Sentences with phrase «breastfeeding on another magazine cover»

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But all that most people saw when they looked at the magazine cover was a fully - clothed boy of about four or five years old standing on a chair to breastfeed.
On the cover of most motherhood - based magazines, chances are you're going to find a serene image of a new mom curled up over her bundle of joy, maybe covered in a blanket, maybe exposed, breastfeeding with a longing look of love and affection on her facOn the cover of most motherhood - based magazines, chances are you're going to find a serene image of a new mom curled up over her bundle of joy, maybe covered in a blanket, maybe exposed, breastfeeding with a longing look of love and affection on her facon her face.
And while it may be the breastfeeding toddler on the magazine's cover attracting the most attention at the moment, it is the definition of attachment parenting itself that most Americans don't quite seem to understand.
Too many people make breastfeeding sexual — no one squawks over the endless under dressed images of women our children see on t.v., videos, magazine covers, etc. but flip over a mother breastfeeding her child.
With breasts spilling out on every magazine cover it seems a bit ironic to target breastfeeding women, but that of course is the whole problem.
«As Ana points out in the updated interview in the magazine, right now this is about an image of an artist breastfeeding on the cover of a magazine, but moms face this every day when they try to feed their children in restaurants or on airplanes or in other public places — they are asked to go into seclusion to feed their kids.
Yahoo! posted the story Jamie Lynne Grumet Defends Her Time Magazine Breastfeeding Cover from an interview on?
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