Sentences with phrase «breeding of animals»

We will accept requests for specific breed of animals.
Those interested in obtaining a particular breed of animal can take advantage of the new shelter's computerized selection service.
Please tell us in what way you were involved, and for what breeds of animals and your involvement.
What needed to be done was bring a whole new breed of animal into the insurance game.
The second is to prohibit breeding of animals where the introduction of human cells may create human egg or sperm.
The court found the defendant promoted the illegal breeding of animals for sale.
The only law I will call a «victory» is that, that bans ALL large scale breeding of any animal.
Most of the scholarships available are offered by companies with pet - related products or services and organizations with interests in specific breeds of animals.
And what about those locals, eh, what breed of animal are they?
Horse breeding is reproduction in horses, and particularly the human - directed process of selective breeding of animals, particularly purebred horses of a given breed.
«Zootopia» (March 4): Officers Judy Hopps, a rookie bunny voiced by Ginnifer Goodwin, and con - artist fox Nick Wilde, voiced by Jason Bateman, are on a mission to crack a case in the city of Zootopia, which is populated by different breeds of animals.
Brachycephalic means short - faced and it is selected for in certain breeds of animals, most notably dogs, cats and rabbits.
By fighting lifesaving shelter reform, PETA and other regressive animal organizations are effectively aiding and abetting the commercial breeding of animals.
«Our humanely raised, antibiotic - free animals enjoy life here, and we want our guests to visit and learn more about the origin of their food before they take it home,» says Carlson who raises some of the finest heritage breeds of animals including Devon cattle and purebred Ossabaw pigs.
While numbers are currently increasing in other parts of the world due to the increased demand for rare breeds of animals, the Pharaoh Hound still thrives in numbers on its native island of Malta.
«Most Californians agree that we need to put the brakes on the mass breeding of animals who end up in local shelters, costing taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars to care for and eventually euthanize,» said Sen. Cathleen Galgiani (D - Stockton).
Apparently, concerns have been raised over possible cross breeding of animals after one british critic said that the yak penis tasted like the dogs bo!!
They have absolutely no control over where they came from or if they will live or die and did NOTHING to deserve any of it, I understand over crowding in shelters is a huge issue but doesn \» t it make since that rather than pay BIG many for a specific breed of animal humans should pay that money to adopt an animal which would go to the shelters to either enlarge the facility or build more, paying for feeding and upkeep of this poor babies until they find a loving home.
There are millions of homeless doggies and it should be your first inclination to save a dog from otherwise unfavorable conditions than to support further capitalistic breeding of animals.
Those interested in profiting from the American cocker spaniel's popularity began careless, unsafe, and unethical breeding of these animals.
We live in a world of indiscriminate breeding of animals just to achieve something to make a buck.
While some thefts occur because the thief is seeking out a particular breed of animal without wanting to pay the hefty price tag that comes along with it, like stealing an expensive handbag or piece of jewelry, others occur for more malicious reasons.
(a) Uncontrolled and irresponsible breeding of animals contributes to pet overpopulation, inhumane treatment of animals, mass euthanasia at local shelters, and escalating costs for animal care and control; this irresponsible breeding also contributes to the production of defective animals that present a public safety risk.
Humane Canada is opposed to the selective breeding of animals that produce changes in bodily form and / or function that are detrimental to their health or quality of life.
While commercial pet food manufacturers compensate for variations in basal ingredients by adding vitamin and mineral supplements, it is difficult to determine optimum levels for so many different breeds of animals having varying genetic backgrounds and metabolic needs.
Dogs are now trained to be able to detect different currencies, discernable by the inks and the papers used as well as certain breeds of animal that may be subject to illegal importation.
In the final analysis, it is HSUS, the ASPCA, and PETA which benefit puppy and kitten mills and the commercial breeding of animals, not No Kill advocates who refuse to subscribe to the lie of pet overpopulation which enables systematic killing.
Unless you have the patience, willingness, and love for a particular breed of animal, a pedigreed pet will only put your pocket in a pinch.
Hugo is a rare breed of animal that defies classification, no matter how bear - like he may look.
If you are attracted to a specific breed of animal, seek out people who own that type of pet and ask questions about care requirements, personality traits, etc..
The agency will continue its ban on funding research that would include breeding of animals that could make human eggs or sperm.
We'll teach you how to understand ordering a whole animal, our suggestions for finding a farmer, a breed of animal, the cuts you'll need to order and how to cook any parts (including offal, bones and fat) that the deliciousness of a pastured pig provides.
While we might still question the need for this breed of animal, we do think it worthy of mention.
It is not logical to allow people to continue to profit from the breeding of animals when they do not contribute to the financial, emotional and ethical burden that results from overpopulation.
I believe we have to change the cultures of regions, break the cycle of irresponsible ownership, have a long - term plan for the hard to adopt animals that gives them a quality of life and definitely getting those numbers down dramatically in the breeding of animals.
This breed of animal requires a great deal of care.
Dog owners should take the time to brush their pets regularly, but each coat will vary based on the breed of the animal.
On the physical exam, signs that osteoarthritis is present are limping, reduced range of motion in the joint and thickened joint which can be felt by moving hands over the joint and comparing its size to the contralateral limb or what can be deduced as normal based on the size and breed of the animal.
If you rent your residence, you must provide a letter from your landlord at time of application that gives permission to foster and states any limitations regarding type, size or breed of animal.
Something else to consider is the breeding of the animal.
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