Sentences with phrase «breastfeeding confidence»

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One study found that learning hand expression during pregnancy increased mothers» confidence and readiness for breastfeeding.4 Another study found that it increased not only breastfeeding confidence, but also how long they breastfed.5 Experimenting slowly with hand expression to figure out what it takes to get drops of milk can be empowering, especially during pregnancy before there's any pressure to express milk for the baby.
Issues with latching on can interfere with breastfeeding, decrease breastfeeding confidence, and lead to early weaning.
There is strong evidence that fathers can influence the initiation and maintenance of breastfeeding [22, 23], contribute to maternal breastfeeding confidence [24 — 27], influence decisions regarding duration and weaning [28], and that without fathers» support mothers are more likely to breastfeed for a shorter duration [29, 30].
Breastfeeding Confidence has also been translated into other languages.
And if you are a new mother with your first baby, these comments can get your breastfeeding confidence a bit rattled.
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