes the research, which shows that the co-receptor for HIV is found on a small population of cells within human breast cancers.
Now, they have discovered that an inhibitor of the epigenetic regulator KDM4 shows great promise in modulating breast cancer stem cell pathology.
«Breast cancer stem cells pose a serious problem for therapy,» says lead study investigator Gregg Semenza, M.D., Ph.D., the C. Michael Armstrong Professor of Medicine, director of the Vascular Biology Program at the Johns Hopkins Institute for Cell Engineering and a member of the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center.
Working with human breast cancer cells and mice, researchers at Johns Hopkins say they have identified a biochemical pathway that triggers the regrowth of breast cancer stem cells after chemotherapy.
«Scientists identify chain reaction that shields breast cancer stem cells from chemotherapy.»
«New breast cancer stem cell clues may help develop therapeutics.»
This team previously showed that IL6 can stimulate breast cancer stem cells in HER2 - positive breast cancers and they are designing a clinical trial which uses an IL6 blocker.
Breast cancer stem cells wear a cell surface protein that is part nametag and part bull's eye, identifying them as...
Review of «A distinct DNA methylation signature defines breast cancer stem cells and predicts cancer outcome» from Stem Cells by Stuart P. Atkinson
Thank you for sending your work entitled «miR - 142 regulates the tumorigenicity of human breast cancer stem cells through the canonical WNT signaling pathway» for consideration at eLife.
Although no studies have directly confirmed its effect on breast cancer stem cells thus far, the outlook is positive that one day the connection may be made considering its cytotoxic effect on breast cancer cells, in general, has already proven to be so high.
Another study has shown that a combination of curcumin and piperine (the compound that makes both black and white pepper hot) could eliminate breast cancer stem cells without damaging healthy tissue.
Minimal Risk = hormone, tumor size ≤ 2 cm, Grade I and age ≥ 35 medium risk = tumor size > 2 cm, Grade 2 - 3, Age < 35 or HER2 Professor Max Wicha — Breast cancer stem cell regulation -LSB-...]
If you're new to sulforaphane, check out my videos, Broccoli Versus Breast Cancer Stem Cells, and Sulforaphane: From Broccoli to Breast.
Sulforaphane, a dietary component of cruciferous vegetables, may inhibit breast cancer stem cells.
IL - 6 has pleiotropic roles during tumor progression and metastasis that include increased tumor cell survival, expansion of breast cancer stem cells, and resistance to targeted therapies (52).
In a test tube, the broccoli phytonutrient sulforaphane appears to target breast cancer stem cells.
Because when you take curcumin, for example, then that kills breast cancer stem cells, or broccoli sprouts.
If you're new to sulforaphane, check out my recent videos Broccoli Versus Breast Cancer Stem Cells and Sulforaphane: From Broccoli to Breast.
This is a breast cancer stem cell line 1 (BCSC1) from the newly established cell model.
The new research, suggesting that low - oxygen conditions spur growth through the same chain of biochemical events in both embryonic stem cells and breast cancer stem cells, could offer a path through that roadblock, the investigators say.
When the researchers manipulated the cell's genetics to increase levels of ALKBH5 without exposing them to low oxygen, they found this also decreased methylation of NANOG mRNA and increased the numbers of breast cancer stem cells.
In further work, a drug that blocks FAK reduced the formation of mammospheres, or clumps of breast cancer stem cells, showing FAK is important in cancer stem cell activity.
«We have shown that blocking the activity of FAK not only reduces the growth of breast cancer stem cells, but also improves sensitivity to radiotherapy.
Significantly, cells with reduced mtDNA became self - renewing and expressed specific cell surface markers characteristic of breast cancer stem cells.
Kruppel - like factor 4 (KLF4) is required for maintenance of breast cancer stem cells and for cell migration and invasion
Similar antitumor activity of mebendazole was found in gastric cancer, medulloblastoma, glioblastoma, leukemia and myeloma as well as in breast cancer stem cell - like cells [22 - 26].
WNT pathway inhibitor pyrvinium pamoate inhibits the self - renewal and metastasis of breast cancer stem cells.
Inducible formation of breast cancer stem cells and their dynamic equilibrium with non-stem cancer cells via IL6 secretion.
For why broccoli sprouts are so good for you, check out my videos Broccoli Versus Breast Cancer Stem Cells; Sulforaphane: From Broccoli to Breast; and The Best Detox.
For more context, check out my associated blog posts: Breast Cancer Stem Cells vs. Broccoli; Fighting Inflammation With Food Synergy; and Poultry Paunch: Meat & Weight Gain.
For more context, check out my associated blog posts: Breast Cancer Stem Cells vs. Broccoli; Eating Green to Prevent Cancer; The Anti-Wrinkle Diet; Mushrooms and Immunity; and Probiotics During Cold Season?.
For more context, check out my associated blog posts: Fighting Inflammation With Food Synergy; Antioxidants in a Pinch: Dried Herbs and Spices; Stool Size and Breast Cancer Risk; Breast Cancer Survival and Soy; Breast Cancer Stem Cells vs. Broccoli; The Best Detox; Treating PMS with Saffron; Eating Green to Prevent Cancer; and Are Microgreens Healthier?
See Kale and the Immune System; Smoking vs. Kale Juice; DNA Protection from Broccoli; Broccoli Versus Breast Cancer Stem Cells; and Sulforaphane: From Broccoli to Breast.
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