Sentences with phrase «breastfeeding literature»

A lot of breastfeeding literature makes it sound like nursing a baby is a magical fairyland full of unicorns and rainbows and cute babies all day, but breastfeeding can be hard.
Dr. Miriam Labbok, Director of the Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and author of the Infant & Young Child Nutrition Project's latest review of breastfeeding literature, reflects on her findings.
Breastfeeding literature and well meaning friends or health professionals may advise to «make sure baby feeds long enough to get the hindmilk» (higher fat milk).
For some reason, the majority of studies in the breastfeeding literature don't do the right thing and statistically control for socio - economic status.
However, the breastfeeding literature states that this is crucial to complete healing.
So much of the breastfeeding literature makes it sounds like getting the baby to latch on properly is extremely difficult.
It's really annoying to read in a lot of breastfeeding literature that it's very uncommon to have bonafide low supply (i.e. supply issues that aren't due to some other issue with baby's latch or introducing formula etc.) when you have bonafide low supply.
Dr. Miriam Labbok, Director of the Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and author of the Infant & Young Child Nutrition Project's latest review of breastfeeding literature, reflects -LSB-...]
We knew almost right away that breastfeeding promotion was our common thread, and we quickly narrowed our focus to a group that isn't often mentioned in the breastfeeding literature: adolescent mothers.
Most family practitioners aren't going to go read all the breastfeeding literature for themselves — they're going to count on the AAFP to give them accurate information so that they can make the best recommendations for their patients.
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