Sentences with phrase «breastfeeding status»

Analysis included merely cases and controls for whom history regarding breastfeeding status was confirmed.
Of 2128 women who delivered a live infant, we excluded 45 children born at a gestational age of less than 34 weeks, 325 children who were missing breastfeeding status at age 6 months and breastfeeding duration at age 12 months, and 446 children who were missing cognitive measures at ages 3 and 7 years.
Bear in mind that many of these are side effects that could potentially affect anyone, regardless of breastfeeding status, but when nursing these problems may be more serious or harder for you to deal with.
Breastfeeding prevalence at a PHE centre level can not be published as they all fail to meet validation at stage 3 (known breastfeeding status for infants age 6 - 8 weeks is lower than the 95 % quality standard).
She used all of her vacation time to be with us and looking back on this time I can really see how her veteran Badass Breastfeeding status really played a role in my personal breastfeeding success.
Extensive data were collected on mothers» demographic characteristics, health history, including maternal history of asthma, prenatal and postnatal maternal psychological distress (anxiety, depression or stress), maternal social support (specifically the extent of partner / spouse support) and children's birth and health outcomes including breastfeeding status (at 3 months) from the APrON surveys completed at prenatal or postnatal clinic visits or sent in by mail.
«Results from between - family comparisons suggest that both breastfeeding status and duration are associated with beneficial long - term child outcomes.
Breastfeeding may alter your options so be sure to talk to them about your breastfeeding status.
Your plan will be personalized, based on your age, height, weight, physical activity level, and stage of pregnancy or breastfeeding status (pregnancy and breastfeeding options display upon providing your gender and age).
Your breastfeeding status is the biggest factor affecting when you'll get your period again because prolactin, the hormone responsible for breast - milk production, suppresses ovulation.
Meier PP, Furman LM, Degenhardt M. (2007) Research shows that, pre-term birth and cesarean birth negatively affect early (with - in 2 hours of birth) breastfeeding status.
Doula care, early breastfeeding outcomes, and breastfeeding status at 6 weeks postpartum among low - income primiparae
Thus, the lack of association found in that study can actually be an underestimation of an existing association that would have been discovered had breastfeeding status been recorded for a longer duration.
Also, the researchers used a larger sample size — comparing mucosal bacteria from 43 samples by age, breastfeeding status, disease, acuity and other parameters.
Covariates included identified risk factors for AD: maternal asthma, low maternal education, being a boy [59], breastfeeding status and birth weight [60]-RRB-.
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