Sentences with phrase «breastmilk substitute»

Despite compelling evidence that breastfeeding saves lives, protects health and cuts costs, marketing of breastmilk substitutes fuels a misconception that formula milk is almost as good as breastmilk.
To ensure that required breastmilk substitutes in emergency responses are purchased and distributed according to strict criteria.
For the third time running it has called on the government to fully implement marketing requirements for breastmilk substitutes.
But breastfeeding is the natural start and babies fed on breastmilk substitutes are more likely to become sick than breastfed babies.
A review of breastmilk substitute advertising to health professionals shows just how misleading this information can be.
A maternity facility can be designated «baby - friendly» when it does not accept free or low - cost breastmilk substitutes and has implemented 10 specific steps to support successful breastfeeding.
The benefits of breastfeeding and the differences between breastmilk and breastmilk substitutes need to be repeated to reinforce the message, educate new audiences, and sustain individual behavior change.
If breastmilk substitutes are required they must be purchased, distributed and used according to strict criteria.
These measures do not stop breastmilk substitutes from being sold and they do not stop parents who use formula being supported by health workers.
We demand transparency and better regulations for artificial breastmilk substitutes manufacturing for the babies that need it.
While breastmilk substitutes may not be impulse purchases in the same way as chocolate or alcohol, they are high - margin products.
Breastfeeding was a matter of survival for babies who were born before suitable breastmilk substitutes.
From a health perspective, it makes no sense to help mothers to feed their babies unnecessary and inadequate breastmilk substitutes.
Studies have shown that use of breastmilk substitutes increases health risks for both mothers and babies.
It is estimated that more than 4000 liters of water are needed to produce 1 kg of breastmilk substitute powder.
We seek to ensure that health professionals and parents only receive scientific, unbiased and factual information about breastmilk substitutes, rather than misleading and often confusing profit - driven marketing.
Baby Milk Action comment: the marketing requirements do not prevent breastmilk substitutes from being sold.
Ensure that nutrition and health claims for breastmilk substitutes are not permitted unless national /.
There is in fact VERY clear scientific evidence to demonstrate the significant superiority of breastmilk to artificial breastmilk substitutes.
The report also shows that Nestle provides misleading information to the public about breastfeeding, promotes foods that are not suitable as breastmilk substitutes as being so, and makes untrue claims about the health benefits of its products.
As explained above, the FTSE4Good breastmilk substitute criteria assess practices against company policies, not the WHO Code.
Baby Milk Action comment: at the outset Nestlé is limiting the issue to one of infant formula marketing — whereas concerns also relate to how it markets other breastmilk substitutes and baby foods as well.
Nestlé is marketing breastmilk substitutes with the claim that they «protect», whereas babies fed on them are more likely to become sick than breastfed babies and, in conditions of poverty, more likely to die.
The RLA Jury has honoured IBFAN «for its committed and effective campaigning over nearly twenty years for the rights of mothers to choose to breastfeed their babies, in the full knowledge of the health benefits of breastmilk, and free from the commercial pressure and misinformation with which companies promote breastmilk substitutes
As Nestlé boasts of its inclusion in the FTSE4Good Index, UNICEF Lao has explained why it refused to cooperate with FTSE when its visited the country to assess Nestlé under the flawed FTSE4Good Breastmilk Substitutes Criteria and has produced its own report showing violations, principally by Nestlé and Danone.
The global decline in breastfeeding and the subsequent ascent of «commerciogenic malnutrition» has been attributed in part to the aggressive marketing of breastmilk substitutes by the babymilk and babyfood industry1.
In its 2008 report the Committee stated that the marketing regulations are «inadequate and that aggressive promotion of breastmilk substitutes remains common».
5.1 There should be no advertising or other form of promotion to the general public of products within the scope of this Code (my note: these include breastmilk substitutes, including infant formula; other milk products; feeding bottles and teats).
Note: Nestlé breastmilk substitutes are not included on boycott product lists for the simple reason that there may be situations where these are the only products available for baby who is not breastfed and does not have access to breastmilk.
The Code regulates the marketing of breastmilk substitutes which includes infant formulas, follow - on formulas and any other food or drink, together with feeding bottles and teats, intended for babies and young children.
The Regional Capacity Building Workshop on Monitoring the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes New Delhi, India 14 — 16 November 2016
This shone much - needed light onto the ongoing shady activities of companies selling breastmilk substitutes.
Both called on the government to implement the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes when they issued their concluding observations in June 2016.
The website fails to mention the NIS 3.5 million it will receive from companies supplying breastmilk substitutes to those hospitals it directly supervises.
As you know Article 5.5 of the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes prohibits seeking: «direct or indirect contact of any kind with pregnant women or with mothers of infants and young children.»
If other bona fide breastmilk substitutes are available (or other treated family milks for babies over 12 months of age), there is no reason to choose a Nestlé brand over any other.
«we believe that the BMS [Breastmilk Substitute] Criteria set by FTSE4Good is a real step forward and that the learnings from the FTSE4Good BMS Criteria verification process should be used as a basis for the development of a widely accepted tool to monitor the practices of BMS manufacturers.
Nestlé is the target of a boycott over its aggressive marketing of breastmilk substitutes around the world.
Exciting news out of San Antonio as FIVE facilities in the Baptist Health System have officially terminated the use of the discharge breastmilk substitute (formula) bag given to new mothers!
Nestlé declares such products are not breastmilk substitutes in an attempt to justify ignoring the ban on advertising them.
Do not try to escape to the US - it is a horrible place where Nestle forces mothers to feed their children breastmilk substitutes.
HiPP infant formula provides the nutrients babies need to grow strong and healthy when they are not being breastfed, and is a nutritionally complete breastmilk substitute, suitable for birth.
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