Sentences with phrase «breath quickens»

You may notice that when you're distracted or rushing to complete a task, your pace of breath quickens, bringing in excess oxygen.
Since push - ups challenge multiple muscles at the same time, the heart has to work harder to pump blood and the breath quickens.
The year was 1972 and Stamper, a police lieutenant in San Diego at the time, recalls that his heart pounded, his breath quickened and his vision narrowed into a tunnel.

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Signs that your baby may have a serious infection include flaring her nostrils, excessively expanding her rib cage, tightening her abdominal muscles, grunting or wheezing (a high - pitched whistling sound) when breathing, quickened breathing (more than 60 breaths per minute), bluish lips or nails, and feeding problems.
When you're stressed, your breath often quickens, even if you're unaware of it happening.
Cortisol is a hormone that has the job of raising your heart rate, quickening your breath, and raising your blood sugars so that you are ready to act.
Your breath may quicken as you move more quickly through a sequence, evidence of cardiovascular challenge.
In those moments, notice how you can, through conscious engagement, invite ease and length into quickened breath, informing change.
Your eyes dilate, your breath becomes shallow, your blood pressure quickens, and your muscles bunch.
Near the end, the pacing quickens even more, causing pages to fly as we hold our breath in anticipation of the final outcome.
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