Sentences with phrase «breed discrimination at»

It's extremely helpful if veterinarians speak out against breed discrimination at public meetings or by contacting local government officials.

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The STAR Project is a 501 (c) 3 organization formed to bring change to the lives of animals who are at risk for unnecessary euthanasia, have suffered abuse and neglect, deemed special needs, rapidly deteriorating in the shelter, or facing breed discrimination.
He is passionate about supporting organizations that help animals most in need, including those at high - risk of euthanasia and animals impacted by medical needs, breed discrimination, behavioral problems, and other disadvantages.
Breed or conformation classes — to teach handlers the fine points of showing their dogs — begin at 6:15 p.m. Novice class starts at 8 p.m., and open and utility classes begin at 9 p.m. Advanced obedience work includes jumping hurdles, scent discrimination and retrieving.
There are a number of organizations that aim to combat breed discrimination, and while they are doing great work, change needs to happen at all levels, which is why one shelter in Florida has stepped up to the plate and removed all of its breed identification labels from kennel cards and their website.
In 2014, Protz - Sanders helped develop and launch Make Michigan Next, a coalition of advocates working to end breed discrimination in Michigan, and also served as the rally emcee at the state Capitol in September of that year.
Aside from dog - fighting, breed specific legislation (BSL) is a major contributor to discrimination against pit bulls and to their sad fate in shelters across the nation (their euthanasia is extremely high, hovering at a staggering 93 percent).
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