Sentences with phrase «breast milk substitutes»

In view of the vulnerability of babies in the early months of life and the risks involved in inappropriate feeding, the marketing of breast milk substitutes requires special treatment.
There was an important question on breast milk substitutes.
Almost all of the companies making these products, however, derive most of their profits from breast milk substitute products marketed to parents of healthy children, said the campaigners.
I will happily write with more details on that and on the issue of breast milk substitutes, since I am defeated by the clock.
Is unimpeded marketing for breast milk substitutes responsible for the decline in breastfeeding in the Philippines?
If you're feeling frustrated about your options and worried about baby's nutrition and bonding — read this article on breast milk substitutes as healthy alternatives to formula that can be decent options when breast milk is just not an option.
In a letter to the event's organiser, the Scottish Public Health Network, said: «In view of your decision, some would suggest error, in accepting sponsorship from a trans - national confectionery and breast milk substitute manufacturer, we will be recommending to colleagues that they should not attend or participate in your conference.»
A member of the CFB team sits on the FTSE4Good Expert Committee on Breast Milk Substitutes which met twice during the year.
Supplementation with breast milk substitutes when mom's own breast milk is not enough is in fact an important part of the treatment regimen of a hyperbilirubinemic newborn as enteric excretion is the primary mode of bilirubin elimination.
The cost of purchasing breast milk substitutes (infant formula), bottles, nipples, pacifiers and other infant feeding supplies, and
Delegates at the annual general meeting of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health in April voted in favour of a motion urging it to «decline any commercial transactions or any other kind of funding or support» from all companies that market and manufacture breast milk substitutes.1
I concluded that the current commercially - available formulas represent a significant advantage over previous breast milk substitutes, but that they should not have been as widely - adopted as they were during the middle of the 20th century.
An Expert Committee on Breast Milk Substitutes advises on the criteria and the inclusion or exclusion of companies and includes the Methodist Church CFB, despite it having a conflict of interest as an investor in Nestlé (note 1).
Increased global demand for imported breast milk substitutes (infant formula, follow - on formula and toddler milks) in Asia, particularly China, and food safety recalls have led to shortages of these products i...
Breastfeeding research continues to assess prevalence, HIV transmission, pharmacology, costs, benefits, immunology, contraindications, and comparisons to synthetic breast milk substitutes.
Misuse of breast milk substitutes poses health hazards, therefore, read and follow preparation and storage instructions carefully.
For infants who can not be breastfed for the recommended period of time, infant formula is the only suitable breast milk substitute recommended by the WHO.
Indeed, Nestlé is the first, and continues to be the only, infant formula company to meet FTSE4Good Breast Milk Substitutes Marketing criteria.
Two global strategies to address the issues of infant formula include the International Code of Marketing of Breast milk Substitutes proposed by WHO in 1981 [11] and the Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding [12, 13] which underpins the Baby - Friendly Hospital Initiative.
The IMS Act - known in full as the Indian Infant Milk Substitutes, Feeding Bottles and Infant Foods Act 1992 - prohibits the payment of health officials by those involved in the supply of breast milk substitutes such as infant formula.
A case in point is Indonesia, where relatively high rates of breastfeeding have been eroded by the donation of breast milk substitutes during natural disasters.
JACEI explained in its 2013 report to conference: «A member of the CFB team sits on the FTSE4Good Expert Committee on Breast Milk Substitutes which met twice during the year.
We believe that exclusive breastfeeding is the best way to feed a baby in the first six months of life and we therefore fully comply with the WHO Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes as implemented by national governments.
FTSE4Good undertook a verification exercise of Nestlé's performance on Breast Milk Substitute marketing in Laos and Morocco over the past year.
The paediatricians say that although the college has «progressively distanced» itself from such sponsorship, they warn that receiving any form of funding from manufacturers «will distort public and professional perceptions of the college stance on breast feeding as well as their advice on the appropriate clinical use of breast milk substitutes.
Besides a short list of medical conditions with which a breast milk substitute may be required, breast milk is always preferable to powdered milk.
Last autumn IBFAN published a report on the effects of breast milk substitutes on the environment, «Formula for Disaster.»
This proved to be very effective, because when a baby is fed with infant formula shortly after birth, milk production is not initiated adequately, resulting in dependency on a breast milk substitute.
One essential ingredient in breast feeding, which keeps babies happy and healthy, just can't be duplicated in even the most sophisticated of breast milk substitutes.
Unlike formula, which they still haven't passed a law for despite signing the innocenti declaration there is a law preventing the marketing of any food, except for «breast milk substitutes» to babies under 6 months of age.
Start solids at or after 6 months of age, with exclusive breastfeeding (or breast milk substitute) for the first six months.
The international code of marketing of breast milk substitutes is an international health policy framework to regulate the marketing of breast milk substitutes.
To meet the «Baby Friendly» standards, services must ensure that there is no promotion of breast milk substitutes, bottles, teats or dummies in any part of the facility or by any of the staff.
«Major recent earthquake disasters (Indonesia, Haiti) have shown how donations of breast milk substitute have displaced the breastfeeding culture and the use of the products was linked to the rapid increase of diarrhea cases in the evacuation centers.
Fourthly, I seek the Minister's advice on where the UK currently sits with regard to full implementation of the international code of marketing of breast milk substitutes, which was adopted by the World Health Assembly in 1981.
(You can look here for a FAQ about the WHO's International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes.)
This has independently verified Nestlé's performance in accordance with the FTSE4Good criteria for the marketing of breast milk substitutes.
to a baby's main source of nutrition, which is breast milk (or breast milk substitute).
«Neither of these products is designed to replace breastfeeding and neither of them is classed as a breast milk substitute
«The Conference shares with the [Oxford] Circuit the substantial concerns regarding the promotion of breast milk substitutes...»
The Expert Committee reviews adherence by companies to the WHO Code on Breast Milk Substitutes and FTSE criteria, conducts a verification process and makes recommendations to the FTSE Policy Committee.
Motion for debate: «In order for RCPCH as a professional body to avoid institutional conflicts of interest and thus maintain its reputation as an unbiased, independent educator and advocate for child health, the College should decline any commercial transactions or any other kind of funding or support from all companies that market products within the scope of the WHO Code on the marketing of breast milk substitutes
It may be another century before we fully know the consequences of feeding the population a breast milk substitute instead of the real thing.
International criticism of the unethical marketing practices by the infant formula industry led to the development of the World Health Organization's International Code of Marketing of Breast Milk Substitutes in 1981 and the subsequent relevant resolutions of the World Health Assembly.
He also stressed the importance of MSs being able to follow the International Code of Marketing of Breast milk substitutes and resolutions and their own health policies.
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